A Wedding Fit For A Princess

March 14th, 2012

My mom helped me plan my wedding and reception. We went online to get some ideas on wedding themes, accessories and party supplies. I couldn’t believe how many great ideas we found. You can have just about any type of wedding you desire. They had accessories and supplies for every theme, from winter wonderland to storybook weddings. I had a little trouble making up my mind, but I finally decided on a gorgeous storybook wedding and reception. The church was decorated with red and white roses and a red carpet runner for the aisle. I wore a beautiful beaded tiara that looked so elegant with my beaded wedding dress. Everything for the ceremony was just perfect. I felt like royalty. We even left for the reception in a horse drawn carriage. The reception tables were filled with crystal and lovely red and white flowers in each centerpiece. We found the perfect place card holders that also served as a little thank you gift for each of our friends and family. I don’t think Cinderella could have had it any better.

Swinger’s club- HGH

December 26th, 2011

In this world of technology, life tends to be full of stress, anxiety, tensions and so does relationships, increasing divorce rates has become a matter of concern, habituation at some point in marriage leads to change the way of interacting with partner and un-fulfilment of sexual desire is a great cause for divorce, results in a culture becoming popular i.e. swinging clubs. Swinging club is an informal or social gathering of likeminded peoples to get involved in conventional sexual activities but with other partner for fun, curiosity, excitement, pleasure, and to avoid boredom (from married life). Swinging may provide a way to reconnect physically and emotionally in the stressful times and tensions among the couples, Here Partner swapping is a very common term where both committed partners are agreed to engage in sex with other couples. Some studies revealed that Swingers are happier than the normal couples in their relationships as it provides adventure, sexual variety and a way to live out the fantasies without secrecy, shyness and shame. There are few concerns with swinging regarding; Health risk for sexually Transmitted disease (STD), unwanted Pregnancies, Insecurity for partner, jealous, Religious and moral break down. It is also a hard true that this culture is indigestible, HGH in most of the countries and among various societies because any sex is wrong outside of marriage, whether it is with the spouse’s permission or without it, but in this dynamic world it is the right time to change our mentality towards relationships and sex.

Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs

September 19th, 2011

The words ‘scrubs’ brings back memories from my teen years when a group of us had gone to watch the then famous film called”MASH”. The film is a comical representation of the American troop hospital in the ‘war zone ‘. All the doctors and other hospital staff are conscripted for military service and how they fumble and falter is the central theme for the humor element and the words ’scrubs’ are uttered often by the doctors and nurses in the quickly arranged ‘army hospital’. The memory comes back since it was the first instance when I came across the word ‘scrubs’, which is the term the hospital staff use for sanitized hospital gowns , caps and other clothing worn during surgical operations. In later years I understood that the whole movie is a parody trying to express the very concept of forcing inept young people in the name of National Security. Scrubs also bring to mind the domestic chore of trying to tidy up our kitchens and bathrooms in anticipation of visitors expected to arrive.

The Genius of Lady Gaga Costumes

September 19th, 2011

To the untrained eye, the over-the-top, outlandish, and wonderful costumes worn by Lady Gaga seem to be just an explosion of randomness. However, this is not the case; a lot of time, thought, and effort are put into each piece. There is much attention paid to elements such as texture and color in Lady Gaga costumes. The materials used in some pieces (who could forget the meat dress?) are carefully selected to create shock amongst Gaga spectators-whether they are fans or critics, the shock value is the same. However, not only do her costumes create shock–they create buzz and trends within the hip and young public. Lady Gaga popularized the hair bow (as in, a bow made out of hair), and scores of young trendy women immediately sought the Mickey Mouse-like sunglasses following the release of Gaga’s “Paparazzi” music video. The craziness of her costumes are all just part of her strategy; Gaga has stated that by being publicly over-the-top, she can feed the paparazzi and the public’s hunger for Gaga while keeping her privacy.

Why I Prefer Handmade Halloween Costumes

August 16th, 2011

My Halloween costumes have always been handmade. I never had to don a cheap, stinky plastic creation that was manufactured by the hundreds, and my parents never had to stand in a crowded Halloween aisle, clamoring to obtain the year’s favorite character costume for me. My parents always encouraged me to be creative, convincing me that a unique and original costume was far better than any that could be purchased. As a youngster, I was hesitant, but every year, I placed in the top three of any costume contest I ever entered. Today, my family starts planning costumes in the Spring, collecting the necessities throughout the summer. By October, we all have an incredibly fantastic and unique costume. Every year, at least one of us places in the top three of a contest. Besides, where would one find an Undead Renaissance Girl or a Siamese Twin Mermaid costume? I know they aren’t at Target.

Wedding Garter: No Pressure in Our Town on Prom Night

January 7th, 2009

It’s time for the prom in our small little town.  We don’t have the pressure of worrying about limos because our rural town’s high school won’t allow the prom attendees to hire limos.  They say it’s a waste of money and causes our children to do things that may not normally do. As for the dress and accessories like the prom garter, we can do what we want, really.  I’m on the prom committee and I’m researching prom party favors and personalized prom favors.  With only 2 choices, I am not worried.  But I am worried for my mother because she is in charge of buying the wedding favors and the wedding garter for my sister’s wedding which is only 6 weeks from now.  After the prom is over, I will help my mom do these wedding tasks.  It will be fun!

A Wedding Frame As A Thank You Gift?

January 6th, 2009

I never thought about giving wedding frames as wedding favors before.  But they have the most adorable photo frame favors I’ve ever seen.  So when I ordered my wedding frame for my bridal picture, I also ordered photo frames for all of my guests.  I know they’ll all like these as much as I do.

I’m Getting A Girls Night Out Party

December 12th, 2008

After finally getting all my wedding plans in order and my decorations and wedding favors taken care of, I get to unwind with a girls night out party, courtesy of my sister and best friend.  They’ve planned it all from girls night out invitations to girls party favors.  They say they have some outrageous girls night out ideas.  I hope so.  I could use outrageous right about now.

My Sister and I Will Pick Out The Flower Girl Gifts

December 9th, 2008

My sister and I will pick out the flower girl gifts together.  Shopping is one of the many things we love to do together.  On Saturday, I will pick her up and we will go to the mall.  We have several choices there so it will be a blast.  We need to look for a gift for ring bearer and bearer flower girl gifts.  Not sure yet.  We’ll know when we see it. The other idea is personalized ring bearer gifts.  We both saw the personalized one at the same time and said, “this one.”  Too funny – we still shop similarly.  While we were shopping my sister reminded me that I still need to buy the wedding favors, so we will be shopping for those very soon.

Her Personalized Favors Were A Big Hit

December 8th, 2008

Everyone commented on how lovely the wedding favors were and especially the fact that she took the time to make sure they were personalized favors.  Getting personalized favors for everyone was a very thoughtful thing to do and everyone appreciated it.  My little personalized favor box it came in was beautiful too.  The gifts she gave us were no way ordinary, they were unique personalized wedding favors and everyone could tell.