
The U.S. Department of the Treasury will pay all federal benefit and non-tax payments electronically. Benefit recipients can choose to receive their payments by direct deposit to a bank or credit union account or to aDirect Express® Debit MasterCard® card account.


Information is provided on the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for employment, transportation, buildings, and communications. Other information includes sources for adaptive equipment, sign interpreters, and other services.


Community Education and Outreach is focused on increasing public understanding about the needs and issues related to people with disabilities, breaking down attitudinal as well as physical barriers. “Windmills”, a disability sensitivity training conducted with business and agency personnel helps to eliminate stereotyping and attitudinal barriers.


  Technical Assistance is offered to businesses, agencies, and government entities to help identify and remove architectural and communication barriers through ADA accessibility surveys and ADA trainings.


A Resource Library located in the SPOKES office contains information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability related laws, information on rare disorders, disability awareness videos, building codes, and other disability related information.

Caregiver Database On Its Way!
Caregivers, Join us!

Attention all Caregivers.  Please enter your information into our database so that we may place you with those that need you.

The Caregiver database is methodically monitored by us.  We also ask that all caregivers currently in our system to keep your informatiom updated at all times so that those that rely on you can easily get hold of you.


Caregivers and Respite Providers - CLICK HERE

  Caregiver DatabaseWe are working to update our caregiver database to make it easy for you to find the caregiver you need.  As our database builds, please pass the word to all caregivers to load their information so that everyone has a chance towards quality caregiving.  All of our caregivers are screened and are held in the highest regard by our offices.  We look forward to assisting you to find the perfect caregiver.
No events

Activities Calendar

All meetings and events are held in a wheelchair accessible location.  Please notify us 48 HOURS in advance if you need an assistive listening system, sign language interpreter or materials in an alternate format.  Call 541-883-7547 v/tty

STEPS Training

STEPS STEPS promotes empowerment and CHOICE for people who use in-home services.  Recruit, hire, and manage your Homecare Worker.  Create a backup and safety plan and much more.  Speak with your case manager for more details.
Mobility Advisor PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 19:51



Motorized wheelchairs, also referred to as power or electric chairs, are best suited for individuals who do not have strength or functionality in the upper torso and arms to operate a manual chair. Power wheelchairs come in an array of models with different features, and are suited for both indoor and outdoor use.

You will find front, center and rear-wheel drive models and each offers specific attributes for handling.


The Scooter Store PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 19:51

Enjoy Freedom and Independence

Imagine going where you want, when you want...independently!

If you feel your limited mobility is keeping you from living life the way you want, then here's good news: a power chair or scooter from The SCOOTER Store could help you regain mobility and live the active, independent life you desire. Reclaim your freedom and take back control of your life.


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Disability Benefits
The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. While these two programs are different in many ways, both are administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program.
Disability Starter Kit

The Disability Starter Kit will help you get ready for your disability interview or online application. Kits are available for adults and for children under age 18.

The starter kits provide information about the specific documents and the information that we will request from you. We will ask for more details during your interview or when you complete the online Disability Report.

The kits also provide general information about the disability programs and our decision-making process that can help take some of the mystery out of applying for disability benefits.

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