Developmental Spectrums, located in Pleasanton, California, is an integrative medical clinic devoted to the medical treatment of certain brain disorders in children, especially Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). The Autism Spectrum includes Autism, PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), Asperger's, and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Beyond Autism Spectrum Disorders, the biomedical protocols at Developmental Spectrums can be a useful complementary treatment for other medical problems such as Lyme Disease. Children with learning disabilities, behavior or language problems, as well as sensory issues such as sensory integration dysfunction, may also benefit from these same interventions. We strive to help children and adults to recover from these problems to the fullest extent possible. |
Developmental Spectrums, founded by Dr. Lynne Mielke after her own son became affected by Autism, offers the broadest array of state-of-the-art biomedical treatment options available in the Bay Area. These treatments are based on the latest medical research from the national Defeat Autism Now! conferences among others, held twice yearly. This information is relatively new, and unfortunately is still largely unknown by the general medical community. Every treatment that we do is derived from sound, research-based medicine. A continuously increasing body of clinical evidence and published research supports the safety and efficacy of these treatments. |
For a child diagnosed as being anywhere on the autism spectrum disorders, a proper individualized treatment program is crucial to helping that child recover as much as possible. Toward that end, Dr. Mielke conducts a complete history and physical examination, and orders specialized tests of blood, urine, stool, and sometimes hair, to assess where each individual child has underlying medical issues. When the documented medical problems are treated, the child’s neurologic and psychiatric symptoms invariably improve – after all, the health of the brain is directly related to the health of the rest of the body. Many parents of children on the spectrum are under the false impression that their child is healthy, because they may not get sick too often, or they may have some routine lab tests that have been normal. What many parents and even most doctors are not aware of, is that children on the autism spectrum disorders have many well-defined medical problems that are almost universal. But one must know where to look to find those problems. Most of the lab tests we do at Developmental Spectrums are not even run in the Bay Area – some our samples are shipped out to specialized labs around the country. Not only are most of these ASD kids medically ill, in some cases they are actually in pain - - and unable to communicate it. |
Many of the worst behavioral problems that children on the spectrum can exhibit come from untreated gastrointestinal problems, and even abnormal hormone levels. When these medical problems are ignored, the child’s behavioral and educational interventions will not be as effective as they could be. It just makes sense. If you are sick, biochemically unbalanced, toxic, suffering from food and other allergies, and nutritionally deficient, you will not learn or behave as well. |
Treatment at Developmental Spectrums can be divided roughly into two phases:
The first phase consists of medical testing and treatments aimed at health enhancement, such as nutritional intervention (diet and supplements), gut-healing protocols, immune support, and treatment of underlying sub-clinical viral infections, among other things. |
When the child is medically stabilized, the second phase of treatment begins, and may include various forms of detoxification, to rid the body of poisons that are causing direct tissue damage of the brain and gut especially, often causing secondary autoimmune attack of these tissues, and creating havoc in many critical biochemical pathways. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often employed to enhance oxygenation and healing in the damaged tissues and to enhance detoxification. Our clinic takes a “holistic” medical approach, based on Defeat Autism Now! protocols, to evaluating and treating Autism Spectrum Disorders. Only rarely do we need to use psychiatric medications to control symptoms in these children, because we have found that when we treat the child’s underlying medical problems, the symptoms often improve so much that they don’t need medication anymore, or may require a much lower dose. |
Please review this website thoroughly to learn how Developmental Spectrums can help your child. Autism - and all of its related disorders - is treatable. It is possible to improve the health and quality of life of nearly every individual on the broad autism spectrum disorders. When treated early enough, some children have improved so much that they have actually lost their diagnosis. No matter the age of the child, it is never too late to see improvement, even in the most severe cases. If you have a child on the autism spectrum disorders, give Developmental Spectrums a call today. We understand what you are going through, and can help your child be the best that he or she can be. |