When I was only ten years old, I found my father`s Playboy and instead of being scared of what I saw in it, I was amazed and couldn`t wait to grow up to look exactly like the women in the magazine. They were all perfect and they all seemed to be able to get what they wanted. As I grow older, I realized that things were not always as they seemed, but I still wanted the same thing – I wanted to be one of the girls who would appear in this fascinating magazine. So I started working on it.
I made sure I ate right, I exercised a lot and I did everything in my power to make my skin beautiful. Of course, none of this was easy especially because I had to work a lot in order to provide myself with all the things I needed to be perfect. When I thought I was ready, I went to get tested for a playmate and I really hoped that my dream would come true.
Unfortunately, things did not go so well. In fact, I was refused so quickly that I literally burst into tears when I found out. It was a cruel world and I was not prepared for it. I was not used to being treated that way, especially because everybody I knew thought I was perfect for Playboy.
The only problem I had was that my breasts were smaller than they should have been. I kind of always knew that, but I guess I was in denial. After I was rejected, there was no way I could ignore my problem if I wanted to succeed. I know that small breasts are not a problem, but in my case, they were the only thing that stopped me from getting something I had always dreamed of.
However, considering that I did not have to make them a lot bigger, I figured that it might be smart to try something less invasive than surgery. So I bought some pills. They didn`t work. I bought some other pills and they did not work either. Eventually, I decided to try out various creams, the first of which was Triactol.
I made sure I followed the instructions and I made sure I did everything right. After only 4 weeks, I noticed a change. My breasts were perkier and definitely bigger. I was so excited that I started recommended the cream to everyone I knew. Unfortunately, my attempt to encourage some of my friends to give Triactol a try was interpreted as an insult. A couple of them just did not really get that what I was trying to do was to express my happiness that I finally found something that could help me achieve my goal. At that point, I was so excited about the results that I forgot about the fact that not all women want to have bigger breasts. But the point of using Triactol is to improve the appearance of your breasts, not just size-wise, but also when it comes to their shape. And this is what I had in mind when I recommended it.
As for my dream, it still did not come true, but soon there will be another chance to get tested again and this time, I`m confident that everything will go great.