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Old 4 Days Ago   #1
Simo Häyhä
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Default Arudou Debito - Exposing the kike double standard

David Christopher Schofill, jewpanized into Arudou Debito, seems to keep shouting into deaf ears about discrimination and "racism". He keeps a blog about it and, if I'm not mistaken, has even written a book about just that.

Why, then, haven't you heard about him being promoted as a "freedom fighter", a "light unto nations", a "bigotry/hate fighter" and other assorted kosher terms?

Simple: because what he does is unkosher. He exposes non-white racialism.

In Jewpan there are many, easily hundreds, of establishments which do not allow foreigners in. Foreigners are also required to carry with them, at all times, a "Gaijin card" (btw, "Gaijin" = "Goy(im)" [no plural, so it doesn't make a difference, courtesy of the deeply-grammatically-structured jewpanese language]), which identifies them as legal foreigners in Jewpan. They are also portrayed unfavorably in the general media.

All the while (Jewpan) being a signatory of ICERD.

Oh, and did I mention that the country's foreign population is ~2%?! Yep, 2 fucking percent. Bear in mind, at least half of this 2% is comprised of fellow mongoloids; so even if they are foreigners, they are still of the same race. So that leaves Jewpan with ~1% of a foreign, meaning racially, culturally and nationally, population.

Now ask yourself: How does a First World country, aligned with the West, *somehow* manages to escape from turd world mass immigration?

The answer? Why, , awf coiss!

Imagine for a second what would happen if what is shown here took place in Europe, or Australia, or any other White country.

The "Oy Vey"'s, from the media, the anti-"racists" (who, for *some* reason only see white "racism") and the kikes themselves would last for days on end.

But I bet that, if I hadn't just written this thread, you would have never heard about Arudou Debito. In fact, this has been said about him:

Arudou has been described as the “Outraged Man” by the Washington Post, as a “relentless social pot-stirrer” by the The International Herald Tribune/Asahi Shimbun, as a "troublemaker in a country that values wa, group harmony, above all else" by National Public Radio, and as a “loudmouth with an Internet connection” by himself. His tactics, methods and pronouncements, which have sometimes been labeled in the mainstream media as "brash and abrasive in any language," “flamboyant”, “contentious,” “notorious,” “aggressive,” “controversial,” and “combative,” have provoked public criticisms from Japan residents and Western expatriates alike, including bloggers, columnists, book authors on Japan, and even his former wife.
Arudou_Debito Arudou_Debito

The underlined part would NEVER, EVER be written in the kike media regarding a shitskin battling "racism" in a white country. The fact of the matter is actually quite simple: Non-white countries are allowed to remain non-white. White countries, on the other hand...

Have you gotten it yet?!
"Let's not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states."- General Wesley Clark

Riddle me this, though: *WHY* must this transformation take place, in White countries, and only in these countries? *WHY* is this transformation being promoted as utterly essential and even morally correct, while Jewpan, among many other non-white countries, is allowed free reign to discriminate against foreigners with very little to no reprisals whatsoever?

Of course, this is a rhetorical question; but if it had an answer it would be: Plain and simple.

I've said my piece. Here is some complementary material on AD, along with his excellent blog.

(^ Imagine this implemented in Europe)

(Take a look at the comments on the videos. Again, no one would EVER say such things about a shitskin "rights activist" in Europe, EVER).
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Last edited by Simo Häyhä; 4 Days Ago at 09:34 PM.
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Old 3 Days Ago   #2
Hugo Böse
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Originally Posted by Simo Häyhä View Post
(Take a look at the comments on the videos. Again, no one would EVER say such things about a shitskin "rights activist" in Europe, EVER).
lol Fuck arudou bebito..stink rat face demon...

arudou is not japanese not white not human. it Kike chimp!! Goooooooooooo!! gas chamber!!!!
MaidPocket 3 months ago 4
Good stuff. Simo, why do you call it "jewpan"?
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Last edited by Hugo Böse; 1 Day Ago at 05:33 PM.
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Old 2 Days Ago   #3
Simo Häyhä
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Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
Good stuff. Simo, why do you call it "jewpan"?
Because, to put it simply, japs - or "jewps", as I sometimes call them - are the kikes of E. Asia.

Let me provide you with a few examples.

6) Shock/Horror on Japanese TV show, where Japanese under new Arizona laws could be treated as foreigners, with ID checks! Kibishii!?

