Why choose Mint Cosmetics?
Why choose Mint Cosmetics?
This is a question that is actually quite easy to answer to. The shortest answer would be that it is the best teeth whitening gel on the market. It is actually as simple as that. However, we will try and explain exactly why it is so superior and what makes it the best option if you are looking to whiten your teeth.
Visible results within one application – GET IT TODAY!
You may not realize it, but gums, toothpaste and other such everyday products also count as teeth whitening products, really. However, we are not concerned with products whose effects are too insignificant to be noticed and counted as true whitening products.
This means that what you are left with are teeth whitening gels and teeth whitening procedures that you have to visit your dentist in order to have done. There are a number of different whitening procedures that you can have done by the dentist and they are all quite efficient and perfectly safe.
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However, it is almost certain that your dental insurance is not going to cover these procedures due to the fact that they are cosmetic in nature and you would have to be insured up to your nose in order to have them covered by the insurance company. This means that you need to pay for these from your own pocket and this can be very expensive, especially if you go to someone who has a great reputation.
This pretty much leaves you with the option of using different teeth whitening gels. They have been on the market for quite some time now and some of them are more efficient than others. However, once Mint Cosmetics hit the market, all of those older gels started seeming obsolete. Namely, Mint Cosmetics is using hydrogen peroxide as an active ingredient while older gels used peroxide that first has to break down into hydrogen peroxide to act.
You can compare this with a guy who comes to paint your house and then first spends ten days mixing the paint. Mint Cosmetics comes with the paint complete and ready to do the job.
This makes Mint Cosmetics a much quicker teeth whitening gel that acts in as little as half an hour. This means that you could wear it while you are getting ready for a night out and you go out smiling and blinding people with your new smile.
When you also consider that it costs as much as other gels, there is really no sensible reason to opt for any other gel than Mint Cosmetics.
Back on the dating scene with a little help from Mint Cosmetics
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am 37. I know it is a boring start to a confession, but that is the truth and my parents always told me that you need to introduce yourself properly. In any case,
this here is my story about Mint Cosmetics. The story [...] Continue Reading…
The most efficient teeth whitening gel out there – Mint Cosmetics
Great teeth equal great physical appearance. It is truly as simple as that. Try and imagine a celebrity of any kind, actress, athlete, singer, musician, anyone, whose teeth are not the pearliest of white. Yes, you will have troubles trying to think of one.
The simple fact is that teeth [...] Continue Reading…