Hey Fans and Readers, We appreciate your patience while we were down for about two weeks. This website had a lot of malicious code embedded, so we completely rebuilt it from scratch! So, all pages and features should be working … Continue reading
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SAM on Twitter
- I saw the ad once but they seemed to have pulled it since. Too bad. 2012-02-24
- Has anyone else seen that McDonalds commercial for their mini mcnuggets. Every person in that commercial is Asian. 2012-02-24
- It's like a carpenter not knowing what a hammer is used for. #espn_boo 2012-02-21
- I don't buy that Frederico used "chink" in his ESPN story as an honest mistake. He's a writer and his words are his tool. 2012-02-21
- Just when we thought ESPN had our backs..."Chink in the Armor" story: http://t.co/oJ5bi6wF 2012-02-20
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- someone on Why do Asians get into fights with only other Asians at clubs?
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- Wofgang Arnold on I’m fed up with Hollywood using Asian stereotypes for cheap laughs
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- John on Do Korean men have the worst stereotypes compared to other Asian men?
- K Takaki on Dating Out: Asian girl walks in with her WhiteZilla or BlackZilla man…all other Asians look, point, and scream.
- K Takaki on Dating Out: Asian girl walks in with her WhiteZilla or BlackZilla man…all other Asians look, point, and scream.
Recent SAM Posts
- We’re back!
- ESPN uses racial epithet in headline of Jeremy Lin Story: “Chink in the Armor”
- Jeremy Lin…relegated to a punchline in between a cracked fortune cookie
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