Triactol gave me a new, improved look

Triactol gave me a new, improved lookWhen I was only ten years old, I found my father`s Playboy and instead of being scared of what I saw in it, I was amazed and couldn`t wait to grow up to look exactly like the women in the magazine. They were all perfect and they all seemed to be able to get what they wanted. As I grow older, I realized that things were not always as they seemed, but I still wanted the same thing – I wanted to be one of the girls who would appear in this fascinating magazine. So I started working on it.


I made sure I ate right, I exercised a lot and I did everything in my power to make my skin beautiful. Of course, none of this was easy especially because I had to work a lot in order to provide myself with all the things I needed to be perfect. When I thought I was ready, I went to get tested for a playmate and I really hoped that my dream would come true.


Unfortunately, things did not go so well. In fact, I was refused so quickly that I literally burst into tears when I found out. It was a cruel world and I was not prepared for it. I was not used to being treated that way, especially because everybody I knew thought I was perfect for Playboy.
The only problem I had was that my breasts were smaller than they should have been. I kind of always knew that, but I guess I was in denial. After I was rejected, there was no way I could ignore my problem if I wanted to succeed. I know that small breasts are not a problem, but in my case, they were the only thing that stopped me from getting something I had always dreamed of.


However, considering that I did not have to make them a lot bigger, I figured that it might be smart to try something less invasive than surgery. So I bought some pills. They didn`t work. I bought some other pills and they did not work either. Eventually, I decided to try out various creams, the first of which was Triactol.Triactol gave me a new, improved look

I made sure I followed the instructions and I made sure I did everything right. After only 4 weeks, I noticed a change. My breasts were perkier and definitely bigger. I was so excited that I started recommended the cream to everyone I knew. Unfortunately, my attempt to encourage some of my friends to give Triactol a try was interpreted as an insult. A couple of them just did not really get that what I was trying to do was to express my happiness that I finally found something that could help me achieve my goal. At that point, I was so excited about the results that I forgot about the fact that not all women want to have bigger breasts. But the point of using Triactol is to improve the appearance of your breasts, not just size-wise, but also when it comes to their shape. And this is what I had in mind when I recommended it.


As for my dream, it still did not come true, but soon there will be another chance to get tested again and this time, I`m confident that everything will go great.

Triactol boosted my self-confidence

As a twenty year old girl who had always cared about her appearance, I found it extremely difficult to come to terms with the fact that I simply had no breasts. I mean, I had them, everybody does, but they were so small and unnoticeable that it felt like [...] Continue Reading…

Thanks to Triactol, I now have the most beautiful breasts in the world

I have always admired women who were proud owners of small breasts. Not because small breasts are better than big breasts, but because everyone is different and it is these kinds of differences that make us unique. On the other hand, I could understand that someone would do anything [...] Continue Reading…

Triactol did what breast enhancement surgery couldn’t

The reason I decided to share my story with you is because I want to warn women about the dangers of breast enhancement surgery and I also want to seize the opportunity to recommend something else instead; something much safer and in my opinion, something much more efficient.
First of [...] Continue Reading…

In which cases can Triactol help?

21st century is not the kindest place to an average woman. Of course, it is a huge improvement on the last couple thousand years, but there are some new pressures that have become such a huge thing that a lot of women have problems with their self-image. Namely, we [...] Continue Reading…

Is Triactol the best way to up a size?

There are numerous reasons why women wish to go up a size when their breasts are in question. Some women think that men find women with bigger breasts more attractive and while this may be true in some cases, there is no way that a man is going to [...] Continue Reading…

Why I used Triactol after breastfeeding

In my family, the question of breastfeeding has never been raised. It is something that is simply done. And I understand it. It forms a special kind of a bond between the child and the mother and there is definitely something there that surpasses logical and rational reasoning. Therefore, [...] Continue Reading…

How Triactol can make breasts look more beautiful

If you ask men, there are only few things in the world that can compare with the beauty that are breasts. If there aren’t any, in fact. Another thing that you will find out when you talk to men is that they love all kinds of breasts. They do [...] Continue Reading…

Psychological benefits of Triactol

We can argue about it for days, but the simple fact is that breasts are one of the most controversial parts on a female body. There are many reasons for this. First of all, they are the constant source of argument between the female population that thinks that men [...] Continue Reading…

Is Triactol a better solution than breast enhancement surgery?

The shortest possible answer to this question would be yes. Triactol is a much better solution for breast enhancement than surgery. However, we should explain why this is so and also note that there are cases in which surgery is simply the only option.
First of all, let’s cover situations [...] Continue Reading…