Isaac vs. the Bug

April 10, 2012

stick bug running pants

There’s a bug on that stick. This went on for a while.


St. Patrick’s Day

April 9, 2012

isaac's race lunch blend doodleheads shadow the parade in front of blend asleep

St. Patrick’s Day = 5k Run, followed by party at Blend Interactive. The rest of the set is here.



April 9, 2012

line coloring chalk broken box front bush sis and bro t-rex t-rex, part 2 bark

We’re all very happy that Spring is here. Here’s the rest of the set.


Children’s Museum, Brookings SD

April 8, 2012

at the water table highlights waiting for lunch posing shopping carrots corn/tomatoes ringo drum art reflection picking produce tiles scarf reflection awake / asleep

In February, we finally made it out to the Children’s Museum in Brookings. We were there for four hours. It felt like eight, there was so much to do. The rest of this set is here.



April 7, 2012

superball sierra waiting for mommy rawr

Just some select pictures from the spaces in between normal sets. We don’t do portraits anymore, because these just tend to show up.


Frosted Trees

April 6, 2012

treetops frost tree


The Kids’ Wings

April 6, 2012

kids with wings isaac the teronadon sierra the teronadon wing

While I was in MPLS, the kids made wings. Naturally.



April 6, 2012

lange's oncoming granite falls frost vw beard northern brewers frosty tree windmil more windmills

I went to Minneapolis the first weekend in February. It was a lot of sleet and a lot of dark. And a lot of fun.


We Three Beers

April 5, 2012

corked three beers triple

Brew night. We bought three fancy beers to help us along.


First Time Ice Skating

April 5, 2012

skates boots holding on bundled tumble ready to go in ready to eat

Oh, hi. About time I updated this. Three months’ worth of pictures being posted.

These are from January. The whole set is here.


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Much More Sure is mostly , professional copywriter and amateur photographer. He also writes at Black Marks on Wood Pulp.

At times, it is also Kerrie Vilhauer, professional designer, communications coordinator and amateur photographer. She is much quieter when it comes to the Internet.

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