
Recently, one of my favourite bloggers (who is also a chef) recently asked why profit is a dirty word.  It reiterates the age old one-liner from anyone working in hospitality, “Doing it for the love,” against the much envied position of doing-it-for-the-love-with-profit.

Let me clear it up from my perspective here, there is no pride in carrying plates, there is no pride in playing human Tetris, being bullied during the whole service and being called a “crowd controller,” managing peoples egoes, pushing food around on plates, washing dishes or worrying about food costs versus labour costs, hours, how many ice machines a business really needs or questioning your own creative input on an industry facing overdramatisation, romanticism and a media glut, and somehow satisfying yourself through self-actualisation and education in making strangers happy through turning a basic need into a want.  But you know what, bitches gotta live and in reality, no one starts a business without knowing they are potentially getting a slice of the proverbial pie.

It is no secret that the people most drawn to hospitality are those with emotional problems, social dysfunctions and tendencies to party hard and fast all the time.  But, it is in the rare moments (that are usually captured by a feelingsy lisped man from the UK) that these social retards (and I also refer to myself here) feel a sense of accomplishment from completing a menial and lacklusture task, that the “normal” people sigh and accept that even rage-filled speed freaks with a penchant for hedonism with too much of a disposable income can be savants, too.  Without religion, everyone is special.

To create a point of difference, the mind wanders, expands and looks at appropriating ideas that have been created in other spaces.  The business-minded look at bringing the sense of urgency and exclusivity through the notion of a temporary space and a pop-up is born.  To me, pop-up is the macaron, is the tapas, is the bar-dining, is the new black, is the old black.  However, a couple of weeks ago, a couple of friends of mine decided to be renagades and create something entirely illegal, without licence and spread it through Facebook.  For the first time in months, I was interested in writing about a dining experience because there were no bookings, no care of allergies, no menu and a complete lack of organisiation.

Chaos can be a beautiful thing.

The meat was all from one of the last remaining butchers (the way that you can define an old-school butcher) in Melbourne and the prices varied from evening to evening.  The food came from what they felt like cooking and who gives a fuck if they accidentally charged you for someone elses bottle of wine? You’re sitting in someone’s home kitchen, watching them sweat while downing #fakePeronis and watching them realise that the industry is a real bitch.

I would also like to let you know that I actually waited 5 hours to dine one night, so all you whiney bitches complaining about the double Chin, you signed up for it, so suck it up, Princess.

The food varied from simple to the more considered.  I got the impression that the further into the week the boys got, the more frantic they became, and therefore simpler the food was.  It does not count it to be any less tasty, but when you’re hearing stories where they capped the covers for the night because they ran out of tomatoes from the garden, the experience is so unprofessional it is special.

Dishes varied from eye fillet (done rare, and there is nothing you can say about it, dickhole) with a green peppercorn and cream sauce with potato gratin, to Roman-style tripe (sorry, photos look like third-trimester abortions), to lamb shanks salt-baked in vine leaves to the carpaccio pictured above.  With the resrictions of running out of a home kitchen, the food was pared back, lacking in pretention and became the expressions of the boys themselves, rather than their delusions of grandeur.

As you can see, the pie above was shortcrust, creme pat and raspberries shared between two.  Why?  THEY RAN OUT.

Who cares.

Admitting you don’t have enough food isn’t a crime; trying to make it seem that it was intended and you’re an asshole for being a greedy cunt is.

Friends were called in to make desserts because running a day-to-day menu with entree, main and dessert is a big task and photographers turned into dish pigs.  Girlfriends and sisters became hosts and waiters, and god bless them for not numbering every seat in the house.

Admittedly, though, darkness fell through some lack of organisation, thinking about their lack of overheads, hearing about the number of covers they had done per night, their terrible tracking system and the fact that their food costs were so low due to the provenance of their produce.

In theory, I should have loved it, but by principal I had to question the motivations.

Love vs money or love=money?

In another example, with slightly more legality, less organisation and only a handful of blocks away, The Burrito Van opens its pop-up in Odessa Gallery after a couple return from their drunken Southern Californian adventure.

At $6 a taco and $10 a burrito, my face already whinces and I hear @expat_erin screaming “AIDS” from the other side of the street.  If you don’t already know, she’s my Southern Californian, honorary Mexican friend who makes a meanest Mexican this side of the equator.

The above taco came from The Burrito Van.  Their lack of organisation extended to taking an order from someone also named Jess who was just before me and not asking me (the second Jess) for a last name or assigning me with a number.  Maths was also not their strong point.

With no option to add the condiments myself, I was forced to have my fish taco (yes, I also bought it for the vagina reference) with chipotle mayo and guacamole.  Their special of the day was ground beef with mushrooms.  @expat_erin’s immediate response was, “What the fucking fuck, there are no mushrooms in Mexico unless it comes from a turd because it is the moisest place in that motherfucking desert.  Mushrooms have no place in Mexican food.”

