Ejaculate like a porn star with Performer 5Unless we are being very dishonest, every guy will come clean and say that they have seen at least a bit of porn. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However, what we have seen in porn videos can give the impression that we are far inferior to the men performing in such content. There is the fact that these guys have been chosen for their ability to perform better than other guys, but there is also the fact that these guys have long been aware of what Performer 5 can do for your performance.


We are talking most importantly of the ejaculations that they are able to achieve. Namely, you have probably noticed that those guys ejaculate far more than the Average Joe. And we can give you the good news that it is not only genetics. Namely, it has a lot to do with the fact that most of them are using natural supplements for increasing the levels of semen produced and that the best such product is the one we are talking about here, Performer 5.


Performer 5 is a carefully designed blend of natural ingredients which have been proven to increase the amount of semen being produced in the male body. With its amazing properties, it can give you 5 times more ejaculate that will directly increase the amount of pleasure that you get during orgasms. The reason why this is so is that the contractions needed to expunge the ejaculate out of the body are what we experience as orgasms. Hence, more ejaculate- more intense the orgasms.


Ejaculate like a porn star with Performer 5There are additional benefits of having so much semen to expel during orgasms. For instance, women cannot help but find this attractive and appealing. Their irrational and subconscious brain is telling them that the man who comes as plentiful as one using Performer 5 is a masculine specimen and one that is so virile and potent that they cannot help but fall for him. It is not something that they can explain, but it is so. Also, there is no denying that women also watch porn and that they also can see the appeal of huge ejaculations rationally as well.


One of the best characteristics of Performer 5 is that it is not only a pill that promotes production of semen. It is also a pill that enhances other aspects of your sexual performance. Namely, there are additional ingredients in Performer 5 that can enhance the amount of blood that gets into the penis when it is erect. Because of this, you can also expect a substantial improvement in the quality of your erections as well. Your stamina, your sexual desire and your control over orgasms are also enhanced.

Right from the start, I have to say that Performer 5 is a great product. It helped me become great in bed and it helped me improve my life in every single way.

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The goal off this article is really not that difficult to decipher once you read the title. Namely, this is an article which is dedicated to the F.A.Q. when Performer 5 is concerned. We have done our research extensively and we have selected some of the questions which we [...] Continue Reading…

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