Wednesday, May 09, 2012
A Building located in the "Elm Street" Five Points-East End Neighborhood recently underwent rehabilitation aided in part by a Residential Reimbursement grant from Downtown Lewistown, Inc.

A brick residential structure located at 119 East Third Street, owned by Eftyhia Arseniu, saw rehabilitation of decorative facade details including upper dormer windows, cornice, shutters, windows and porch elements including reconstruction of a missing porch baluster. The project also entailed sidewalk work in conjunction with drainage improvements. Downtown Lewistown, Inc. provided a $4,258.00 matching reimbursement for the comprehensive building preservation project.

Downtown Lewistown, Inc. supported this project with a reimbursement matched with equal investment from the property owner. The project was made possible in part by a $50,000 allocation from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) and support from the Board of Directors of DLI.

A Committee of interested and involved community leaders initially reviewed the project in terms of the level of rehabilitation, and bringing substandard building conditions into compliance with basic health, safety, and building codes. This recommendation was then forwarded to the Downtown Lewistown, Inc. Board of Directors for their concurrence and approval.

Additionally, exterior inspections of the properties are conducted by the Code Enforcement Officer and Neighborhood Coordinator prior to and at the conclusion of the project. Once the project is complete, the exterior of the properties must meet current codes as stipulated by the International Property Maintenance Code for Existing Buildings. A maintenance agreement is also required for applicants ensuring compliance with property maintenance and retention of the improvements proscribed by the Program. These reimbursement grants are intended to utilize a minimal amount of public funding to leverage significant, long lasting, visible, and appropriate improvement to residential properties in the Neighborhood.

Downtown Lewistown, Inc. is a charitable non-profit 501c(3) organization funded in part by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, DCED with support from the Borough of Lewistown, MCIDC, and local business, industry and private property owners. For more information regarding investment opportunities in Downtown Lewistown, call Jim Zubler, Executive Director at the Downtown Lewistown, Inc. office, in the Historic Courthouse on the Square, phone 248-9606, e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Downtown Lewistown

dlilogo_resizedThe Charter Plan for Downtown Lewistown, adopted in spring of 2000, represents a collaborative comprehensive community strategy for guiding investment and leveraging resources to revitalize and develop the urban core.

Patterned after the successful Main Street strategy, the revitalization effort seeks to build upon the assets of Downtown; neighborhoods, architecture, town square, natural setting and unique siting on the Juniata River combined with the creative talent and energies of its citizens to mold the future for the area.

Embodied in the development effort is a spirit of partnership of community leaders, governmental representatives, private property owners and residents to proactively strengthen the Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods while enhancing the appeal and competitive vitality of the entire community.

We invite your comments and suggestions to improve the Downtown and Five Points/East End Neighborhood in concert with initiatives to shape the region as a whole.

Downtown Lewistown, Inc. is a charitable non-profit 501©(3) organization funded in part by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development with support from the Borough of Lewistown, Mifflin County Industrial Development Corporation, and local business, industry and private property owners.

Five Points

fivepoints_resizedThe continued step in the revitalization of the Five Points/East End Neighborhood is the implementation of the Strategic Plan. With the receipt of a contract for $250,000 in Residential Reinvestment assistance from the PA Department of Community & Economic Development, work is beginning to distribute applications to home and property owners in the Neighborhood, initial design work for the Five Points corner, and ramped up Committee activities in the area.

These Committees meet to discuss details related to design, safety, improvement of the image of the area, and the economic betterment of residents and businesses in the neighborhood. Call 248-9606 for information on how you may help in this effort.

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