Young blokes take Viagra too
I consider myself to be quite an active bloke. I surf constantly and I take up every opportunity that I get to go outside and have some quality time with my mates outdoors, trekking, riding bikes, checking out new beaches and being outdoors for the most part of our time. As a kid, I never had any problems with my health and everyone always said that I was a picture of health, a true specimen to look up to. I also never had any problems with weight or with my appetite.
That is why I was so stumped when my doctor told me that my occasional problems with erections are actually signs of erectile dysfunction. I was 24 when he diagnosed me with erectile dysfunction and let’s just say I was gobsmacked. I never imagined that this condition could happen to someone my age, let alone to someone who leads an active and healthy lifestyle as I do. My only vice have been a few bottles of XXXX here and there and nothing more. I never smoked and I always tried to eat healthy. He said that this stuff happens and that it is nothing unusual. Still, I was devastated.
He told me that I could try with some exercises and that that this might be of help. I tried everything he told recommended, but to no avail. It was time for my doc to prescribe some medications to me. He actually asked me if I had any preference and I told him that I would prefer to go with an oldie but a goodie –Viagra. He said that it would probably be the best choice and he soon established that I can take it without any worries about any side effects or dangers. I was healthy as an ox and there were absolutely no risks involved.
I decided to order my Viagra online. I found it embarrassing to buy it in a conventional pharmacy, especially because in my local pharmacy, the girl who works there is someone I have been interested since we were ankle biters. To let her know that I have troubles with erections would be suicide in my mind. I also found out that Viagra is cheaper online. I found a proper online pharmacy and in less than two days, my pills arrived.
I tried one just to see will it work. Let’s just say that I was not disappointed. The effects kicked in after about half an hour and I had a nice long session one on one with myself, something I haven’t done in a long time due to my problem.
The next time I took Viagra was when I hooked up with this sheila, a real beauty from my hometown (not the pharmacy girl). We had the most amazing sex of my life and I was able to perform three times in less than four hours. Since then, I always carry my Viagra pills with me, just in case I get into a situation where I need a little help from my new best friends. They are small, they are blue and they help me enjoy a full and active sex life.