Natural Sleep Aids

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A lot of people have trouble sleeping, and sometimes the only solution is to resort to sleeping aids, many of which can be highly effective, but even more can be useless. This article has been written with the intention of providing a deep understanding of the different sleeping aids, with natural sleep aids being the primary focus of the article.

Hopefully by the end of this article you will have a greater knowledge of what you can do to combat sleepless nights, and in turn rid yourself of those insomnia filled days that seem to drag on endlessly.


This Article Contains:

Sleeping Aids

There are countless different forms of sleeping aids, ranging from pills and prescriptions all the way to the simple advice: get regular amounts of patterned sleep. There is acupuncture which is said to relax the body and ease you into a deeper sleep, and then we really get down to the natural sleeping aids. These are what you really want to be looking into.

Natural sleeping aids tend to have little or no after-effects on the body, whereas you may experience such effects through certain medications, and they may even worsen the problem.

Why Are All Natural Sleeping Aids Better?

Natural sleeping aids are better in general, as they tend to be substances that have been tried and tested over hundreds, if not thousands of years, by people all over the world. This means that when using these natural remedies, we can be sure of the effects and outcomes of using them, and if they have any side-effects, what exactly the side-effects of them can be.

Natural Sleep AidsThe new drugs and compounds that science is developing constantly are effective, but the full extent of their effects on the human body is not known, and as a result can be dangerous and actually harmful to use. It has been found that using drugs prescribed by doctors may actually worsen sleeping problems. A full list of problems that can be caused by using drugs can be found below:

  • Prolonged drowsiness – A lot of the drugs being created today tend to last much longer than is required or desired by the average consumer. As a result, they could spend the whole next day in a drowsy and dangerous state of awareness.
  • Drug tolerance – Your body may become accustomed to the drugs, and as such the drug’s desired results may begin to wear off, and the drug itself becomes useless after an extended period of usage, meaning either increased doses which may lead to added undesired side-effects, or trying a new drug and repeating the same process.
  • Masking underlying problems – There may be an underlying problem in the consumer, such as a physical or mental ailment or disorder, that could be cured, but is instead masked by the use of drugs.
  • Drug interactions – The drugs you end up using may have reactions or conflicts with other medication you may be using, and could cause dangerous side-effects, especially when it comes to prescription pain-killers.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms and drug dependence – You may come to rely on the drugs you are taking for curing your sleep problems, and if not taken, you may be unable to sleep with out, and if inaccessible completely, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, which may exacerbate your current problems, and possibly create even more problems.
  • Other side effects – There may be hidden side effects either not discussed by you and the doctor, or effects that have not even been discovered and realised by the scientific community. Essentially, you become a lab rat, taking a chance on these drugs which may cause you undesired side-effects, such as forgetfulness, dry mouth, confusion and perhaps even worsen your sleeping problems.

Best Natural Sleeping Aids

Melatonin and Valerian
These are the most common natural sleep aids available, as they are produced by both animals and plants, which make them easily accessible to consumers, given their widespread nature. Valerian is a very natural substance, as it is extracted from a plant root, and has been used since the medieval and even ancient Roman and Greek times, as a cure for sleepless nights and insomnia. It is described as a natural sedative, and aside from helping people to sleep better, it also has other uses such as: a sedative for hysteria, excitability, nervous tension, intestinal colic, cramps or even stress.

However, if you are planning to use either of these natural substances, be warned; they are not designed or expected to be used as long-term solutions to sleeping problems. This applies especially to Valerian, which is recommended not to be used for more than 2 weeks, not to be consumed with alcohol and also not to be used by anyone who has any form of liver damage.

One more note of caution is that it causes significant drowsiness, and as such, should not be used while operating heavy machinery or driving.


Ginseng is a widely known natural sleep aid, having been used for generations. Ginseng was first used in both America and also Asia, for a number of uses. Its first uses were for nourishing stimulants, aphrodisiacs, and later, used in the treatment for Type II Diabetes and sexual dysfunction in males.

Panax GinsengIn modern science, its usage has been expanded greatly, and it now is also used for the following: an adaptogen, one which contains detoxifying properties; it also possesses radioprotective properties, reducing the damage and scarring inflicted by radiotherapy.

