Latest wonga code that works: hff909
a similar site to wonga . com is
QuickQuid co uk- their promo code: blah0123
The Facts!
User either of the codes above an instantly receive money off your account at signup. I have personally tested both codes and can guarantee that they will work (new customers only). Please not these are friends and family codes and not to be used for business or commercial purpose (whatever that means) lol!
User either of the codes above an instantly receive money off your account at signup. I have personally tested both codes and can guarantee that they will work (new customers only). Please not these are friends and family codes and not to be used for business or commercial purpose (whatever that means) lol!
Wonga offer a great service for many customers - as long as you can pay back the amount you choose to borrow in time it's a great service. They will transfer the cash to your bank account within one hour after sign up. That's really fast! Using the promo codes above will give you a great discount on the account signup and if you pay the cash back early you'll have a microscopic amount of that dreaded interest or sometime known as APR %.
Similar and alternatives
Now wonga is not the only website offering such a great offer - website alternative that is similar to wonga's service is a company called QuickQuid - they also offer a promo code that you can apply at the sign up stage.
Other facts worthy of talking about on this crazy sales page to try and entice you to save money by using my promotional voucher codes is the credit check. Both the said companies with perform on you.
Other facts worthy of talking about on this crazy sales page to try and entice you to save money by using my promotional voucher codes is the credit check. Both the said companies with perform on you.
Wonga Promo Code
Now your credit might be a bit dodgy or even really dodgy as in a Korean dog curry with rice - don't let that put you off applying as the money they offer is small scale compared to the big banks and they've got quite a wicked software solution on their web servers.
Think of it a bit like skynet's systems in the ever so popular Terminator 2. Of course if you fail to pay back the loan over the agreed payment plan you might not get Arnold Swarchenegger chasing after your granny but you will be charge 20 quid and get a slap on the wrist. Using the wonga promo code above will obviously reduce that bill by a bit which is always helpful to young and old members of the public.
Think of it a bit like skynet's systems in the ever so popular Terminator 2. Of course if you fail to pay back the loan over the agreed payment plan you might not get Arnold Swarchenegger chasing after your granny but you will be charge 20 quid and get a slap on the wrist. Using the wonga promo code above will obviously reduce that bill by a bit which is always helpful to young and old members of the public.
That brings me to the next point about both these fantastic penny merchants. You got to be of voting age i.e. 18 years old or above to apply for an account. Don't even try to lie about this or Arnie will come after you!
What happens once you have the monizes? You spend it fruit cake - I usually by a case of beer or three and invite my friends over before launching into an all night session of drunken website creation and article posts. How else do you think I get to where I am today? It's certainly not by riding my bike and not holding onto the handle bars. However at times that feels like what I have accomplished here in these said pages.
The real fact is how the heck are you supposed to make a website about wonga promo codes and make it interesting? That's a tough challenge and my Indian out sourced friends can't even come out with a readable article...that's just s shame so I'm going to stop it here folks before I go of the rails and start going postal about where to find wonga discount codes.
What happens once you have the monizes? You spend it fruit cake - I usually by a case of beer or three and invite my friends over before launching into an all night session of drunken website creation and article posts. How else do you think I get to where I am today? It's certainly not by riding my bike and not holding onto the handle bars. However at times that feels like what I have accomplished here in these said pages.
The real fact is how the heck are you supposed to make a website about wonga promo codes and make it interesting? That's a tough challenge and my Indian out sourced friends can't even come out with a readable article...that's just s shame so I'm going to stop it here folks before I go of the rails and start going postal about where to find wonga discount codes.
Wonga Contact Details
Need to get in touch with Wonga? The best way is via the account login on their website however we also have other details if you need to speak to someone.
Wonga contact telephone number: 0207 1830063
Wonga Head Office Address:
88 Crawford Street
And finally, Wonga's email address
[EDIT] Please use the contact form on the wonga website for email.
About the author:
Simon C Farce
Performance coach
Like: Honey, bedtime and cats.
Dislikes: Barbers!
Performance coach
Like: Honey, bedtime and cats.
Dislikes: Barbers!