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ESPN uses racial epithet in headline of Jeremy Lin Story: “Chink in the Armor”

chinkinarmor ESPN uses racial epithet in headline of Jeremy Lin Story:  Chink in the Armor

"ESPN/Disney...I'm so disappointed in you"

So ever since the Jeremy Lin sensation has taken over the media (about 2 weeks ago), there has been a string of incidents that have not been exactly positive or favorable in the Asian American community. Let’s recap:

• Jason Whitlock comment on twitter implying Jeremy Lin has a 2 inch penis because he is…Asian. Haha, so funny, right? We love you Mr. Whitlock (a.k.a. BBC)

• Floyd Mayweather’s twitter comment about how Jeremy Lin is only being recognized because he’s Asian and that black players do what he does every night but don’t get recognition. True, I agree, but he’s missing the points. It’s not just about Lin’s incredible numbers/stats. It’s about an Asian player competing and going up against successfully against players in a sport that is dominated by black athletes. And there is much more than just this.

• Fortune Cookie…need I say more? (See previous post for this)

And now…I’ve got one more to add and the guilty party this time is none other than ESPN!

Here is what happened:

SPN uses racial epithet in headline of Jeremy Lin Story

ESPN has been the biggest champion of New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin’s rise during the team’s seven-game winning streak. But they have potentially undone it all with a horribly racist headline that appeared on tablets, iphones, Androids and other mobile devices following the Knicks’ loss to the Hornets. It may have appeared online as well, but Outsports was only able to see it on ESPN’s mobile sites late Friday night.
Lin had nine turnovers in the game and inspired the headline, “Chink in the Armor” (screen capture after the jump). The term is akin to any other racist epithet you can imagine. Gay athlete Rod Silvestre, who is of Filipino descent and plays in the New York Gay Football League, was understandably outraged by the headline. He posted on Facebook:

Is ESPN serious with their lead story on their web page?

How do you go from celebrating one of the best underdog stories, to now talking about Jeremy Lin for all the wrong reasons. ESPN should be embarrassed.

We want to give ESPN the benefit of the doubt here, but it’s impossible to believe the person who wrote that headline didn’t know exactly what they were writing. Especially since ESPN previously came under fire for using the same headline…to describe a USA basketball game in China.

Update, Feb. 18, 12:10AMPT: ESPN has changed the headline to “All good things….” We have reached out to them for comment.!

Oh, but don’t get all your panties in a bunch. ESPN, or should I say Disney, has made a swift apology.

ESPN sorry for offensive headline on Lin story:

NEW YORK (AP) — ESPN has apologized for using a racial slur in a headline for a story on Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin.

ESPN ran the headline “Chink in the Armor” after Lin had nine turnovers in New York’s loss to the New Orleans Hornets on Friday night on its mobile website that could be seen on phones and tablet computers.

Lin is the NBA’s first American-born player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent. He has captivated sports fans with unexpected dominance on the court that sparked a seven-game winning streak.

ESPN says in a statement Saturday it removed the headline 35 minutes after it was posted. The cable network says it is “conducting a complete review of our cross-platform editorial procedures and are determining appropriate disciplinary action to ensure this does not happen again. We regret and apologize for this mistake.”

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Jeremy Lin…relegated to a punchline in between a cracked fortune cookie

lincookie1 Jeremy Lin...relegated to a punchline in between a cracked fortune cookie


It’s shocking to me how ignorant major media conglomerates can be when it comes to issues like this. It’s a big company with many employees and with its own checks and balances. Projects, ideas, procedures all have to get approved.
So how can this happen?

It’s so interesting to me how when an Asian figure gets some media coverage, like the way Jeremy Lin has been getting, the small to big prejudices and bigotry and stereotypes all come out of the woodwork. Thing is, sadly, they were already there. It just came out because of the so-called Jeremy Lin media sensation.

Yeah, yeah, I get that almost all Chinese restaurants in the U.S. give customers fortune cookies. But the reality is that they don’t do this at restaurants in China. I guess most average everyday people do not know this.
But huge media companies during the highly publicized and watched NBA game on TV?

Chinaman please.

And again, back to our previous post regarding Lin…Is this really that funny?

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Asian guys have small penis…HAHAHAHAHA! So funny! LOL! Hilarious! LMAO! So Witty! HeHe! This shit never gets old!

whitlock1 300x225 Asian guys have small penis...HAHAHAHAHA! So funny! LOL! Hilarious! LMAO! So Witty! HeHe! This shit never gets old!

"The bane of our existence ya'll....BBC"

Everybody, this is Jason Whitlock, sportswriter for FOX Sports. He’s known for being very outspoken, gruff, and all around controversial. I’ve always been a small fan because he usually went against the grain of most ass-kissing sportswriters or sports “journalists”. In the previous post I wrote about and celebrated Jeremy Lin, the Asian basketball sensation of the New York Knicks – he’s been lighting it up, schooling everyone, and putting on a show.
But then Whitlock goes and tweets this garbage:

whitlock Asian guys have small penis...HAHAHAHAHA! So funny! LOL! Hilarious! LMAO! So Witty! HeHe! This shit never gets old!

"Asian Man = small penis...HAHA! LOL! LMAO! So very funny!"