I didn’t take a photo of the burrito because it was wolfed down so quickly by the person next to me.  To be honest, it looked like the flaccid penis of that guy from film class that you had pity-sex with because they looked like they were going to kill themselves after the screening of the noir film.  I’m no expert on burritos, but Erin claims that they should be as thick as your thigh and you should “still be chewing on that shit four days later.”

I left this gallery hole damning this Mexican pop-up fad to be serving AIDSRITTOS before bidding my friends farewell who left to top up on burgers.

The difference between these two experiences is that the motivations of profit is more extreme and transparent in the latter experience (especially when the cost of both experiences are only a couple of dollars difference).  Without claiming to be anything or making promises, creativity didn’t put the diner at the ass-end of the deal at the week-long revolving-menu pop-up.  The idea of profit in the under-dog Australian mentality of what our society is built on makes us feel as if we, as a body of convicts and run-aways, have sold out to The Man.  It is as if saying that if you are turning a profit, creativity is no longer yours and you have surrendered your soul to “the other.”

Not to open up Pandora’s box, but with simple desires and motivations to live a more comfortable life, perhaps profit only becomes a dirty word when you consider the lack of integrity that the original idea was built on and the level of transparency in the business.


What the shit is up with Chu The?

Months: that is how far we are going back.  Not long ago, Pho Chu The was THE place to go to on Victoria St, with its all-exclusive pho menu and special of spring rolls plastered to the wall.  As always, places with queues out the door for a humble breakfast food eaten at all hours of the day in the Western palate of flip-side, they close for a short, nondescript amount of time and re-open (to no one’s surprise), a few doors up and in a larger, cleaner venue.

Or so it seemed.

It was the first week of the re-open where there were hand-written signs pointing to the brand-spanking new Chu The with sensored, sliding doors for the bathroom and obligatory fishtank (with brand new fish, methinks) where the grandmother would sit under.

No grandmother- I hope she didn’t die.

The menu remains the same, as does the special of spring rolls. Chilling out with @vinteloper on a Monday afternoon, I stop, look at the newly relocated Radelaidian and tell him that it just doesn’t taste the same.  Unfortunately, this is what happens when you fall in love with dodgy Asian joints with unflattering lighting with staff that seem to only work in monosyllabic grunts, and they open somewhere clean and full of hope.

Anyway, here is my bowl of Combination Special Beef with @sugadeaux last week where she claimed I added a “metric fucktonne” of chili to up hold my Asianess.  What we did notice along with their newfound love of MSG is that they have now changed their name to “Love Pho 264″ and have a facebook group (next to their laminated posters of write-ups of the old joint).

It makes no sense to re-brand, but Asians have Asian-logic, which is almost, always illogical.  Then, Jess (as in Sugadeaux Jess, not me referring to myself in illogical, narcissitic, third-person speech) claims she saw a sign saying:

Look, as far as Asians claiming their titles, this hand-written sign with cross-outs is authentic as they can get.  So, at the risk of getting knifed, does anyone know what the hell is going on with my hangover cure of choice, and is that fishtank-grandmother still alive?

When did old Asians learn how to use Facebook?

Why is the new name also a rip-off of a pho place on Swan St?

What the pho-ck (sorry, couldn’t help myself) is going on and why can’t we all just get along?

Love Pho 264/ Chu The (???)

264 Victoria St

The Brix, the heater, the butter, the sleeves and the pants.

I usually don’t try to get to the new places in a hurry as I know the nature of a restaurant trying to find itself and not being the oh-look-at-me-I-was-here-on-the-first-day/soft-launch/opening and blah-blah-blah-here-is-my-biased-kiss-assed-preview-post, but when my friend Linda came back from the US and we had to talk about all the annoying people on the internet together, we decided a dinner in my hood seemed appropriate. A few of my other friends who like to make noise on the internet and people of the real who do things in restaurants for a living haven’t shut up about The Brix, whether it be positive or negative and we decided to play.

They’ve been open for barely a week, surprisingly, and the first noticeable thing about the place is that it is pimping- the room, that is.  Despite the direction it is facing, I can tell they manage a lot of light and have a lot of attention to detail- though, I don’t know why their macarons are in a giant glass dome where a taxidermied crow should be featured.

The way the menus work is that they do a 5 course fixed menu on Friday and Saturday nights, a long lunch on Sunday of the same at $80pp and a la carte at all other times from Wednesday to Friday, an a la carte Tuesday dinner and breakfast on the weekends.

Confused yet?

It’s ok, that was intentional.

