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Happy House – Good Choices has founded and sponsored the Movies With A Message™ Contest encouraging youth and their families to make meaningful, life-affirming messages by making digital films.

This year, Happy House – Good Choices teamed up with the  International Family Film Festival to present the Finalists and Winners resulting from this new and exciting contest.  

Join the IFFF and it’s IFFF Youth Fest! to view new films, engage in interactive workshops led by some of the most gifted and talented Hollywood film professionals, and meet other filmmakers that are inspired to make a difference with the art they create.  It’s fun, and a great way to meet and make new friends.  Reserve your tickets today!

Saturday, March 19th, 2011 at Raleigh Studios, Hollywood

IFFF Youth Fest! Screenings:        4 - 5:30 pm
HH-MWM Screenings:            5 – 5:30 pm
Q. & A. for all screenings:            5:30 – 6 pm
Reception & Awards Presentation:      6 – 7:00 pm

The Finalists are:

Best use of Filmmaking Skills

Hannah Chou, Caitlyn Courtney
“Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”
Best Friends forgive and share with each other.

Hannah Chou, Caitlyn Courtney, Emily Chou
“Reckless words said to each other pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”  (Proverbs 12:18)  

Most Imaginative Film

In a dream sequence after drinking and snorting cocaine, the world becomes unreal.  Ronnie learns his lesson and never does drugs or alcohol again.
Cast & Crew:  2010 Summer Camp at John Anson Ford Theater, sponsored by LAUSD Office of Migrant Education Program.  

Frances Noland
Frances likes to run and dance down the block until the ‘bullies’ chase her and threaten to hurt her.  “Bullies” never win!!

Best Representation of Theme

LOVE THY SELF  (Theme - Take Care of Yourself)
Sophia DiPaola
The mother of 3 children discovers that she has cancer, and she finds comfort in her friend to be able to cope and tell her children.  Take Care of Yourself

PYRAMID  (Theme - Try Not to Do Things to Others, That You Would Not Like Them to Do to You)
Elani Cassero, Kunga Yangzon
If someone starts to bully you, do not respond with violence.


Immediately following these film screenings, a reception/awards presentation will begin at 6 pm on the Raleigh Studios Lot near the screening theater.  Movies With A Message awards will be presented at 6:15 pm.  Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson), the sponsor of the contest will be on hand to personally award the contest winners and applaud the accomplishments of these young filmmakers.  

Tickets* to this event and all IFFF Youth Fest! screenings may be purchased online (Be sure to look under the 3/19/2011 for Ticket Listings!!) or by contacting the festival office at 818.230.2572.  

*Note:  Your $5 ticket purchase includes the Movies With A Message films AND all IFFF Youth Fest! film screenings (films begin at 4 pm).  
A $15 purchase includes ALL youth films and the IFFF Youth Fest!/Movies With A Message Reception immediately following the screenings.  

Please join us in recognizing the promising efforts of our future filmmakers!