About Green Piece

Treehuggers. Nature girls. Eco-freaks.

We’ve been called every name in the book – and gladly smiled every time.

That’s because we take pride in doing good for the planet – and especially our hometown of Indianapolis – whether recycling our old computer monitors or composting our leftovers.

If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to make the air, water, and land around us a little cleaner, Green Piece Indy has answers.

What’s that? You don’t want to make too much of an effort?

We hear you.

That’s why we handpick only the simplest, best tips and present them as easy-to-digest pieces of eco-friendly information, delivered straight to your inbox.

And because Green Piece is an Indianapolis-based organization, we tie in local resources with each tip. Not sure where to recycle your old microwave in Indy? We’ll tell you. Wondering which Circle City retailers sell organic cotton undies? You’ll get that, too.

But the easiest tip of all is this: Sign up for Green Piece now. It’s free, and we solemnly swear to never spam you. Besides, Spam is definitely not organic.

So try it – you might end up helping save the planet.

Piece Out,
Meghan & Renee