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To provide free paralegal services to men and women in matters of child support, enforcement of court orders for support, alimony/maintenance, and paternity in addition to furnishing information concerning custody, visitation, orders of protection, divorce and separation under the guidance of a panel of volunteer attorneys.

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Court Advocacy

Paralegals accompany clients to Family Court and acquaint them with the procedures. Paralegals assist the clients in filing petitions and also accompany them to court on the hearing date(s). These advocates under the guidance of attorneys inform clients of their rights under the law and explain how to obtain and enforce orders of support, apply for a wage deduction order or income execution, serve subpoenas or secure a judgment on the arrears.

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Panels And Workshops

Panels and workshops are held several times a year. Legislators, Judges and Attorneys participate, and the general public is invited to attend.

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Legal Clinics

Legal Clinics, which are open to the public, are held monthly in Nassau, Suffolk, Manhattan and Brooklyn. An attorney who specailizes in Domestic Relations is present, to answer legal questions relating to matrimonial and child support situations.

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Published bi-monthly, the newsletter informs and educates FOCUS clients and the community on Family Court procedures, legislation and news of general interest. Articles are written by members of the staff, guest attorneys and concerned citizens of the community.

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Information And Referral

During an initial interview, Paralegals determine the client's needs. Individuals are informed of their rights and are referred to attorneys or appropriate community agencies or resources. Clients are provided with ongoing services and may contact FOCUS for information regarding any change in circumstances. Clients may also use our telephone consultation services.

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"For Our Children and Us," Inc. is an innovative program and the only one of its kind on Long Island and in the nation.

In 1972, Fran Mattera brought together a group of attorneys, social workers and community leaders who were committed to the enforcement of court-awarded support through Family Court. An educational program was instituted which sought to inform the average citizen of their rights and options under the matrimonial and family laws of New York State.

In 1978, FOCUS, "For Our Children and Us," Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit agency under the laws of New York State. At this time, paralegals were added to the staff to give assistance to clients confronting the complexities of the Family Court system.

FOCUS now maintains offices in Nassau, Suffolk, Manhattan and Brooklyn, Although the major source of funding comes from New York State, FOCUS also relies heavily on the in-kind services of professional volunteers and on the generous contributions of clients and friends.

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Focus Board Members

550 Old Country Road
Suite 403
Hicksville, New York 11801
(516) 433 - 6633

5 Shore Lane
Third Floor
Bayshore, New York 11706
(631) 854 - 0857

60 Lafayette Street
Manhattan Family Court
Room 3B17
New York, NewYork 10013
(212) 693 - 1655

32 Court Street
Room 507
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 596 - 1017

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Ilene J. Behar, Esq. Chair/President

Prof Lewis Silverman, Vice President

Mrs. Dorothy Hanrahan, Secretary

Judith Beckman, C.F.P.

Ira Bierman, Esq.

Joseph Brettschneider, Esq.

Steven J. Eisman, Esq.

Ms. Margaret McCartney

Dr. Leslie Popoff

Kieth Rieger, Esq.

Rita Brettschneider, Esq., Emeritus President

Del Seligman, Esq., Honorary Board Member

Dr. Sydell S. Sloan, Honorary Board Member

Samuel J. Ferrara, Esq. - Counsel


These pages are copyright © 2001 by Focus nonprofit Inc.