Hi! I’m Melody and well… I’m a bit complicated! But not in a bad way, I’m not difficult, rather I’m complex… but complicated rolls off the tongue better!
Is your name really Melody? Yes, that is my birth and god-given name. I always say that my dad [who chose the name] foreshadowed my love for music when he named me, because music is a huge part of my life!
Where did “A Complicated Melody” come from? One night I was perusing the internet as I normally do and came across something that was describing some music and it said it had “a complicated melody.” I am always instantly drawn to anything that has name in it. So, I thought, that’s pretty cool and I used it as my MySpace moniker. That was about 2 years ago and it just stuck.
Who is A Complicated Melody?: Market Analyst by day and a blogger by night [POPCULTUREFIX.COM]. Of mixed heritage, Puerto Rican and Black, I’m originally from the Bay Area, East Palo Alto to be exact, however I’ve been in the Bayou state over 10 years. I’m the mother of one great son and that alone keeps me pretty busy. I’m a shopper, but I’m a deal finder so look out for “Fabulous Finds” posts! From fashion to food, from entertainment to politics, from love to lifestyle, I have an opinion about just about everything. This is me and who I am. If I say something that you have an opinion on as well… say something!
Check the site everyday for interesting topics and make sure to leave a comment!