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Taka-chan, Nice 2012

  • Apr. 6th, 2012 at 1:57 AM
OK, I got a big cup of tea (and many donuts xD) and going to write some thoughts and memories about fan-meeting with Taka-chan in Nice at WC 2012.
As always, sorry my poor EngRish  ;) We didn't record the conversation so I recalled it (but I'm sure quite detailed).
I'll protect this post for "friends only" in 1-2 weeks or so. Please refrain from copying.
(in Russian: пипл, я сделала этот пост типа на инглише по просьбе моих заморских твиттер-другов. Я в курсе, что я вообще не знаю английский, аха. )

Well, we (me and my friend Nastya) decided to try to arrange a meeting with Takahiko for two months before the WC.
Nastya came to Nice before me and it was exactly her who asked Taka about the meeting. So this is from her words: she gave him her present and asked about possibility to arrange a fan-meeting with Russian fans. And he said "Yes!" at once! WOW!! "Yes" is our favourite word now ^^ They agreed to talk about the details after the competition ends.

I'll skip the part about SP and FS... It still hurts, sorry... I can only say that I had no doubt that there was something wrong and incomprehensible in Taka's skating. He just couldn't fall from the clean (!) landed 3A without any reason. So stupid. Obviosely it was another reason.

OK. After the Men FS we went to wait Taka...
-what do you think, does he still want to meet with us?
-why not?
-I don't know... maybe he hates us already... and the whole world as well...

...it was cold, we were hungry and upset....
An hour passed
-maybe we should write a short note for him and leave it at the reception?
-I don't wanna do this but we can't stay here anymore.
-OK, let's give him 10 minutes
10 min passed
-give me a a sheet of paper and a pen. what should we write?
-OK, I got
-Nastya... it's Taka... he is going right there O_O

that's was how we catched him ;)
he definitely rushed to see the ladies FS, so we just asked him about the meeting and he told "I have no issues for tomorrow, so 10 o'clock, meet me in the lobby".


Next day we bought flawless flowers and rushed to the hotel. There were 5 of us.
He appeared in time ^^
He said he had 20 minutes.
No manager. No interpreter. Huraaah!!! :D
We placed in the "interner-corner" (?) near the lobby. Presented our flowers ^^
C: Taka, let's start from the sad thing... What happened?
T: do you mean here? the competition?
C: yes, exactly.
T: well... actually there are problems with my boots. I had problems with them (they were broken) before the Nationals and I changed them. After the Nationals I went to Marina (Zueva) to make some changes in my FS. And then I took part in the local competition where I landed 4T, 4-2... don't you know?
C: YES!!! Omedetou!!!
T: *smile* thank you! so then my new boots were also broken.
C: they were broken after your return from the USA?
T: yes.
*remark* now I realised that I didn't understant clearly when it was happened exactly: after the Local or right after his return but logically after the Local because he performed there well.
T: so after that I tried to screw on my blades to the old boots and then to the last one. They both were broken. I always felt that blades were shaked so I turned tight the screws all the time. I could't feel good and calm while skating because I was afraid of injury. Bit I didn't have enough time to wear in a new pair.
*remark* it was hard to him to explaine it in English (no wonder) and he gesticulated a lot.
C: so you skated here in your old boots?
T: Yes. You know the confidence comes from the practice. But I didn't a good practice here. So I couldn't get the confidence to the competition. (*and then he said smth about he wasn't very surprised of his result*)
C: I see... well, Taka, it wasn't your season. But the next one will be yours. Everything will be OK. We love you and we will support you no matter what!
T: *smile-smile-smile* thank you...
C: We just want to say that your current FS is great and thank you so much for it, we know it was your choice of the music and we are really happy we were able to see it live. It's amazing, thank you so much!
T: thank you! *huuuuge smile* :D
C: don't you want to save your FS for the next season? or you gonna make new programs?
T: I will make 2 new programs. I think.
C: do you know already who will make them?
T: I think I will go to Marina to make the FS.
C: it seems you feel very comfortable to work with Marina.
T: well, yes... and with her son Fedor als well, he made the step sequences for my FS. Marina made first program for me when I was a child, so she knows me since I was a child. She knows ... how I grew up. After the OG I watched ger programs for Ice dancing and I liked them very much. Marina makes the programs for the audience, not not the judges.
С: that's good you feel very comfortable with her! And what about the SP?
T: For the SP - I don't know yet, maybe it will be David (Wilson) again. But I don't know yet.
C: what about to work with Kurt Browning? Don't you want to make a competition program with him?
T: Kurt doesn't make programs for the competitions because he hates ISU judging system. So he makes only for the shows.
C: it's a pity... because we all saw your performance at the SOI in January and your common performance was great! You was so happy to skate with Kurt, it was very visible.
T: yes, it was very funny *huuuuge smile*
C: how about to work with Miyamoto Kenji?
T: hmmmm... well... hmmm... I don't know, I just think.. (*he picked words*) Actually he made a program for me in the past. "Saturday night fever". I just think he isn't my type of choreographer.
C: why? well, he is kinda crazy guy
T: *lolling* nooo, not crazy
C: in good sence!!
T: not crazy, just not mine
C: too sparkly?
T: hmmmm.. not sparkly...
C: OK, just not yours ;)
T: yes ;)
C: I remember before the current season begun you said smth like you want to make kinda passion program
T: !??? O_O
C: . you didn't? Kinda latina or smth like that...
T: O_O I don't remember
C: :/ OK, forget about this question ;D
what are you planning to do after you finish the FS? We don't want you to finish, no!! Just to know.
T: well, I want to pursue science... I want to enter the graduate. Last summer we did pursue researches about the jumps... how to explaine...
C: we saw the pictures and videos in Internet
T: really? We marked the skaters with the stickers and then scanned them....(*and he told us quite many things more about that, sorry, I'm not very familiar with technical language*)
C: woooow, Taka, you're so smart.... you want to be a scientist ^^
T: *turned red* I just want to help the skaters with the jumps because I know it inside.
C: If you did not become a figure skater - what profession would you choose?
T: *loling* ;D I don't know. I think it was the only one possible.
C: Before your skate your coach Nobuo Sato always passes his hand across your back. Could you tell us more about it?
T: well, it came long time ago. It's just a ritual... He tries to give me strenght, energy.
C: concentrates the energy?
T: yes, exactly. But it's not like he has power in his hand, LOL. Just a ritual.
C: Taka, we know you have Twitter account.... and it's protected.
T: yes, I have it but I don't use it anymore. I think it isn't good for me to use such kind of things...
*remark* whyyyyyyyyy, Taka, whyyyyyyy (T___T)
T: *waving his hand to someone* btw, there are my parents
we all: O_O your parents??? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bow.gif*
T: sorry, now I have to go now. Thank you :)

