Ryoko Hibiki:So how were the trial dance lessons?(ダンス教室の体験レッスン、どうだった?) Tomomi Fujita:Pretty good.(よかったよ。) Tomomi Fujita:Every class I tried had a different atmosphere and a different kind of system.(教室によって雰囲気とかシステムとか全然違ったの。) Tomomi Fujita:But I've narrowed it down to two...(それで、どうにか2つに絞ったんだけど…。) Ryoko Hibiki:Which ones?(どれとどれ?) Tomomi Fujita:Well, one is a small class you can attend anytime you want.(一つは、好きな日に自由に予約できて、少人数制。) Tomomi Fujita:They're having a campaign so it's really cheap, but the facility is old.(今キャンペーン中ですごく安いんだけど、設備が古いの。) Ryoko Hibiki:I see.(へー。) Ryoko Hibiki:What about the other one?(もう一つはどんな感じ?) Tomomi Fujita:The other one has a fixed schedule, and the practices are pretty tough because there's a performance at the end.(もう一つは、曜日が決まってて、最後に発表会があるから、練習がきついの。) Tomomi Fujita:But the teacher is great because she's really dedicated.(でも、先生がすごく熱心でね、最高なの。) Ryoko Hibiki:Knowing you, the second one is probably better.(智美の性格からすると、後のほうがよさそう。) Ryoko Hibiki:You might be better off with a strict style.(厳しいやつの方があなたにあってるんじゃないかな。) Tomomi Fujita:You think so?(そうだと思う?) Ryoko Hibiki:Yeah.(そうだよ。) Ryoko Hibiki:Usually you can't stick with anything for more than three days!(智美は昔から三日坊主だもんね!)