How Much Weight Will I Lose with Capsiplex?

In clinical trials, Capsiplex users burned an average of 278 more calories daily than when not taking the How Much Weight Will I Lose with Capsiplex?supplement. The amount of calories they burned was increased by 3x when not active, 3% during exercise, and 12x for up to 60 minutes after exercise.


Obviously, burning more calories is important if you want to lose weight. However, burning more calories doesn’t always mean that you are going to lose weight. Further, everyone is going to have completely different results with Capsiplex depending on factors like age, activity level, and lifestyle factors. So how can you tell whether Capsiplex will be effective?


Before you start taking Capsiplex (or any other weight loss program), it is very important that you know your resting metabolic rate, also known as basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories your body needs just to fuel all of its systems including heat and organ function. If you take in fewer calories than your BMR, then your body will start to burn off stored fat for fuel and you will lose weight.


Things get a bit more complicated than just BMR for weight loss with Capsiplex though. You must also factor in your active metabolism rate. Your active metabolism rate basically is the amount of extra calories you need to sustain your daily activity. For example, if you are a marathon runner, you will have a much higher active metabolism rate than someone who sits at a desk job and doesn’t exercise. Combining BMR and active metabolism rate will give you an approximate idea of how many calories your body needs just to keep its present weight.


Once you find out how many calories your body needs daily to maintain weight, you must figure out how many calories you are consuming daily. To do this, keep a food journal for about a week and calculate all calories of everything you eat and drink. If you are getting more calories than your body needs, you will be gaining weight.

How Much Weight Will I Lose with Capsiplex?It takes about 3500 calories to make a pound of body fat. Since Capsiplex on average causes 278 more calories to be burned daily, it will take 12 days to lose 1 pound. Keep in mind that you will only lose weight with Capsiplex if you are burning more calories than you take in! If you consume 3000 calories and your body needs only 2500 daily, then you will still gain weight even when taking Capsiplex (though at a slower rate than before).


If you want to get great results with Capsiplex, you must make sure that you are reducing calories to a healthy amount. Further, if you add mild exercise to your daily routine, the benefits of Capsiplex will be greatly increased. Capsiplex boosts calories burned by 12x after exercise which means you can go from losing a pound every 12 days to a pound every day without much effort!

Getting the Best Results from Capsiplex

Capsiplex belongs to a group of weight loss supplements called natural thermogenics. They work by naturally increasing your metabolism by increasing body temperature. The great thing about thermogenic supplements is that they are so safe and provide results without you making any changes to your lifestyle. However, thermogenics are [...] Continue Reading…

Are there any Side Effects to Capsiplex?

Capsiplex is made from completely all-natural ingredients with the core ingredient being chilli pepper extract (capsaicin). In numerous clinical studies, Capsiplex has proven completely safe for all study participants. However, anyone who has ever eaten a chilli pepper knows that they can cause some side effects. Thus, the number [...] Continue Reading…

Capsiplex versus Xenical

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How to Get Rid of those Last Few Pounds with Capsiplex

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Why Eating Less Doesn’t Help Weight Loss

Losing weight is simple, right? You just have to eat less and you will start burning all those fat reserves. As logical as this seems, anyone who has tried a crash diet knows that losing weight is not so simple.

Reduce Calories, Not Food
When you eat less food, you are [...] Continue Reading…

One User’s Experience with Capsiplex

As a teenager, I was always the chunky girl but, luckily for me, I wasn’t fat – there were always bigger girls who took the ridicule instead of me. Still, being overweight is never easy especially when you are a teen.

If I thought it was hard to keep my [...] Continue Reading…

Using Capsiplex to Prevent Weight Loss

Most people only use weight loss supplements like Capsiplex when they are battling excess weight or obesity. Capsiplex has already proven very effective in helping thousands of people lose weight without the struggle. But what about all those people who are struggling just to prevent weight gain – is [...] Continue Reading…

Boosting Metabolism is about Energy – Not Just Weight

Metabolism is one of the most misunderstood body systems. Most people know that metabolism regulates weight but don’t have any real idea of how it does this. That is because metabolism doesn’t directly control weight. Rather, it controls energy usage. When you take a natural metabolism booster like Capsiplex, [...] Continue Reading…

What is Thermogenesis and What Does it Have to Do with Weight Loss?

Thermogenics like Capsiplex are the newest type of weight loss supplements. While the label thermogenics is new, there is nothing new about thermogenesis.

A Brief Overview of Thermogenesis
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