Welcome to iPride

Family Pride in Mixed Heritage

iPride was founded in 1979 by a concerned group of multiracial families in Berkeley California. The school system did not allow their children to claim their mixed race identity on forms or in classroom projects. By creating iPride, originally known as Interracial and Intercultural Pride, parents came together and pressured the Berkeley Public School system to rethink their racial classification system.

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iPride went on to create a toddler playgroup and many family events including camping trips, picnics and multiple holiday celebrations. A teen group eventually formed as the toddlers grew up and Generation Pride was founded and run by iPride youth members. iPride was actively involved in changing the 2000 Census forms to allow multiethnic Americans the option to check more than one racial box and continues to advocate at the state level for the same rights.

After 25 years of community service and being one of the first multiracial family organizations in the US, iPride went through a revitalization period. A new board of directors was recruited in 2005 and iPride began collaborations with other local organizations. In 2006 iPride merged with the Multiethnic Education Program (ME Program) and the FUSION organization to create a new, dynamic iPride. FUSION brought its day camp for mixed-heritage and transracially adopted youth and its Family Activity Meetings (FAM) program to iPride. The ME Program brought to iPride its films and educators guides especially designed to train our educational communities about best practices in serving multiracial youth. Today, FUSION Camp, FAM, and the ME Program are programs of iPride and the Young Childrens Playgroup has been reinstated.