In line with the current theme of the GOJ targeting NJ, here’s some idea of just how ignorant Japanese are of what happens to foreigners in Japan, e.g., Gaijin Card Checks. This is an excerpt of a variety show called “Manaberu News” (date unknown, sometime in 2010) discussing new laws to catch illegal aliens in Arizona (permanent carrying of ID and criminal penalties if caught not doing so) signed into law in April 2010, which critics have argued increases the probability of racial profiling and wanton detention of suspects. The show mentions the requirement for foreigners in Arizona to carry ID 24/7, and how they could be arrested for not doing so. We get gasps all around at how “kibishii” this is.

COMMENT: I find this amusing, less because the ditzy Japanese panelists don’t seem to realize that once outside of Japan THEY become foreigners, more because nobody there seems to realize (or, for the purposes of balance in this admittedly short segment, have it pointed out) that this practice of random search with criminal penalties is already standard procedure in Japan. NJ have been profiled this way for at least two generations now, regardless of whether or not they’re tourists!

No shock/horror here except for the ignorance. Most people I’ve ever talked to in Japan (save for bureaucrats and employers of NJ) even know that there’s a Gaijin Card system in existence for tracking and targeting foreigners, not to mention a separate regime for registering (or not registering, as in Juuminhyou) them.

Lack of public awareness of this issue is part of the problem, and it enables the Japanese police, as we have seen on, to feel like they can take liberties with their law enforcement as soon as a foreigner is involved. “Do unto others…” should also entail that regular Japanese folk consider what might happen to them if THEY were foreigners (but as this show demonstrates, for many that is simply pin to konai).
From this article.

Japs treat foreigners like shit in their country (nothing really wrong with that), but then demand that they be treated with the utmost respect when *they* become foreigners (although, to be fair, the article does say that most japs aren't aware of the existence of "Gaijin" cards).

Whom (sic?) does that behavior remind you of?

And have you ever heard of this guy?

Fujimori was guilty of massacres committed in Peru, but as soon as he felt the heat on his back he flew back to Jewpan. And when it was demanded that he be extradited to face his trials Jewpan refused to abide! If it wasn't for his trip to Chile he'd most likely never be apprehended.

Again, whom does that behavior remind you of?

And that is but the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see what the jewpanese are capable of, then look no further:

(Little nice tidbit here: "American business man and Nazi Party member, John Rabe, who worked for Siemens in Nanking, became a hero to the Chinese when he established a seven square mile Safety Zone in the western side of the city to help protect civilians from the rampaging Japanese. Showing his Swastika armband and huge Nazi flags that adorned important buildings, the Japanese troops were reluctant to enter the zone. Known as the 'Good Nazi' he is reported to have saved the lives of over 200,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers. John Rabe died of a stroke in 1950 in Germany." I wonder why they never made a film about him...)

Mind you, those are just a few examples.

And, as the article above says, by the way, the jewpanese keep on constantly, consistently and fervently denying that this ever took place, or at least took place the way it is described.

From the above article:
Despite overwhelming evidence of Japanese WWII crimes against humanity, modern Japanese politicians, academics, and newspapers, continue to deny and to rewrite history, innocuously referring to these atrocities as the "Nanjing Incident," or"the entrance into China."
Once again: whom does that behavior remind you of?

The "J" in "TJB" doesn't necessarily stand only for "Jew", if you catch my drift.

You might be asking yourself, though, "what about the fact they were allies with Germany?". To which I would point you out to this.

Nice "allies", eh?

All in all, japs are kikey fucks who don't deserve the crumbs that fall off a Tchandala's table.
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Old 2 Days Ago   #4
Yevgeny Morozov
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This is an amazing thread, thank you very much. I'm also familiar with Debito and his works. He may not be one of ours, having miscegenated and having (initially?) committed himself to an existence amidst an alien nation. But, you got to appreciate his consistency and how he shows the world --- indeed, as you wrote --- the double standards that exist. Those infernal, Jew, double standards.

It's amazing how a colloquially 'western' and 'first world' country like Japan --- according to CIA World Factbook, with only approximately 2% of its population being "non-Japanese" and the majority of that roughly 2% is of racially similar mongoloid extraction (quite a different situation from that in traditionally White countries) --- is somehow 'exempt' from turd world mass-immigration and kike propaganda. Debito and the way he's treated in Japan is living proof that nobody cares about "multi-culturalism" and "diversity," as it's solely intended to exterminate Whites.

