Birdville Independent
School District
Stephen Waddell,
Quentin Burnett,
Assoc. Supt. Finance
Jay Thompson, Assoc. Supt.
Staff & Student Services
Lane Ledbetter,
Assoc. Supt. Instruction
Julie Wallace,
Exec. Director Tech, TIMS
Board of Trustees
Joe Tolbert, President
Richard Davis, VP
Ralph Kunkel, Secretary
Brad Greene, Trustee
Cary Hancock, Trustee
Dolores Webb, Trustee
David Pokluda, Trustee
High School Principals
Jason Wells, Birdville HS
Mike Jasso, Haltom HS
Carla Rix, Richland HS
Middle School Principals
Susan Taylor, Haltom MS
Ernie Valamides, N Richland MS
Cheri Sizemore, Richland MS
Bob Koerner, North Oaks MS
Shannon Houston, Watauga MS
Jeff Russell, Smithfield MS
Steve Ellis, North Ridge MS
Birdville Education Foundation
Birdville Grand Reunion
Masterpiece Tours
North East Tarrant
Chamber of Commerce
City of Colleyville
City of Haltom City
City of Hurst
City of North Richland Hills
City of Richland Hills
City of Watauga
Advanced Chemical Logistics, LTD.
Howard K. Bellet, CFP, MBA
Senior Financial Advisor
Ameriprise Financial
Kelly & Richard Bradshaw
Chesapeake Energy
Mayor Pro Tem Dale Clark
Cool Air Automotive
Farmer's Insurance
FMC Technologies
Gatlin Properties
Bob & Priscilla Hamilton
Representative Kelly Hancock
Handy Morgan Law Office
Donna Herndon
Mr. Charles Hoffman
Vivian Hoffman
Sandra Hostetler
Jason's Deli
Mayor & Mrs. William Lanford
Linebarger Goggan Blair
& Sampson
Music & Arts
Mid-Cities Air Conditioning
National Bank of Texas
Northeast-Richland Lions Club
North Hills HCA Hospital
Old Skool
Order of the Eastern Star
Richland Hills Chapter
Chapter #1040
Warren & Joan Owens
Senator Jane Nelson
Matt Smith
Speedpro Imaging
Jerry & Linda Henry
Terri Turner