Can anyone tell me why people think this is so funny? The whole joke about Asian men having small penises. I don’t get it. It’s been overplayed and the joke has run its course but it keeps popping up in movies, TV, media, etc. Yeah, I get it that jokes based on racial and ethnic stereotypes are grounds for humor and joking around but why does this particular joke (Asian men have small penis) always draws laughs and hysterical reactions from various people? IT IS NOT THAT FUNNY!!!

How many times have I heard that black women have big bubble butts? How many times have I heard that Jewish women have big boobs? How many times have I heard that Asian girls have bodies like a 15 year old boy? Not nearly as often as I’ve heard all those jokes related to Asian men having small penises. Why is that? Whether it’s a myth, a gross generalization, or fact…why is it persistently brought up as a punch line? Why do so many people (of all colors/race) find this so damn funny? I myself find it offensive and disrespectful and incredibly aggravating.

To recap, Jason Whitlock tweeted his “joke”. The AAJA (Asian American Journalists Association) demanded an apology via an email to Whitlock. Whitlock responded with a bunch of lame excuses and “apologized”. This was all exposed on Facebook. And then all the comments started flooding in from random FB users.

Click here for the apology and comments.

What‘s even more annoying is how some people just say to get over it or Asians are being overly sensitive or it’s just a joke. To me, they are basically saying “just take it up the ass and stop whining”.

We are talking about how Jeremy Lin, an Asian American, who went to Harvard and never got drafted, who is now an NBA baller and is kicking ass on the court and we are talking about how exciting that is for the sports, Asian community, and entertainment. Why does a guy like Jason Whitlock have to make a comment like that? And his comment or joke or whatever had nothing to do with basketball. What was the point in even tweeting that? Why is he fixated on Jeremy Lin’s penis…whether it’s tiny, small, medium, big, or whatever? Who cares? Why can’t he and others just let Jeremy Lin be recognized for his recent achievements on the basketball court?

whitlock2 300x168 Asian guys have small penis...HAHAHAHAHA! So funny! LOL! Hilarious! LMAO! So Witty! HeHe! This shit never gets old!

"Nothing more classy and attractive than Asian girls throwing up gang signs when in the presence of a black man"

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Jeremy Lin – Representin

lin1 Jeremy Lin   Representin

"White men can't jump...But look at this Asian boy's hops!"

There are very few Asian role models in American pop culture today. I can count only one true Asian role model in my lifetime and that’s Bruce Lee. Everyone else in movies, sports, music, TV, and entertainment have been less than spectacular and presented as a buffoon. This is why I’m ecstatic in seeing the sudden meteoric rise of Jeremy Lin of the NBA. He’s incredible and a huge sensation in the world of pro basketball.

I always thought Yao Ming was soft but I think Lin is the real deal – a bonafide baller who has been smoking all the stars of the NBA, including Kobe Bryant.

This is a great boost to the image of Asian men in the media. Yes Asians typically excel in math and science. But us Asians (Lin) can play in a sports dominated by black men. Ever since the other two stars of the New York Knicks have been injured, Jeremy Lin has been filling in very nicely. Let’s see what they do once the other two stars return.

lin3 Jeremy Lin   Representin

"Kobe...rapist, recently divorced, victim of no prenup"

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FYI: Our SAM site was down a few days due to a virus

БогородицаHi Faithful,

Just wanted to explain ourselves.  For about three days this week, our site was down.   It was between January 20th and the 23rd, and we were back up this morning.  Our account was infected with a malware virus, but it’s fixed now.  But, we lost a few days worth of comments.  icon sad FYI: Our SAM site was down a few days due to a virus   Lame.  But, Hitler will never take us down!   Thanks for reading and keep participating!


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Are you a hugger, SAM?

Japanese Are you a hugger, SAM?

Japanese don't hug, dogg!

Growing up, my parents didn’t really show much affection.  Though they weren’t shy about showing a lot of anger and disdain at one another!   icon razz Are you a hugger, SAM?   It was definitely a messed up marriage, and I don’t think I ever saw them kiss or hug.  I think that affected my own way of expressing myself with friends and girlfriends.  I actually express myself naturally with the women I’ve dated, but of course it’s always a little awkward when you’re in courtship.  But, once I was in an official relationship, it just felt right to hold hands, kiss, and hug, etc…

When I was growing up, I was pretty stoic when it came to friends and colleagues.  I grew up in the states, and people here like to hug.  As a guy raised by stoic Asian parents, I felt awkward in these situations.  Continue reading

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I’m Dreaming of an Asian Christmas!


sexy asian santa babes 4 Im Dreaming of an Asian Christmas!

Merry Xmas SAMs! If Santa looked like this, I wouldn't mind sitting on the lap...or vice versa.

Hey, everyone.  The year is winding down, and the city streets are lined with colored lights, and red and green decorations.  It’s Christmas time!  I really enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of Christmas.  The old Christmas standards with the smooth, mellow baritones hark back to an older, simpler time.  And, I love the colorful Christmas lights that light up the dark, winter nights.  But, what I want to know is.  How do YOU celebrate Christmas, SAMs?  How do Asian immigrants celebrate this time of year?

Growing up, my family did celebrate Christmas, though we are not Christians.  We were lower middle class financially speaking, so we had a modest amount of presents, nothing to brag about.  Perhaps a few CDs, or a few clothes.  Nothing extravagant, and I never asked for big ticket items knowing our financial situation. 

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