LED Grow Lights

LED Grow LightsIf you’re looking for good information about LED grow lights then you’ve come to the right website. You’ll find the information contained on our website will help you sort through the numerous types of grow lights available and help you find them. The grow light industry has changed drastically in the last several years thanks to the introduction of LED lighting technology. Whether you are a professional gardener or a novice, it always helps to educate yourself about the different types of grow lighting available before you buy one. Below, you will find some information about different types of grow lights.

What do LED grow lights give the user?

There are many reasons a person should buy LED grow lights. The fact that they are energy-efficient, versatile, and produce the most light are just a few.

Below are some of the most common uses of grow lights:

  • Growing herbs such as basil, oregano, and many other types.
  • Growing Flowering plants from annuals to perennials or even orchids. Many flowering plants will thrive under an LED grow light.
  • Growing vegetables and fruits or another area where bigger lights will come in handy. Whether you’re a beginner or professional, there is an LED grow light that will serve the needs of any grower.
  • Maintaining your own food supply if you’re a survivalist is made easier with an LED grow light especially when you want to rely on yourself for all of your daily needs.
  • Growing your own medicinal plants is also another area where the lights will come in handy.

LED grow lights are here to stay

It has taken many years but now LED grow lights have finally taken their place in the market. Sales of LED lights have outpaced traditional HID grow lights for several years now. No longer are the LED lights just some new fad. In fact, the quality of the LED light far surpasses that of the HID grow lights and the health of the plants shows it.  Still one of the doubters?  Check out this LED Grow Light journal

(original journal can be found at http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f137/2nd-grow-magnum-357-og-kush-39289/index3.html)

How to get the best LED grow light

It is essential that you purchase the right type of LED grow light for your needs. You have to understand the needs of your plants and the different options that are available when purchasing a grow light. Make sure to choose a vendor that has a good understanding of plants and the light requirements so they can help you in your decision when it’s time to purchase your grow light.

Take a look at the LED grow light reviews

Our website has many reviews regarding some of the best LED grow lights available for you to read.

The newest grow lights of 2011

Reviews of specific brands of LED grow lights available include:

Prosource, Hydrogrow, and Magnum’s .357. in addition, current testing is underway for newer products from Hydra/Spectro, Solaro’s Sun Clone, Stealth Extreme, and more. People that are interested in using grow lights for cultivating cannabis can find more information about that in the Growers Guide for Cannabis. Because this help guide is updated quite often, you may want to go ahead and bookmark the page.

What are the benefits of LED grow lights?

By now you know there are a lot of different LED lights available in comparison to the older HID models. While many of the promises that companies tout may be true, you should be a wary consumer. Make sure you do your research and investigate every claim that a manufacturer makes about the product before even thinking about making a purchase.

If you’re nearing your grow light purchase then there are several factors you need to take into consideration as far as what you should look for in LED grow lights:

Energy Efficiency – One of the top considerations when purchasing a grow light is how energy-efficient it is. LED grow lights can save anywhere between 40 and 75% on your electricity when compared to a traditional grow light. Because grow lights are often kept on throughout the day during winter months, this can lead to substantial savings for the user. LED technology allows all the energy to go into light production and very little energy is lost to heat as is with the older generation bulbs. There is no longer a need for the LED lights to come with built-in fans to dissipate heat which in turn dry out your plants.

No Need For Expensive Accessories – Because the old grow lights were so inefficient, many of them had to come with all types of accessories such as special reflectors, fans to remove heat buildup, and special ballasts that could light the age HID bulbs. Now that LED lighting technology has come into the grow light industry, none of these are required anymore. There are no moving parts and no breakdown time with LED grow lights. People choosing to purchase and LED grow lights will save hundreds of dollars over the lifetime of the lamp.

Long Lifetime – One big advantage to LED lighting sources is that they can provide anywhere between 50 and 1000 kWh of light. While the initial purchase cost of an LED grow light are little bit more than a conventional, when you consider the extensive lifespan of the LED light then a lot of money will be saved. Many traditional grow lights only last for 1000 to 5000 hours before the bulbs have to be replaced.

Almost 100% Energy Efficient – Traditional grow lights like the HID lights can only achieve efficiency levels of about 35%. The rest of the energy is lost through heat. An LED grow light is almost 100% efficient and that means that all the energy that goes into the light is produced as light and not heat. That light is then absorbed by your plants resulting in better growth. In other words, you get more light for the money and thus more growth from your plants.

Where to find more information about LED grow lights?

We are constantly reviewing and releasing more information about grow lights on a daily basis. If you want more information about LED grow light products that you cannot find on our website then please do not hesitate and click the “contact us” button and send us your questions.