First throughout the day with graphic, shocking and unusual videos from around the world.

Shocking Video Just Released From Thailand

Don't stare at this for too long, you'll get a funny taste in your mouth.
Viewed:74897 times.
Member Comments: 785

Bored To Death - Man Jumps In Front Of Subway Train

If you've ever wondered whether it's possible to be bored to death by someone, here's the answer.
Viewed:1903 times.
Member Comments: 1

Iraqi Police Brutally Beat Suspected Insurgents

You would figure if they were insurgents a gun shot wouldnt phase them at all like it did there, look more like innocent civilians to me.
Category:War & Unrest
Viewed:1434 times.
Member Comments: 0

Cartel Member Videoed Burying The Evidence

If he waters her enough he should have a fine crop of ripe sluts come end of harvest.
Viewed:3029 times.
Member Comments: 0

Cop Hanging Onto A Speeding Getaway Bus

A policeman tries to stop a bus by holding onto the windshield as the bus attempts a getaway. The policeman yells at a passing vehicle asking them to film the incident.
Category:Law & Order
Viewed:1033 times.
Member Comments: 1

Guy Gets Beaten Setting Fire To The Bar

LOL at the old dude attempting the Karate Kid sweep the leg manoeuvre on that guy trying to stop him.
Viewed:1793 times.
Member Comments: 1

Biker Burns To Death Under The Car He Hit

I'm pretty sure adding those logs to the fire didn't help their cause.
Viewed:1564 times.
Member Comments: 3

Drunk Asian Girl Abused In The Parking Lot

These 2 guys picked up a drunk Asian girl from the street to have some fun with her. She is so drunk she almost starts puking and then starts crying in disgust.
Viewed:1900 times.
Member Comments: 0

Brutal Three On Two Beating Outside The Bar

I don't believe it, a fight involving Russians spilling their beer and not slurping it off the floor.
Viewed:6209 times.
Member Comments: 8

Drunk Idiots Kill A Spider - Babies Get Revenge

It was like one of those vans filled with mexicans, once it gets busted they all flee.
Viewed:8929 times.
Member Comments: 5

Far Too Young To Be Doing This

What do you get when a teenage girl is left alone in her bedroom with her new webcam turned on ?
Viewed:8109 times.
Member Comments: 0

Biker Wheelies Across The Crossroads Into Pain

That'll teach his dumbass not to show off the next time he rides after putting his bike back together.
Viewed:3787 times.
Member Comments: 7

Chinese Guy Enjoys Beating The Hell Out Of Women

This is what happens when you tell a Chinese man that his penis is too small.
Viewed:6271 times.
Member Comments: 13

Cheat on Me? I'll Just Bang Your Sister Then

Dude doesn't waste any time, that's for damn sure. Split her legs open faster than her last gynecologist appointment.
Viewed:6456 times.
Member Comments: 0

Found Alive - Rebels Blow Soldiers Head Off

If they wanted his wallet that badly they could have just asked for it.
Category:War & Unrest
Viewed:9849 times.
Member Comments: 9

Man Sticks His Head Out The Window - Truck Hits It

Hmm I guess the piece of brain displayed on the street was the part he did'nt use.
Viewed:15601 times.
Member Comments: 12

Indians Beat The Crap Out Of Each Other With Chairs

If you like watching Indian guys banging each other over the had with metal chairs this one's for you.
Viewed:4528 times.
Member Comments: 9

Redneck Gets His Face Burnt Off Firing Muzzleloader

It's always good to have your biggest bag of gunpowder in front of you when firing your weapon.
Viewed:10095 times.
Member Comments: 6

What Really Happens In Massage Parlors

Hidden camera in Japanse massage sallon caughts employees offering "extra services" to their customers.
Viewed:11831 times.
Member Comments: 0

Syrian Demonstrator Gets His Throat Slit & Set On Fire

Well if the throat slitting and burning alive didn't get him, that fucking chanting was gonna do the job.
Category:War & Unrest
Viewed:4700 times.
Member Comments: 8

