Award for Achievement in Animation film
Gatumia Gatumia Director: Domestic Disturbance Kenya
Award for Achievement in documentary film - short length
George Amponsah Director: Boda Boda Ghana / UK
Award for Achievement in documentary film - feature length
Gilbert Ndahayo Director: Rwanda-Beyond the Deadly Pit Rwanda
Honorable Mention for achievement in documentary film - feature length
Michael Wanguhu Director: Ni Wakati / Its Time Kenya
Award for Achievement in narrative film - short length
John Riber Director: Chumo / Bride Price Tanzania
Honorable Mention for achievement in narrative film - short length
Zipporah Nyaruri Director: Zebu and the Photo Fish Kenya
Award for Achievement in narrative film - feature length
Djo Tunda Wa Munga Director: Viva Riva Democratic Republic of Congo
Honorable Mention for Achievement in narrative film - feature length
Shemu Joyah Director: Seasons of a Life Malawi
Emerging Filmmaker Award: Presented to a filmmaker of African origin, in recognition of the filmmaker's excellence in the art of film and as one of Africa’s rising stars of filmmaking.
Winner: Ekwa Msangi-Omari Director: Taharuki / Suspense Producer: Weakness Tanzania / Kenya
Africa Reel Award: This is the festival's highest award and is presented to a filmmaker of African origin whose body of work represents excellence in the art of film but more importantly a filmmaker who has through such body of work shown a dogged commitment to uplifting the Spirit of Africa.
Winner: Zola Maseko Director, Writer, Producer South Africa