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No more Mr Baldie

No more Mr Baldie Since the first day we met, my wife and I have had all sorts of pet names for each other. Some people think that this is utterly juvenile and disgusting, but I believe that this makes us a lot closer to each other. Besides, we don’t use these names in front of other people. In that case, I would most definitely be embarrassed and I can’t imagine just how much my mates would tease me because of that. Fortunately, I warned my wife about that and she has been careful. As a result, I never found myself in a humiliating situation when your wife uses a rather inappropriate name to call you.

Of course, over the years, the pet names that we used were cute and sometimes funny, but when my wife started calling me baldie, I wasn’t so pleased. In fact, when she first said it, I immediately went to the bathroom and took a good look at my head. And that was the first time I took a look at the back of my head. It was completely bald and I had no idea. I mean, I knew that I had been losing hair, but I wasn’t aware of the fact that things had progressed so much.

My wife tried to reassure me that this didn’t bother her and that in her opinion; I was still as attractive as I was when we first met. I had no other choice but to believe her, however, I noticed that this little change in my appearance affected my mood. I wasn’t really satisfied with how I looked and even though my wife didn’t mind, I did have a problem with the fact that I would probably end up being bald.

No more Mr Baldie To make matters worse, my kids started teasing me as well. They called me Baldermort and this only made me think about the whole situation more. I knew I wanted to prevent losing hair and I knew that I wanted my old hair back. But since I was embarrassed to talk about it with anyone, I went online and tried to find out more about the ways you can treat hair loss.

Unfortunately, the only thing that seemed like the right choice for me was Propecia, but I had to visit my doctor because the medication could only be obtained with a prescription. So I went, got the prescription, bought the drug and I couldn’t wait to start using it. However, I kept quiet because I wanted to see if anyone would notice the changes. I knew I couldn’t be impartial in my judgment as to whether or not I was making progress.

Considering that my wife and I tell each other everything, it was really difficult for me to keep such a big secret from her. Fortunately, I didn’t have to do it for a long time because only three months later, when my wife noticed that some of my hair grew back, I told her all about my visit to the doctor and Propecia.

She couldn’t really understand why I hadn’t told her anything and she was mad at me for a couple of days, but she eventually got over it. I have been using Propecia for a year and the progress that I have made is tremendous. I feel a lot better and my wife and kids cannot call me baldie or Baldermort anymore. The nickname does not suit me anymore.

What Propecia did for me

When you are a teenager, life is hard enough even without any added difficulties. And in my case, there were a lot of added difficulties. I was not so attractive; I was very skinny and had acne. I never did any sports and as a result of all that, [...] Continue Reading…

Propecia is the secret to my good looks

People say that getting divorced is never easy, but in my case, the experience was awful. My wife and I fought a lot and once we decided to get divorced, things took a turn for the worse. We fought even more about who will keep what, who will get [...] Continue Reading…

Psychological effects of using Propecia

We have discussed the actual and physically noticeable effects of Propecia. We have talked about its ability to promote recuperation of hair follicles that got deteriorated due to action of dihydrotestosterone and we also talked about the improvement to the amount of hair on the scalp while we also [...] Continue Reading…

Should I discuss using Propecia with my doctor?

We are definitely live in an age where people do more and more business online. Can you remember when you last went to a record shop and checked out new albums? There are kids today who do not know that music once had to come on a physical actual [...] Continue Reading…

Comparison between Propecia and natural remedies for hair loss

Hair loss is something that a very large majority of men has to deal with to some extent before or after. It is a condition that affects a large percentage of men and this percentage tends to increase as you take into considerations older and older individuals. There are [...] Continue Reading…

Propecia- mechanism of action

We believe that it is important to have an article like this one on a blogsite, an article that is going to give people details about how a specific medication works. Some people believe it is utterly pointless as most people do not care about this, but we think [...] Continue Reading…

Adverse effects of Propecia

Propecia is a medication from the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor class and as such it is used in the treatment of male pattern baldness. When used for longer periods of time, it results in evident reduction in hair loss, regrowth of hair and significant increase in the number of hairs on [...] Continue Reading…

More about male pattern baldness and the effects of Propecia

Sometimes you learn something about ordinary things that really starts to baffle you and provide you with a lot to think about. For instance, did you know that there is very little known about male pattern baldness, a condition that is most commonly responsible for hair loss in men. [...] Continue Reading…

Propecia – the very basics

Welcome to a blogsite where we will be talking about Propecia, the most amazing treatment for male pattern baldness there is on the market today. We wish this site to become the place where the UK residents, and not necessarily only UK residents, can come and find out everything [...] Continue Reading…