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Online for 231 days 10 hours 9 minutes 32 seconds

Rageface Shirt Collection


Regchan 3.30.2012

What's new?
—Database hiccup- all threads wiped. Steps have been taken to ensure that will never happen again, as well as work on an archiving system for individual threads.
—Fapdu embedding enabled.

Regchan 3.23.2012

What's new?
—All external links are sent through a redirect page now. This isn't something insidious- it's just so that (1) malformed URLs can be better processed and (2) ensures that all submitted URLs are well-formed and can be properly viewed.
—Improved front page.

Regchan 3.22.2012

What's new?
—When viewing a single image, replacing /src/ with /thread/ will take you to the thread that the image originated from.
—Link submission via Firefox Addon available.
—Link submission through the use of a URL available.
——Place http://regchan.org/l/? in front of any URL.
——This will take you to a form with the target URL already filled in.
——Complete the form as necessary, and submit.
——Improvements to the system to follow.

Regchan 3.17.2012

What's new?
—Dailymotion embedding
—Linking to an image will show the image on the newly created thread (jpg,png,gif,bmp)



If You See Something, Film Something (Recording The Police is Dangerous but Necessary!) — Posted to videos

Einstein’s brain on display in London

Submitted 02/0412 to Science | 0 (0|0) | 0 comments


Submitted 02/0412 to internet | 0 (0|0) | 0 comments


Submitted 02/0412 to mlp | 0 (0|0) | 1 comments