Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interview with singer Jonell Mosser

Live Broadcast from Wintergreen Resort Virginia- Interview with Nashville singer Jonell Mosser.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The New

Welcome to my new site!! I'd love any feedback you have to offer. Please comment, pretty please ;-)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get Your Body ON!

There is no better time than now to get your body ON!  It's May in 1 day, and most of us are planning to peel away the layers as the weather gets warmer...SO, that means, revealing more skin.  However, most of us have been cooped up indoors and perhaps have a bit of "winter padding" we'd like to get rid of.  As a classically trained, professional dancer and certified personal trainer, I have a number of methods that I use to stay fit that I'd like to share with you!

1) Incorporate weight lifting and/or resistance exercises into your workout routine 3- 4x a week.  Having more muscle mass= burning more fat.  Burning more fat= well...less fat!  SO DO IT!

2) Do bootcamp- style workouts that include a mix cardio and strength.  You will save time and get better results.

3) Super-set your weight lifting exercises (advanced training method), which means doing two exercises in a row, without resting in between sets.

4) Vary your workouts.  By doing this you stay interested while constantly challenging your body.

5) Create long, lean lines by incorporating yoga and stretching into your regular workout routine.

6) Working out on an empty stomach is KEY!  This means at least 2 hours after a meal.

7) Eat smaller, more frequent meals.  This keeps your blood sugar at a steady rate, metabolism and energy up, burning optimal fat.

8) NO TRANS FATS or HYDROGENATED FATS!  Incorporate good fats found in olive oil, flax seeds (or oil), walnuts, salmon and cod fish.

9) Read food labels (you'll be surprised at what you find!)

10) Water, water, water.  8 (12 oz) glasses daily or more depending on your body weight and if you consume caffeine (you may need more).

Got questions? Bring them to tonight's show at 9:30 PM Eastern or email me.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Digital Expressions

Sometimes I express myself best through the spoken word, sometimes through written text, most of the time through dance, sometimes through cuisine, but mostly via artistic/creative forms of expression. Although not my "forte`" per say, I find digital art a very unique method of expression for me, especially through use of color. Sometimes I "think" in color...can't explain. And here is where, as I say in my bio, "I am wildly abstract and creative." Take from it what you will, but it is all mine :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Multilingual G

I love utilizing my knowledge of different languages...especially because I'm an avid "communicator." Well, I guess being a performer enhances my communication abilities a bit here are my romance languages.

L'Italiana on


Parlant Français on


Mi Nombre en Espanol on


Southern G- Belle on

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm a Ustream Feature :)

Free TV Show from Ustream

I am excited and honored to announce that is now featuring my show Graziella TV on their front page! Having started this show just 4 months ago, it's still evolving into what I want it to be, and this is only the beginning...
Come watch every Thursday night at 9:30 pm eastern time on Graziella TV or directly on Ustream where I serve up a Hot Dish of This n' That!

*Want to be on the show? Contact me

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Having Fun in 12 Seconds!

I've discovered a new Twitter- like application that I's like video twitter: 12Seconds.TV You have only 12 Seconds to film an update! I've decided to use my channel in a number of ways, and it's soooo addicting! Here are some of my 12 Seconds...what are yours?

Hey Mr What You Lookin' At? on

rapping ;) on

I am NOT a Bot on

Chocolate Pudding on

smiling on

My 12 Seconds Channel