For sleep aid, there is a specific type of Ginseng that you want to be searching for: Panax Ginseng. This is the highest quality Ginseng, and provides numerous benefits by preventing many of the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Headaches
  • Hangovers
  • Asthma

It has also been noted to enhance memory capabilities, increase stamina levels, improve performance during sports and interestingly, slow the aging process. Panax Ginseng is available in a variety of forms such as powders, capsules and liquid extracts.

However, children and pregnant women should avoid using Ginseng, along with sufferers of cancer in the breast, uterus, ovaries or prostate as Ginseng tends to have estrogenic effects. Other people who should avoid using this are people who suffer from heart disease as it tends to slow the heartbeat rate significantly. It may also lower blood sugar levels, so anyone with diabetes should consult a doctor before taking this substance.

Lemon BalmLemon Balm

Lemon balm is a popular choice to use by many people, given its deep link to nature, and tends not to need any combinations with other substances to be effective in the curing of insomnia or alleviating sleep problems, although it can and does often get combined with Valerian for a stronger effect. Lemon Balm has been used since the Middle Ages, to treat insomnia, stress and to cure cramps and pain in the intestines.

Like other natural sleeping aids, it has several other uses, such as curbing bloating and indigestion, and it is also commonly used as an effective antiviral. If made into a topical ointment, it can be used to reduce the healing time of cold sores by more than half. Note that this is one of the most popular remedies for curing children’s sleeping problems.


ChamomileChamomile is another popular herbal remedy to cure sleep problems for people of all ages. It is most commonly mixed with water to create Chamomile tea, which is then drunk before the consumer wants to sleep, relaxing them. It is very popular, due to its ease of use, its accessibility, and the fact that a drink is easier to consume than pills or powdered substances. You can also purchase Chamomile in other forms such as oils, tinctures, dried flower heads, or you can simply create your own oils and such if you have the knowledge.

The concept of using liquid substances has been developed greatly to alleviate sleep problems, and we now have many drinks such as Horlicks, a well known commercial drink that helps people to drift off to sleep.

However, be careful when using Chamomile as it does cause drowsiness, so try to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery, and another thing to note is that if consumed in large quantities Chamomile can have adverse effects such as vomiting and skin conditions in some people.

Passion Flower

Passion FlowerPassion flower is a herb, used since the days of the Aztec people, that is used popularly as a sedative. It relaxes the body and mind and promotes deep, restful sleep. The active ingredient in Passion Flower is Harmine, which helps to inhibit the destruction and breakdown of serotonin in the body. It’s secondary ingredient is Chrysin, also found in Chamomile.

Passion Flower, like Chamomile can be taken as a tea, but can also be administered as a tincture or in capsule form. Passion Flower can be used by either adults or children, as it is quite a light sedative, and has no related health problems or side effects, apart from drowsiness.

Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults

The best natural sleep aids for adults are:

  • Chamomile – Easy to use, light and very little side-effects, this is a perfect solution to a minor sleeping problem.
  • Valerian – Not meant to be used as a long term solution, this is a perfect answer to the occasional nights when you simply cannot seem to find sleep.
  • Lemon Balm – Another light, easy to use treatment, that can be used as a long term answer to sleep problems and insomnia.

Best Natural Sleep Aids for Children

The best natural sleep aids for children are:

  • Lemon Balm – Because of its light nature, lemon balm is a perfect answer to children’s sleep problems, as it is free from the heavy drowsiness that many other solutions bring.
  • Passion Flower – Like Lemon Balm, this is a light solution, that will not be overbearing or unsuitable for a child’s sleeping problems. Can also be used to calm a child’s ecstatic nature when you need them to pay attention, and stay focused.
  • Hops – An old remedy, but still effective. Filling a pillow with hops, it allows the user to fall naturally into a deep sleep. Very effective long term solution for helping children to fall asleep easily.

Exercise, Meditation and Other Natural Sleep Remedies

Other natural sleep remedies you can use to cure your sleep problems, aside or in addition to natural sleep aids are exercises such as meditation and acupuncture, as these activities are specifically designed to calm the user, and to relax the body’s muscles and form, allowing it to rest. Also, light exercise may help the body to relax further, as it releases endorphins, causing the user to relax and feel a state of happiness, a perfect idea when you’re looking for a good night’s sleep!

Natural sleeping remedies are tried, tested, and tend to have the same, if not better effects than conventional drugs, so definitely look into natural solutions before resorting to unknown, potentially dangerous modern substances.


Please note that no cure or remedy should be tried or attempted without first consulting your doctor or a professional.