SPECIAL OFFER for TEXAS CLASSIC MEMBERS If you're a Texas Classic Push Club (TCPC) member in good standing, the next 3 Wednesday night West Coast Swing lessons at Sandunga are free - no charge!
The dates for this special offer are 4-4-12, 4-11-12 & 4-18-12... This offer is valid for only these dates.
If you’re not a TCPC member but would like to take advantage of this very special offer, consider joining. Membership dues are only $45 for a year. You can join / sign up at any Wednesday night class, any Saturday night party or down load an application at www.texasclassic.com and mail it to Robert Nelson.
Becoming a member entitles you to receive benefits, such as free admission to all TCPC hosted Saturday night parties at Sandunga, all Friday night parties at Barbara's Dance Studio in Hurst and special discount pricing to anything that the club hosts including our Wednesday night lessons. You also receive discount pricing to Monday night 2 step with Jim Weber, any of Patty Vo's WCS group classes and our Monday night Tango class taught by Melissa Smith.
It pays to be a TCPC member. Join today and save all year! FACEBOOK FOR WEST COAST SWING - IT'S A FAN PAGE
https://www.facebook.com/pages/West-Coast-Swing-Social-Dancing-Around-DallasFort-Worth-Texas-USA/217294998290297 First Annual
Texas Classic Table
(see details)
" Weekly & Monthly Events "
SPECIAL NOTE: 2 locations for Monthly
Classic Dance Parties...be sure to check dates.
Sandunga and Barbara’s Dance Studios
Saturday - April 14th
Workshop Instructor - Tom & Leslie
DJ's - Brian Knorr & Friends
TCPC PARTY FOR APRIL 14TH https://www.facebook.com/events/324647404266858/_________________________________
Barbara's Dance Studio
428 West Bedford-Euless Road - Hurst
Next Classic Dance Party at
Barbara's Studio - Hurst
Usually First Friday of the Month - next party
Friday - April 6th
Workshop Instructor - TBA
DJ's - TBA
Want other places to dance...
check out the 2012 dance dates
listed above
* * *
CAUTION...be sure you double check the dates & location for all
Texas Classic Dance Parties!
…a very special THANK YOU to Ron Turner and Jasmine Williams for ALL the GREAT photos at many events during the year! Check them out on the various links on this website.