Are tonic clonic seizures only a symptom of epilepsy or can they be associated with migraine?

April 29th, 2012

I have been told that I have been having tonic clonic seizures and that these are due to epilepsy. Sometimes these seizures are so bad I have to be given Diazepam to bring me round. I am also being treated for chronic migraine and the doctor who treats me for this says that these fits are due to the migraine and not epilepsy. Is this possible? I am getting confused as none of the doctors seem to agree with each other.

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I myself have tonic clonic seizures since the age of 12 with no warning. you have not stated if you know one of these fits are going to happen. I used to have horrific headaches that could of been migraines. you say that doctors do not agree on a diagnosis, what clinics have you been to? Ask your Doctor to refere you to an epilepsy specialist because they cannot prescribe medication until they know what they dealing with.There are some really great specialist epilepsy units out there, here they will give you MRI scans, ECG etc these could show if you do have epilepsy. Unfortunately Nothing showed up in my scans that could be causing the epilepsy. Please remember if it is Epilepsy, medication if taken regularly can control seizures and can lead a normal life, It takes a while for the medication to actually work because the correct amounts have to be administered. after being seizure free for 5 years you will even be considered for a driving licence. Phone epilepsy help lines for advice. good luck and I hope you get the answers from doctors that you are looking for, It must be very stressful and frustrating for you. x x x
by: nosy
on: 21st February 10

Does anyone get a migraine headache while listening to Beyonce songs?

April 28th, 2012

Nothing against the singer, but everytime I happen to hear a Beyonce song, I end up with a really bad headache, I don’t know but something about her voice just triggers a migraine, I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else?

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on: 1st January 70

How to prevent fatigue & migraine before & during menstrual period?

April 27th, 2012

I always get migraine prior to my mense & feels extremely tired during the 1st 2 days of the cycle.

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Me too, have you tried midol, its like a god send, i dont use that much it cuz i prefer to stay natural but if things are bad it really works
by: jfkdjsdl
on: 5th March 09

Can I open Fioricet w/Codeine capsule?

April 26th, 2012

My doctor just prescribed me Fioricet w/codeine (generic)I have never been able to swallow pills with difficulty. I just tried to take one and threw it up upon swallowing it. My question is, does anyone know (factually) if I can open it and swallow it or mix it with something like apple sauce or mix it with some juice? I don’t want to do anything that might harm myself or make it work less effectively b/c I have a raging headache. Thanks.
I appreciate your suggestion but I have an avm and have been on many different medications and seen many specialist. It caused a bleed in my cerebellum a few years ago and the blood does not pump properly through the veins in my brain. Unfortunately I will have headaches for the rest of my life. These are not typical migraines but thanks again.

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I would suggest seeing a good insurance list chiropractor so you dont’ have such bad headaches anymore. (takes 8-12 times usually) Good luck.
by: future
on: 7th July 09

Anyone know about fioricet? Possible overdose…?

April 25th, 2012

i found my son stumbling around the house when i got home and found out he has taken 6 fioricet at once. Then 4 hours later he said he took 6 more because he couldn’t get rid of a headache. Should i be worried (he seems ok, besides the stumbling but i know barbiturates cause dizziness) or can he sleep it off?
He is 17. Do you suggest taking him to the ER or …?
Ladylynn…if pain meds are uppers than why is he passed out snoring? And I thought barbits were downers, no?

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You didn’t say how old he is. It sounds like he’s ok, but you should call 311. (that’s like 911, but for non-emergencies.) Fioricet is a strong prescription med for migraines and pain. He’ll have a good hangover tomorrow, but I think he’ll be OK. The good thing about pain meds is that they’re uppers, so he won’t fall asleep, which is good.
I don’t think he’ll try that again! When his hangover goes away, sit him down and explain to him that taking any more than the recommend dose of any medication, does NOT help anymore. That goes for all over the counter meds like aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, or Excedrin, as well as prescription meds. Have him drink LOTS of water now, so his hangover won’t be AS bad.
If he gets headaches a lot, he should see a doctor. Best of luck! ;)
on: 18th February 10

Fioricet an Ibuprofen?

April 24th, 2012

I have had a Bad headache all afternoon into tonight. I finally gave up and took 3 fioricet and an Ibuprofen. The pain was bad. Now I am dizzy when I sit back and I had a brief ringing in my ear which went away in less then 20 seconds. I know I will go to sleep soon I was just wondering. It says every 4 to 6 hours so I assumed it wouldn’t hurt. I am overweight so I thought it wouldn’t affect me. Is it cause for alarm or will I sleep it off?
the sleepiness wore off now. I think it was just mental exhaustion
the sleepiness wore off now. I think it was just mental exhaustion

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You should have followed what was prescribed for you. I would recommend either calling poison control to see if a serious interaction can occur or calling your dr and tell s/he that you made a mistake. Anytime you take more than prescribed it can be harmful. Doctors base your dosage on your weight so I would assume that your doctor already did that. Please find out before you go to sleep.
by: alara108
on: 20th November 07

i take fioricet for migraines- i have restoril for sleep aid?

April 23rd, 2012

i havent had to take the fioricet for along time- bu thave a migraine now.
i have been taking the restoril for over a week.

i found online they shoul not be taken togther–but cannot find how soon after taking resoril would it be safe to take fioricet shoudnt it be okay to take it when the restoril iso ut of my system -how long for that ? i cant find the info on it
thank you

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You need to talk to your pharmacist about that. There is no exact answer to your question since everyone is different, but if you are taking one of them regularly you probably should not take the other one at all. Possibly try simpler things as a sleep aid – chamomile tea, melatonin, or warm milk.
by: Akami
on: 31st July 11

How can i prevent a migraine?

April 22nd, 2012

Once my migraine kicks in pain medication does not help at all or just for 30 minutes or so. Is there something that can prevent a migraine to start?

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I also have migraines but i found a great way to prevent them, or at least have them less often and the attacks i do get are a lot milder. The solution is migraine tea. It is not very cheap. But that is no problem either.
The migraines controlled my life, lost jobs for having to many sick days. That is all in the past now.
I found this place
Now i work from while i enjoy my tea and have my life back. Hardly any migraines and time to do the things i like to do. Just IM me in there and i will send you the email adress where you can order the tea. They used to have a store but closed it, now they only take tea orders by mail or phone.
on: 16th March 11

Why do I prefer Ultram to a narcodic?

April 21st, 2012

For migraines, nothing beats fioricet, but for lower back I find 400 mg of Ultram to be much better than a few hydrocodones. How come hydrocodones don’t put me in la la land like everyone else? They are just ok.

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I agree with Dyno, because I know people who swear by Ultram, ,some people take it for anxiety and others take it for pain, some people take it for both
However it does nothing for me, but I think as far as it being narcotic, I know its the only inflammatory that attaches to the brain like a narcotic that is why you have withdrawal symptoms when you quit taking it
If it works for you then keep doing what your doing
by: rtinsley30
on: 5th April 09

what is a natural way to deal with a migraine?

April 20th, 2012

I get bad migraine headaches and they make me vomit. i dont like the meds they give me because then all i do is sleep for the 4 days i have this headache. any ideas on what to use instead of a heavy duty narcotic?

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Niacin vitamin works wonders in overcoming migraine headache. Rich sources of this vitamin are yeast, tomatoes, green veggies, nuts, liver and fish.
by: tthomie22
on: 11th June 07