****and we rushed to sign our Japanese flags, books, pictures. He also signed our banner
(- Did you see it at the arena?- yes!)

we also made general picture with Taka-chan and his banner. And his dad made a picture of us on his i-phone xDD kakkoi! :D

And he left :( he carried his flowers and the presents to his room and "Elvis has left the building"
Everything passed so quickly....
After that we were sitting in the lobby for a while like happy idiots :D for about 7 minutes. Then we also left.
People, I'm so proud of his English and his boldness (Boooold as loooove :D). Thank you Shibs for Taka's English, you did great job!

and our little picspam. the pictures aren't great (because our photographer wasn't prepared enought to meet our dream-boy and the camera didn't want to focuse at all (+no flashes)
Sorry I don't show you what I gave him :P don't hate me :P but you can see it made him smile ^^ I couldn't wish for more :)
IDK why camera loves me but the "blue knitted jacket" it's me :P

And our dream-Team with Taka-kun ;D

*I've received the pictures from the meeting today and realized that he was very sad :( it breaks my heart...*
Everything will be fine, my dear Taka. I know you will manage all difficulties.
Please be happy. Please know that there are many people who love you. In Japan, in Russia, in Belarus, in Ukraine, in the USA, Europe, Africa, Antarctica.
We don't need any other, we need you bacause Takahiko Kozuka is one of the best thing that ever happened in FS.
You can do it!

with LOVE,

P.S. after
-well girls, what do you think about him? mimimimimi ^^

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( 6 comments — Leave a comment )
[info]vida_eva wrote:
Apr. 6th, 2012 05:58 am (UTC)
О Боже, я плачу!!!
Ты представляешь, я проснулась ночью и не могла заснуть и стала думать, как я в сообщество буду отчёт писать))))
Солнышки и звёздочки - я под столом!)))
[info]hermiona_lj wrote:
Apr. 7th, 2012 03:21 pm (UTC)
я тоже морально плачу, да... тоже долго писала отчет у себя в голове))
ну я решила не показывать самазнаешьчто. Очкую, что нихонцы не поймут совсем и не оценят.
[info]hakikas wrote:
Apr. 6th, 2012 06:22 pm (UTC)
"We just want to say that your current FS is great and thank you so much for it"


"C: don't you want to save your FS for the next season? or you gonna make new programs?
T: I will make 2 new programs. I think."

Увы и ах :(

Он и вправду грустный... но на подарок очень хорошо и искренне улыбается ^_^ И вообще я счастлива, что проблема в ботинках, а не в нем самом. Что, конечно, не отменяет досады на сложившуюся ситуацию.

А на фотке, где бабочки, ты сама на японку похожа! :D

На общей фотке аж поперхнулась =) Знакомые всё лица)))

Спасибо тебе преогромное за этот рассказ!!! Такое чудо - Така...
[info]hermiona_lj wrote:
Apr. 7th, 2012 03:26 pm (UTC)
знаешь, Юль, вот у меня дилемма: я приветствую его решение делать новые программы, но мне в то же время ужжжасно не хочется прощаться с этой ПП, которую он так мало катал и ни разу чисто :( обидно

подарок его повеселил, дааа xDD я те в личку пришлю, что это. подарок для взрослого мальчика :D
он и вправду чудо и я его очень люблю и буду суппортить что бы там не.
эти чертовы ботинки как напасть на всю Японию( в прошлом году Дай, в этом - Така. Что за хрень вообще((
Ламбьелинки знают толк в ФК и хороших спортсменах, ага ;)
[info]mimishka007 wrote:
Apr. 6th, 2012 07:25 pm (UTC)
еще не начав читать - солнышки-цветочки зашли на ура)))))
[info]sviato_slava wrote:
Apr. 7th, 2012 03:20 pm (UTC)
На английском - пришлось параллельно открывать страницу со словарем, знаю неидеально. Но ничего, столько деталей... Спасибо за подробности.
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