I started reviewing different male performance enhancers a long time ago and I have seen and tried pretty much every product that has ever come out, sometimes resulting in serious side effects that I would never want to experience again. At times, I encountered products that were completely inefficient and that did absolutely nothing for me. However, every now and then, I come across a product like Instant Performer, a product that makes it impossible for me not to recommend wholeheartedly.
Before I decided to try it out, I heard incredible stuff about Instant Performer. I have read tons of testimonials from real people who have been using this product and who have almost invariably reported results that they didn’t get from any other product. I also did my research and found out both about the manufacturer and the Instant Performer gel in particular. I liked what I saw and I decided to give it a try and see if it is as great as everyone said it was.
The first thing that struck me was this was not yet another pill, supplement, liquid or anything similar. Instant Performer is a gel, which means that it is directly applied to the penis prior to sexual intercourse. I found it refreshing that someone actually decided to do something different with their product. I instantly thought of numerous advantages to this way of administering this product. First of all, it is much more convenient to just pop to the toilet or wait for your partner to get scarce for a few seconds so that you can apply the gel to your penis. Also, if you are in a long term relationship and you have come clean about using Instant Performer to your partner, you can apply it together, turning it into foreplay.
One thing that I discovered after first applying Instant Performer is that this way of administering it makes it work much quicker than any other product. The gel is instantly absorbed and you can feel the benefits in seconds. With pills and similar products, you have to wait for minutes, in some cases even hours before you start feeling the benefits. With Instant Performer, the benefits hit you after only a few seconds it takes for Instant Performer to be absorbed. The benefits are simply staggering. The first thing I felt was this indescribable rush of blood into my penis. It felt as if the blood vessels in my penis were blown clean and expanded to epic proportions. This resulted in an erection that I didn’t experience even when I was using Cialis and Viagra, which is saying a lot. My erection felt as a piece of rock: hard, strong and it also felt that it will never go away. I couldn’t wait until the intercourse would start.
And when it did, there was no end to it. I stayed hard for tens of minutes, without my erection getting softer at all during whole that time. I was also more able than ever to control my ejaculation. I never had problems with premature ejaculation or anything like that, but with Instant Performer, I knew that I am in full control of my orgasm. It was also more effortless than ever before to perform. I felt as if I was a new man, capable of going at it for hours, if needed. And then, once I reached orgasm, it was something out of this world. I honestly thought that my head was going to explode. Luckily, this didn’t happen.
And this was only the first time I used Instant Performer. Since then, I have been using it all the time and I have been recommending it far and wide to anyone who wants to listen. I threw away all my previous male enhancement pills and products, knowing that I can fully rely on Instant Performer to give me the performance boost that I want. Once you get your hands on Instant Performer, there is really no need for any other similar product. It will take care of all your performance needs, and then some. On top of that, it is made using only the most natural ingredients available, meaning that you never have to concern yourself with any side effects or unwanted effects of any kind.