Another great thing is that Debito provides us a very interesting reference. Anyone could bring this up, even in the most 'liberal' annex communist milieu and not fear for being marauded for being a "White supremacist," "neo-nazi," "naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews" and the usual charges. In fact, in such a debate you would position yourself in the role of the anti-racist and you would simultaneously cause confusion and people to start thinking about this.

Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
Good stuff. Simo, why do you call it "jewpan"?
Have you read any of the above?

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Old 2 Days Ago   #5
Soldatul Vostru
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Great thread Simo. I've nothing really to add at this time, other than to say that I've spread this info far and wide.
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Old 2 Days Ago   #6
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I think it’s a very good thing that the Japanese are resisting mass invasion, the case of Japan provides us a good counter argument to the lies propagated by the likes of internationalists and multicults.

Personally I like Japan and its people and would be saddened if they started to commit national hara-kiri, and I sure as hell don’t want the international kikes and hate filled liberals to enjoy another victory.
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Old 2 Days Ago   #7
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Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
I think it’s a very good thing that the Japanese are resisting mass invasion, the case of Japan provides us a good counter argument to the lies propagated by the likes of internationalists and multicults.
Personally I like Japan and its people and would be saddened if they started to commit national hara-kiri, and I sure as hell don’t want the international kikes and hate filled liberals to enjoy another victory.
Again, have you read any of the above?!

It's not about nations resisting mass-invasion, it's about the double standard for crying out loud. Don't you also realize how many Japs there are outside of Japan? (To further emphasize one of the many aspects of this double standard.) If your pseudonym is any suggestion of possible German ancestry, what about this: How often do you hear the kikes going on and on and on about Jap war crimes?

Again, I urge you to read the above and look around on Debito's site. A common problems on forums like these, which are driven for a large part by commentaries on publications, is that many people don't even take the time to actually --- or, let alone, thoroughly --- read anything.

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Old 2 Days Ago   #8
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Originally Posted by Simo Häyhä View Post
Now ask yourself: How does a First World country, aligned with the West, *somehow* manages to escape from turd world mass immigration?
The Japanese are known to be more cohesive than whites, and they aren't under the influence of a jewish death cult, which likely makes a huge difference.
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Old 2 Days Ago   #9
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Originally Posted by Yevgeny Morozov View Post
Again, have you read any of the above?!
I read the post but I didn´t follow the links or watch the videos´.
How often do you hear the kikes going on and on and on about Jap war crimes?
Japanese didn’t have many hook nosed darlings in their sphere of influence, they also had a massive war crime committed against them when the Kwa dropped (tested) two nukes on them (primarily to intimidate the communists).
Again, I urge you to read the above and look around on Debito's site. A common problems on forums like these, which are driven for a large part by commentaries on publications, is that many people don't even take the time to actually --- or, let alone, thoroughly --- read anything.
He appears to be a lefty multicult promoting trouble maker.

As far as the double standard goes, here´s something from his site.

As many of you know (or will soon find out), Japan has become only the second country in the world to institute biometric data collection for all non-citizens. Modeled upon the US-VISIT Program, Japan’s mutation is even more extreme, as it fingerprints and photographs even Permanent Residents (while those who get the US Green Card are exempt after one session) every time they reenter Japan. And most ports of entry will treat all foreigners as tourists, regardless of Japan residency (including long, demeaning lines at Immigration separated from your Japanese families).
America doesn’t treat visitors from good countries very well either, one hears that even the commie Chinese border experience is better than the Kwan one. I´ve read that many Europeans choose not to visit the Kwa because of the KGB like border experience.
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Last edited by Hugo Böse; 2 Days Ago at 06:44 AM.
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Old 1 Day Ago   #10
Simo Häyhä
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Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
The Japanese are known to be more cohesive than whites, and they aren't under the influence of a jewish death cult, which likely makes a huge difference.
C'mon, you can't be serious!

"More cohesive than whites"?! Have you ever looked into the gibberish they call their language? It's shit! There's practically no grammar, no plurals (yeah, a language with no plurals, if you can believe that ) and it's about as flexible as a steel bar.

Compare jewpanese to any Indo-European language. They can't be more cohesive than whites even on the most basic level of cohesion.

Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
I read the post but I didn´t follow the links or watch the videos´.
I strongly suggest you do.

