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Can You Buy Fioricet without a Prescription?

There are a lot of reasons why someone may want to buy Fioricet without a prescription: they don’t have health insurance, they want to save money on doctor’s bills, or their doctor won’t renew the Fioricet prescription and they want to self-medicate.  It doesn’t matter what your reason is for wanting to get Fioricet without a prescription: it is still risky and you should get a prescription before you buy this medicine.


“No Prescription” Fioricet Pharmacies

In the United States, Fioricet is a controlled substance because it contains a barbiturate called butalbital.  Not all countries have the same drug regulations as the US though and they may allow Fioricet to be sold without a prescription.  In these cases, you could easily order Fioricet online from a pharmacy in that country and have it sent to your door.  The other situation in which Fioricet is sold online is that you get a prescription with your order.  Often, the online pharmacy will have a doctor on staff which issues the prescription.  While the doctor may have some sort of license in his home country, that license probably isn’t going to hold up in your country and thus the prescription would be invalid.


You can take your chances in ordering Fioricet without a prescription from online pharmacies but there are a lot of risks with this.  First of all, you may just end up getting a counterfeit product.  Since it is illegal to buy controlled drugs without a prescription, you can’t even complain about being ripped off.  And yes, you could be prosecuted for buying Fioricet online without a prescription.


If You Are Caught

When buying Fioricet online without a prescription, you aren’t very likely to get caught or prosecuted.  The reason is because the drug enforcement officers have a very difficult time of proving that you actually ordered the product.  However, customs could confiscate your order.  If this happens, (and it does in about 1% of prescription drug orders), you will be asked to come down to the customs office and show your prescription for the medicine and receipt of purchase. If you don’t have a prescription and try to claim the Fioricet order, then you can expect to get a large fine or even jail time!


Even if Your Fioricet Order Does Arrive

Even if you manage to escape customs and your order of Fioricet does arrive, it is still never a good idea to take pain-relieving drugs without supervision.  If your doctor didn’t give you a Fioricet prescription, it is probably for a good reason, like your pain isn’t severe enough to merit the risks of Fioricet or you have a medical condition like liver problems which make it unsafe for you to use the drug.  Don’t risk your health: see a doctor and get a prescription for Fioricet before you order it online.

How Does Fioricet Work

Fioricet contains a combination of the drugs butalbital, acetaminophen, and caffeine. It is indicated for treating tension headaches. Fioricet has a very particular mechanism of action which makes it very effective for headaches and safer than many alternatives.


Butalbital Mechanism of Action

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