Premature ejaculation is certainly a problem, but it is not a problem that cannot be solved in some way. I too suffered from this problem, but I found a solution. I had the problem last year, just as I was starting a new relationship with a girl I had met online. We clicked immediately and we were a perfect match in ever way, however, this problem in the bed was really causing problems in our relationship. Now matter how good of a couple you are and how much you care for each other, if the sex is not good, then the relationship probably will not last. I had the problem of not being able to last longer than two minutes at a time when having intercourse.
I could not control my ejaculations and therefore I could not have intercourse long enough to even begin to satisfy my girlfriend. This was definitely a problem, and we talked about it one night. We decided that it needed to get solved if we wanted the relationship to continue. So I got on the Internet the next day and started to do some research. I found my girlfriend on the Internet, so I figured that I would be able to find a solution for my problem there too. And I was right. Right off the bat, I found tons of websites dedicated to premature ejaculation problems and a lot of different forums and message boards that were full of people who were having the same problems I had.
I noticed that there were a lot of people who were recommending a drug called Priligy, stating that it had worked wonders for them. Of course, this was the first thing I then began to research more closely. I found that Priligy was a very popular drug for helping out with these sexual problems and that a lot of people, doctors included, were recommending it. It wasn’t some weird herbal remedy that is sold on the Internet, it is a real drug – a prescription drug.
This meant that I would have to go to the doctor and get a prescription for the drug before I could buy it. Getting a prescription really is not that hard, so don’t worry about it. It is not embarrassing to talk about this problem to a doctor, because they are trained professions who deal with these types of things all of the time. Once the doctor confirms that you have problems with premature ejaculation they will write you a prescription for Priligy if this is what you want. And the doctor will of course make sure that you are not taking any other medications that might cause side effects when taken with Priligy. Getting a prescription drug from a doctor is the best way to both get a cure for what ails you and to be safe while doing it and avoid having any other problems occur to you in the long run.