Japanese didn’t have many hook nosed darlings in their sphere of influence
That would be redundant.

they also had a massive war crime committed against them when the Kwa dropped (tested) two nukes on them (primarily to intimidate the communists).
I'm not excusing or defending Amexikenya, but the jewps had it coming to them after committing so many atrocities themselves.

He appears to be a lefty multicult promoting trouble maker.
You're not really wrong here; in fact, I kind of agree. I don't like his methods. He acts like a pushy shitskin in a white country who demands changes in a country that's not his left and right. But that's not the question. The question is how he exposes the anti-white double standard.

America doesn’t treat visitors from good countries very well either, one hears that even the commie Chinese border experience is better than the Kwan one. I´ve read that many Europeans choose not to visit the Kwa because of the KGB like border experience.
It's one thing to treat people badly at airports, but it's quite another when there are signs like this one all over your country:

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Old 1 Day Ago   #11
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Oh, yeah this guy. I remember reading about him a few years ago being shrill and obnoxious about Japanese only bath houses, and thinking, "What a total cunt."

Yeah, I know all about this double standard, but this Debito guy isn't interested in exposing that so much as he's interested in actually, fundamentally changing the Japanese culture. He wants to bring the American, "anything goes", way of life to Japan, and he can't, for the life of him, understand why so many Japanese reject it. Typical liberal selective obtuse-ness. Liberals do their best to NOT understand why other people might have reservations towards their world view.

This guy is as much of a pain in the ass as any mud who goes to a white nation and starts demanding change. He's akin to those fucking Lebs and Abbos in AUS who won't shut up about not being cast in The Hobbit. Same shit.

What's funny to watch though is when the jewish / liberal worldview starts to cannibalize it's self. What will the future bring with the Chinese incursion into Africa? Who will we be told to cheer for? Will blacks finally be unseated from their pedestal of eternal victimhood? If jews find a way to make money off the Chinese, will they turn on their pet blacks?

The coming decades will see jews and their multicult agenda transformed into little more than a global busboy, cleaning up spills and managing messes, as the world's non white population erupts into near constant conflict. Mean 'ol whitey can just sit back; watch and laugh!
Hell really is other people.
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Old 1 Day Ago   #12
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Originally Posted by Simo Häyhä View Post
Riddle me this, though: *WHY* must this transformation take place, in White countries, and only in these countries? *WHY* is this transformation being promoted as utterly essential and even morally correct, while Jewpan, among many other non-white countries, is allowed free reign to discriminate against foreigners with very little to no reprisals whatsoever?
It could be that the kike simply doesn’t have the ability to make the Japanese do everything he wants them to, it´s likely that the Japanese due to their different culture and history simply don’t respond to kike influence as well as Whites do.

Also, Japan isn't the only country that´s resisting jew perverted liberalism, most nonwhite countries in one way or another thumb their noses at the internationalist faggots, Saudi Arabia for example is extremely politically incorrect in almost every way. Mexico has very restrictive immigration policies towards its poorer neighbors, Hong Kong doesn’t give it´s Flip maids citizenship and the right to bring their families, neither does Dubai, and in pissrael there is talk about deporting all nigger refugees.
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Last edited by Hugo Böse; 1 Day Ago at 06:27 AM.
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Old 13 Hours Ago   #13
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Originally Posted by Fenria View Post
Yeah, I know all about this double standard, but this Debito guy isn't interested in exposing that so much as he's interested in actually, fundamentally changing the Japanese culture. He wants to bring the American, "anything goes", way of life to Japan, and he can't, for the life of him, understand why so many Japanese reject it. Typical liberal selective obtuse-ness. Liberals do their best to NOT understand why other people might have reservations towards their world view.
I agree. I have said that I really don't approve of his methods. However, his methods aside, he is doing a good job of exposing the anti-white global double standard, albeit most probably unwittingly.

Originally Posted by Hugo Böse View Post
It could be that the kike simply doesn’t have the ability to make the Japanese do everything he wants them to, it´s likely that the Japanese due to their different culture and history simply don’t respond to kike influence as well as Whites do.
The fallacy here is that you speak as if Jewpan was under kike influence - which it isn't. At all. Or at least nowhere near the level as in the West.

I think that maybe you're missing the point here, mate; it is clear, very clear, that kikes have no interest in committing genocide against the jewpanese, mongoloids or pretty much any other non-whites (except Arabs). The only race in the world that has had an interest in its destruction quite blatantly shown is ours.
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