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I was assigned a project today. This project is a debate and my group and I have to argue over our topic assigned. The topic is to legalize gambling. What are the benefits of legalizing gambling? Any answer would be good. Thanks!


Society Benefits from Legalized Gambling.
Legalized gambling is an industry regulated by agencies of state, and federal government. These governmental agencies establish regulations that focus on the policy functions of gambling entities. The agencies ensure the integrity of the games offered to the public, and assume the responsibility to protect the public against unfair or dishonest gamming practices by those gambling entities. The gambling industry is growing every year; the “National Gambling Impact Study Commission” states, “in the year 1998, people in the United States lost fifty billion dollars in legal wagering.” Furthermore, the commission estimates that the figure will increase in coming years with no end insight.” The rapid growth of the gambling industry has imparted economic benefits and social costs. Does the economic benefits justify the social costs of the ever growing industry of gambling? The economic benefits are far greater than the social costs, and the gambling industry will enhance society as a whole, and with future planning (education of social costs incurred from gambling) eliminate or minimize the social costs.

The significant social costs are “pathological gambling”, and “crime”. The social costs that the gambling industry generates encompass “pathological gambling, crime, and other maladies (e.g. prostitution, and drugs).” The “American Psychiatric Association” classifies “pathological gambling as an impulse control disorder that ranges from unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling”; to committing “illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft or embezzlement to finance gambling.” Crime and other maladies (e.g. prostitution, and drugs) are social costs that would be associated with any social environment that generates high volume of public and private cash access. It is noted by the “National Gambling Impact Study Commission” that “crime” and “pathological gambling” has the potential to become more widespread as the availability of legalized gambling increases. The commission notes that, “125 million American adults gamble” and the people who have negative consequences with gambling are estimated to be 7.5 million American adults. That equates to 6% of the American adults who gamble. The social costs are minimal compared to the economic benefit of jobs in low income and high unemployment area.

Jobs are an economical benefit that gambling industry generates in areas that have high unemployment. This is especially true when casinos are being built. The fields of employment range from construction (casino and hotel building), internal and external building and ground maintenance, card dealers, security, hotel, office, and management personnel. An example is the testimony of “Prairie Island Indian Community” president Audrey Kohnen who stated, “Treasure Island Resort & Casino is the number one employer in Goodhue County,” located in the Seattle, Washington area. He further stated, “We have created more than 1,300 jobs at our hotel and casino.” His testimony was given at “National Gambling Impact Study Commission” (NGISC) on January 7, 1999. Furthermore, Mr. Audrey Kohnen read letters from different individuals; one such letter from a single mom who exclaimed that, “the building of the casino had improved her family’s economic status to a level that allowed her to qualify to purchase a home, and afford better health care for her family.” As the economic status improves for the people in the area of the gambling entities the investment and economic development benefits are generated.

The investment and economic development benefits are generated by short supply and high demand for goods and services from the patrons who gamble, and the employees who work at these gambling entities. The variety of goods and services demanded can be gasoline, grocery, prepared food (restaurants), entertainment, bank services, or cheaper overnight accommodations. This short supply and high demand indicates a diverse financial market where profits can be made. Profits that exist within the diverse financial market give cause for people to make the investments in different business entities. It is the establishment of these business entities that generate the area’s (surrounding community) economic development. An example of the investment and economic development benefits of the gambling industry is the extensive growth in population and construction development being done in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. According to the “National Gambling Impact Study Commission” the city of Las Vegas, Nevada is the “fastest growing city in the United States.” It is the abundance of investment and economic development that generates the enhancement of tax revenues for the local government, state government, and federal government.

Enhanced tax revenues are another economi
by: FVCK Y/A fu/y/a
on: 8th February 09

He doesn’t accept he’s addicted to gambling. For him is completely natural and fun to go 3 or 4 times a week to the casino and spend about a ,000 a month gambling. What can I do? I want to save our marriage. This situation is killing me.


bet him 2000 that he can’t stop. he’ll have to take and if he looses you’ll have the 2000. do this every month
by: EZ
on: 30th May 07

My friend’s birthday is coming up and out of all of the friends, I’m the asshole in the group. So I decided I’m going to play a trick on him and get him ones of those fake Scratch Off Lottery cards. The only problem is, I’ve never been able to find them in stores. If someone could tell me where I can buy one, I’d appreciate it.


wal mart
on: 22nd May 11

I want to make some scratch off cards for a business and was wondering if anyone knows how to make the silver/gold material that gets scratched off?


I don’t think it’s something you can make at home, but I know you can contact a professional printer and ask them to make your cards the way you want. I know a local furniture store sends these out for sale events. So you can probably have them made, but I doubt it would be practical to make your own.
by: mb
on: 9th January 08

What are the rules for trading games in to Game Stop?

I just got a wii and am wondering if I can get rid of some of my old PS2 games in exchange for wii games. Do they allow you to trade in PS2 games for wii games? Also, about how much money would you get per PS2 game do you think?

And if I can’t trade PS2 games for wii games, am I still allowed to give them my PS2 games for money?


It depends how much the game is worth. I did the same thing you did and for every PS2 game you’ll get about .00 worth.
by: The Axeman
on: 21st December 09

I would like to have a reasonable list of games that could be played on windows 98. I am looking for games such as Halo Combat Evolved and other games of the such. Runescape would be nice, and other browser games as well.


on: 1st January 70

What do bartenders and casino dealers do with their tips? Do they just stick them in their pocket? Do they divide them out? Do casino dealers show the floor managers then take them to the cage?


Bartenders usually have a bucket or something to put their tips into, some places allow them to take home credit card tips that night and they get those from their drawer when they cash out, others pay credit card tips in your paycheck. Casino dealers leave the money in their drawer/drop box and when they cash out at the end of the night that is when they get what is their money.
by: chefck26
on: 3rd November 11

What game system should I make my games for?

I plan on making my own games in the future, which will be either rpg or action/adventure with rpg elements. My early ideas have a detailed 2D design, which is how I want it to start out before the games evolve into 3D. The games have the same title, but some are unrelated to each other, taking place in a different universe.

Any suggestions on which system it should be on? I want some to be on a console and some on a hand-held.


xbox 360
on: 14th September 10

Any casino or the price is right games that use geometric probability, like area involved in the probability and stuff??
I was thinking maybe the roulette but I need more ideas.


Someone else just asked this question yesterday.

Here’s one more idea on top of the ones I already said: The Big Money Wheel.
by: pdq
on: 4th November 10

when you lose at the blackjack table in atlantic city, they dont give you a receipt- what is legitimate proof to submit as your receipt of a gambling loss?


Gambling losses are deductible to the extent of gambling winnings. The best proof is the casino statements for those who use player cards.

The next best thing is a contemporaneous log of your gambling activity. Failing that, you can try to rely on memory to estimate your activity.

Needless to say, the further down you go in that list the less chance your deduction would be allowed.
by: taxreff
on: 14th February 08