Only 1% of Adults take Diet Pills

A study in the medical journal Obesity came out with some startling facts: less than 1% of people used medicines for obesity, despite the fact that 1/3 of Americans are obese.  Another 1/3 of Americans are overweight.  When that small 1% of people did use an obesity medicine, only about 15% of them kept on using the drug for more than 3 months.


This information comes just when the FDA declined approval of another anti-obesity drug.  This time, it was Qnexa, a combination of Phentermine and topiramate.  Medical professionals are called Qnexa the largest breakthrough in anti-obesity drugs in the last 50 years.  Many people already know about Phentermine and its weight-loss capabilities.  By combining topiramate (an anti-seizure drug which also helps weight loss), the benefits of each drug are increased but without increasing risks of side effects.


The FDA has already taken a public stand against Phentermine because of concerns that the drug is dangerous for heart patients.  Cardiovascular problems are commonly linked with obesity, so it is understandable why the FDA would be concerned about this.  But, the FDA has seemed to overlook its most basic parameter for determining whether a drug should be approved or not: do the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks?  Heart problems are very common amongst obese people.  But, if the obesity isn’t treated, then the heart problems are just likely to get worse.  Numerous studies of anti-obesity drugs show that they can actually help improve heart conditions.


There is no denying that these anti-obesity drugs like Phentermine do come with some risks.  Phentermine works by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain so you don’t feel hungry and your body uses energy more efficiently (increased metabolism).  Phentermine isn’t a miracle pill but, with healthy lifestyle changes, it can lead to a major reduction in body fat, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.

If anti-obesity drugs are so effective, then why are so few people taking them?

When the study in Obesity journal came out, many medical professionals were surprised.  They have many hypotheses as to why only 1% of people are taking prescription weight-loss drugs, despite the large obesity epidemic sweeping the country.  One of the major problems which is keeping people from seeking help is that they fail to understand the risks of weight-loss drugs.


In the past, weight-loss drugs were just glorified amphetamines.  Those weight-loss drugs, which were popular with housewives in the 50s and 60s, led to many severe drug addictions and many deaths.  Today’s weight-loss drugs are heavily regulated and tested so the full risks are understood before they are approved. Even drugs like Phentermine which have been shown safe still get shelved while the FDA continues investigation.


While only 1% of adults are taking prescription diet pills, it should be noted that many more are taking over-the-counter diet pills.  These diet pills don’t compare to the prescription drugs like Phentermine when it comes to efficacy and they also aren’t tested as much.  Before you reach for an OTC weight loss supplement, you should ask your doctor if there is a better, prescription drug available which is right for you.

The FDA’s Battle Against Weight-Loss Drugs

Despite the hundreds of prescription drugs which are approved for obesity-related illnesses like high cholesterol and diabetes, there are very few drugs approved by the FDA for treating obesity.  Because the FDA has a history of disapproving weight-loss drugs, it isn’t surprising that few pharmaceutical companies are investing their [...] Continue Reading…

Are appetite suppressors like Phentermine a safe choice?

As everyone who ever had to try to lose weight can tell you, the struggle for weight loss is a tough one. There are many reasons why this rings true, for instance:

Food is one of the more pleasurable activities for most people, and cutting back on such an enjoyable [...] Continue Reading…

Diet pills and weight loss

Almost everyone who is interested in weight loss and dieting topics probably knows a lot about Phentermine. Phentermine is the most famous weight loss pill that became famous as a reliable way for even the most obese individuals to lose weight safely and quickly. Phentermine has been on the [...] Continue Reading…

Best combo for weight loss

No matter how efficient the latest weight loss pill you have found it – even if the pill in question is Phentermine, one of the most efficient appetite suppressants available on the market – you still need to maintain a sensible weight loss diet if you want to maximize [...] Continue Reading…

What exactly is Phentermine?

More people around the world are becoming overweight every day. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it’s only expected if you think about if for a bit. The unhealthy way most people are living their lives these days – the sedentary way of life, poorly balanced diets full [...] Continue Reading…

Truth about Phentermine

Phentermine is a highly efficient weight loss pill that’s used since the late fifties under a variety of names. Some of the more recognizable names for Phentermine Hydrochloride based weight loss products over the years have been Obenix, Fastin, Obermine, Lonamin, Obestin 30, Adipex-P, Phentrol and countless other brand [...] Continue Reading…

General Phentermine Facts:

Phentermine is a weight loss product that works by suppressing the appetite. It’s available in different forms, as well as dosages. One form that’s available is a thirty milligram capsule manufactured and sold by Medeva Pharmaceuticals, called Ionamin, although there are several other options – both brand name Phentermine [...] Continue Reading…

Why has Phentermine stopped working for me?

If you have been using Phentermine for a while, you might find out that while it’s still helping you lose weight and control your appetite, the speed at which you are shedding fat is not the same as when you started. It’s like you’ve hit a “weight loss wall”, [...] Continue Reading…

Everything you need to know about Phentermine

There are a lot of different weight loss programs based on Phentermine out there. The fact that so many obese patients are using Phentermine to lose fat has given this pill something of a “magic bullet” reputation. Of course, with reputation comes misconceptions and myths, and you should not [...] Continue Reading…

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