Welcome to Bound Anna - the right place for bondage, selfbondage, blueprints, and scenarios.

Adults Only!
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2: I realise that viewing this site might be illegal in some countries and that it is my responsibility not to break any local laws.

3: I understand that I am about to enter a website containing selfbondage ideas, scenarios and techniques.

4: I realize that the content the "Bound Anna" website is only for imagination and should never be tested for real.

5: I understand that selfbondage is dangerous and cause harm or even death even if safety advice is followed.

6: I promise never to try anything for real on either myself or another person.

7: Should I try anything, I promise to hold the owner of Bound Anna and any website and/or person named on the "Bound Anna" website totally without guilt.

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Boundanna.com and boundanna.net are a private website run as a spare time project and is offered here for viewing free of charge without any guarantees.

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