Fully Awake - Man Cut In Half By A Dump Truck

Poor guy, it doesn't look like he's in any pain though which is pretty odd considering he's missing his bottom half.
Viewed:14135 times.
Member Comments: 13

Man Attempts Suicide From The Police Station Roof

The extraordinary lengths people go to just to prove a point, and in the end no one really gives a flying fuck anyway.
Viewed:4074 times.
Member Comments: 9

She Loves Horses A Little Too Much

Don’t get me wrong, I like cute naked girls covered in horse blood, it’s just that this seems a little “on the nose.”
Viewed:10995 times.
Member Comments: 0

Man Shot In The Face & Thrown Down A Well

Conceal the evidence by throwing the guy down the well for nobody to find, but video it just incase we wanna watch it later.
Category:War & Unrest
Viewed:33386 times.
Member Comments: 9

Porn Star With Epic Boobs Found Murdered

If I was the guy who just made a girl look like this I'd be so fucking ashamed of myself.
Viewed:15475 times.
Member Comments: 0

Spring Break Bikini Contest Out Of Control

That's what happens when you put a bunch of sluts on stage and ask them to perform for the crowd.
Viewed:8602 times.
Member Comments: 0

Total Devastation - Biology Lesson On The Roadside

Now I'm not an expert in medical matters, but I don't think they can do anything for this guy apart from maybe some of that magic newspaper they always use.
Viewed:3048 times.
Member Comments: 6

Horiffic Accident Sends People Flying Across The Highway

Two people in the BMW were killed during the accident, amazingly the flying pedestrian made it to intensive care.
Viewed:15374 times.
Member Comments: 6

His Wedding Day Couldn't Have Got Any Better

Whats with the big fat munter in last spot, damn I was almost sick in my mouth.
Viewed:9804 times.
Member Comments: 0

Sometimes Saying No Just Isn't Enough

Now this is why schoolgirls wearning miniskirts shouldn't be walking through the park alone.
Viewed:12981 times.
Member Comments: 0

Assad's Soldiers Defiling Corpses In Syria

Soldiers loyal to the Assad regime mocking and defiling the bodies of Syrian protesters.
Category:War & Unrest
Viewed:8465 times.
Member Comments: 6

Girl Almost Killed Standing Behind A Plane On Takeoff

I used to live here and did this a couple of times myself, the number one rule was hang the fuck on to that fence and don't do what she done.
Viewed:31905 times.
Member Comments: 14

16 Year Old Stabs Woman In The Back At A Bar

What an asshole, he walks right up behind her, carefully aims and plants the knife straight into her back.
Viewed:7141 times.
Member Comments: 7

Girl Gets Stripped & Forced To Wear A Diaper

I don't know what it is with the Chinese race but when it comes to fucked up videos they have it down to a fine art.
Viewed:10741 times.
Member Comments: 0

Suicide Bomber Aftermath In Yemen

The body is in a thousand pieces, but the head's perfectly in tact.
Viewed:9240 times.
Member Comments: 10

Boy Forced To Have His Penis Chopped Off

Warning, if you don't want to see a guy getting his penis chopped off then don't click on this video.
Viewed:11322 times.
Member Comments: 0

Skater Screams In Pain When He Snaps His Arm

I love how the screams are still audible from more than 300 feet away.
Viewed:6337 times.
Member Comments: 8

Son Falls Off Fathers Bike Under A Dump Truck Wheel

Why would you take a child on the back of a bike without a helmet, his life will never be the same again.
Viewed:5401 times.
Member Comments: 8

Raw Video - Cop Gets Raped By A Horse

Not that there's an official production by one of the big movie companies.
Viewed:4790 times.
Member Comments: 0

Black Guy Told To Stop But He Doesn't Want To

Poor girl doesn't know what to do, it may have sounded like a good idea to try a cock the size of your arm but in reality it ain't so.
Viewed:12968 times.
Member Comments: 0

Getting Away From The Cops Like A Boss

Just remember to pack a chute if you decide to try this the next time you're caught out, it doesn't work too well without one.
Viewed:14351 times.
Member Comments: 10