Lately the gambling industry has become a major one, and even online gambling is something that is growing daily. You have a chance to participate in a tournament in almost any part of the day, and that from the comfort of your home. Here we will list some of the differences between live tournament and an online one.
Well first of all any experienced blackjack player will tell you, that a large part of the live tournament experience is the adrenaline rush and the feeling of playing against other people head to head. Nothing can substitute the feeling of watching people and their reactions as the game unfolds. Other experienced players also enjoy siting down on a same table with same people over a span of few tournaments. There is so much more involved when you play against people live, and not just against the dealer. The drama involved is so intense that in recent times TV broadcasts of the tournaments are becoming more common. This feeling is something online tournaments just can’t deliver to you, sitting home alone next to your computer; the feeling is just not the same. Although online you have an option of joining on tournaments with people all over the world. This is mostly a thing of personal preference for every player. This generally differs from each player’s expectations of the game; some play it for the competitive factor, and seeing opponents live, while others play for the game and prize.
The great thing about online version is that you can play with people all over the world, competing with real money, without the need to sign up for special events, or even leave home, or for that matter even getting dressed. Everything you need to play is very near to you; there is no one to distract you, only you and your skill and you can easily focus on the game itself.
What it comes down to, is your personal preference, do you like attention, do you like big events with large amounts of people, do you like seeing the look on opponents face when you hit blackjack, if so you will probably find online tournaments rather boring and lacking the thrill you are looking for. If on the other hand you don’t like the spotlight, don’t care who is sitting next you, if you don’t like to be distracted from your strategy then playing online blackjack seems a better option for you. We recommend trying both and seeing what fits you best.