Ai Ito:Hey, what do you think about these boots?(ねぇ、このブーツ、どう思う?) Masahiro Cocone:Umm... why don't you try them on?(あー、履いてみれば?) Ai Ito:But what color should I choose?(でも何色にしよう。) Ai Ito:It's hard to decide.(迷うなあ。) Ai Ito:Black matches everything but...(黒が定番だけど…。) Ai Ito:I'll just try them on.(とりあえず履いてみよう。) Ai Ito:What do you think?(どう?) Masahiro Cocone:Uh, they look nice on you.(あー、いいんじゃない。) Masahiro Cocone:They make your legs look long and slim.(足も細く長く見えるよ。) Ai Ito:Hmm... but something isn't quite right.(うーん、でもなんかイマイチ…。) Ai Ito:Maybe they would look cuter if the toes were round.(つま先が丸かったらもっとかわいく見えるのに。) Ai Ito:What do you think of those?(あれはどう?) Masahiro Cocone:Try them on.(履いてみれば?) Ai Ito:Hmm... maybe they're too casual.(でもちょっとカジュアルすぎかも。) Ai Ito:They might not look nice with a dress.(ドレスには合わないかもなあ。) Ai Ito:I wonder which one is better.(どっちがいいかなあ。) Masahiro Cocone:If you ask me, they look almost the same.(僕に聞かれても、ほとんど同じに見えるよ。) Ai Ito:C'mon, be serious.(ちょっと真剣に考えてよー。)