XoxoNano さんの写真





XoxoNano はまだバッジを一つも獲得していません...あなたはどうですか?




There's not much to say, except that I'm only using myspace to get in touch with my favorite Oregonians. I live in upper west side Manhattan right now, and go to a performing arts school. I miss my old friends very much, and hope they are all having a blast of a summer like I am :) xxx

Ideal Partner... by Aidanc
Favorite word:
Their sex will be:Male.
Their height will be:Twice yours.
Their favorite word is:Halleluja!
They like to call you:Rawrrrr.
They speak:English.
Their eye color is:Red.
Their hair color is:Blonde.
Their occupation is:Fashion Designer.
Their best quality is:Their hair.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?

I'm a Green Converse All-Star

Unique and creative, the phrase 'marching to the beat of a different drummer' fully applies to you. You don't always follow the most conventional path, and you've been described as unorthodox more than once in your life. Still, while you have your critics and naysayers, those who truly stand back and observe can't help admiring your creativity. It's not always in art: in everything you do you add a creative flair, often going the long route to add an extra flash to your work. You're the Manu Ginobili, and while you add an extra flair, you don't do it to call attention to yourself - you do it for the sheer skill and art you see in adding your own special touch.

What color Converse All-Star are you?

Birthday:July 12
Current Location:Manhattan
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:Japanese
The Shoes You Wore Today:Trainers
Your Weakness:Being pampered :)
Your Fears:Bad hair days and toads
Your Perfect Pizza:I found out six months ago that I don't like pizza anymore
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Getting nice reviews on stage.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:Anyway.
Thoughts First Waking Up:Shower.
Your Best Physical Feature:What, you're going to trust my awful judgement? :)
Your Bedtime:Whenever I feel like it.
Your Most Missed Memory:Japan.
Pepsi or Coke:Neither. I hate all things fizzy.
MacDonalds or Burger King:EW. Neither.
Single or Group Dates:Single. So much more romantic.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Hm. Lipton.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate!
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee.
Do you Smoke:No. My lungs are very clean.
Do you Swear:Occasionally.
Do you Sing:I'm singing right now.
Do you Shower Daily:Duh.
Have you Been in Love:Yes! And am currently in love.
Do you want to go to College:Yes. Maybe. Yes.
Do you want to get Married:In seven years or so.
Do you belive in yourself:I should.
Do you get Motion Sickness:No.
Do you think you are Attractive:*flutters eyelashes insanely*
Are you a Health Freak:A bit, yes.
Do you get along with your Parents:Definitely.
Do you like Thunderstorms:No, they scare the shit out of me.
Do you play an Instrument:Fortunately, I do. Piano and guitar.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yes.
In the past month have you Smoked:No.
In the past month have you been on Drugs:No.
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No. I hate Oreos.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:Yes.
In the past month have you been on Stage:Yes.
In the past month have you been Dumped:No.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:From my roommate, yes (but she isn't to know)
Ever been Drunk:lol, yes.
Ever been called a Tease:Yes.
Ever been Beaten up:No.
Ever Shoplifted:No.
How do you want to Die:Either by my own hand or naturally.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:That's a secret.
What country would you most like to Visit:Many. France, UK, Korea, Australia, Italy, and Germany
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:blue or green
Favourite Hair Color:very badly died black, light brown, or sandy blonde
Short or Long Hair:shaggy.
Height:Not picky.
Best Clothing Style:nothing preppy, smelly, or extremely baggy.
Number of Drugs I have taken:NONE. I deserve a halo.
Number of CDs I own:Are you asking me to count? Like NOW? Psh.
Number of Piercings:Four.
Number of Tattoos:Zip.
Number of things in my Past I Regret:I'd rather not recall them, if you don't mind.


This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3


Ewan McGregor. Or Jude Law. I would absolutely swoon.


  • 結婚・交際: 交際中
  • 参加目的: 友だちづくり
  • 出身地: Brooklyn
  • 恋愛タイプ: 非同性愛者
  • 身長: 160 cm
  • 民族: アジア系
  • 宗教: 無神論者
  • 星座: 蟹座
  • 子ども: 将来は子供がほしい
  • たばこ/お酒: いいえ / はい
  • 学歴: 高校生
  • 職業: Student



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