So, I’ll talk about the food before I get sidetracked on all the familiar faces of the floor staff, how tight jeans don’t need braces, low-cut shirts and all those fashionable fashionings that seem so confusing when you’re trying to create a fashion without function when function is crucial. (And I can talk: never, ever, ever wear white silk, black velvet or bat-wings when there is the slightest chance that you may have to help out in back-bar for an hour or two- read as: always.)

Remember Jeff?  He made a comeback last night, the bastard.

In addition to the $80pp fixed price menu, they offer appetisers of oysters, last night’s were from Coffin Bay in SA, with a mignonette at $4 a pop or a charcuterie plate at $22.

Due to fear-of-overeating, I went for two oysters, and with Linda’s indecision, we confused the waiter and he brought out three between the both of us.  Here, honey, I’ll just suck on half of this oyster and spit it into your mouth like a mother bird.  Tweet, tweet.

This is the chicken and marron dish- where I return from the bathroom and I am met with a smack in the face of the scent of roast chicken.  The chicken had been confit, the skin had been crisped and it was served with a chard of chicken skin crackling and crunchy quinoa.  Unfortunately, the dominant chicken jus which was heavy in rosemary, completely masked the taste of the marron and made all the hard work of textural consideration null.

Lamb, young garlic, cos and caperberries.

Beef, potatoes, baby leek.

Dude, what is with all the tiles?  I know that they’re aesthetically pleasing, but after almost every course you have is served on a tile, you kind of want a plate, especially since you’re eating it with Laguiole knives.  All I could think of was not damaging the finish on the tile because it had not been glazed.  On the topic of cutlery, ours were not changed between courses and just put back on the table from our plates.  When I asked Linda what she thought, she said, “I don’t know about the beef, my knife still tasted like lamb.”

Harsh, but fair.  When you have six floor staff with three tables on a Saturday night, you think you could afford to change your cutlery and have one member polishing, unless of course the skinny, high waisted jeans are too restrictive for the crew member to pick up the bottle of vinegar from the floor.

Ok, that was definitely harsh.

I hate skinny jeans.  More than that, I hate high-wasited, skinny jeans.  And I’m sorry, I know the tough choices of uniform, but if you’re going to make your staff hipster-looking, please understand that braces are only required if your pants need holding up.  As pleasant and professional as they may be, they all end up looking like uneducated douches.  Same goes for low-cut, v-neck t-shirts in the kitchen.  I get it, you have tattoos and they may look great, but you don’t see me walking around with a hole cut out of my shirt when I work (I dress slutty enough.)

As with the dishes, they were fine.  They didn’t make me stop mid-sentence in conversation or change topic from talking about stupid people ruining my life to going wow-wow-wow-wow-wow, but they were fine.  The best way I can describe this is drinking conversational wine, as opposed to thinking wine.

Interpret that as you will.

And the spiced cake and apple dessert, again, on a tile… sprayed with calvados and rosemary.

I can’t comment on desserts as they are not my thing, but I couldn’t eat this.

To spare you of my words, I’ll give you Linda’s: vegan cake, Schmakos, un-chestnutty chestnut puree, uncooked, clovey meringue and craploads of cinnamon, it is the only dessert I have never finished.

I felt pretty terrible at leaving so much of my dessert, I decided to turn things around and lighten the situation.

I may have run out meringue to write, “What up, homie?”

I don’t know how they’re going for digestives, but after asking for Fernet Branca, Montenegro or Averna, all they had to offer me was calvados.  I think I may have overdosed on apple

And working at the double Chin, I think that we turn the heating up too far, but check this out:

Butter at table for 5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

20 minutes

25 minutes, look at the salt

45 minutes

To their credit, they did notice the heat by this stage and offered to turn it off, but Linda wanted to

dry out her bread and use it to exfoliate.

Yes, we are obnoxious.

This place is by no means crap, they just didn’t meet the expectations I had for them after everything I heard.  It is a comfortable place to sit and drink and have a few snacks without having to think too hard about it, and what is given to you is above the average standard and have a lot of work put into it.

Hell, after that visit, I even went back for drinks with a friend and one week later, for brunch where I noticed that they staff were notably less nervous.

Charcuterie $26 of duck liver parfait, pork rillette, terrine and salami served with rye and brioche in the courtyard.  Pretty damn fine, even though I ate it alongside a Bloody Mary- one of the better Bloody Marys around.

Yes, they have a courtyard which I rate rather highly.

Black pudding, apple cider, sorrel and duck egg, $16.  How can you really say that a fried egg with a runny yolk on spiced blood and fat over brioche with a crisp tart and bitter salad is ever a bad combination?  Banging.

So banging that my friend who ordered the pork cassoulet with baked egg and rye had food envy.

Picture for posterity.

For the moment, I prefer this joint in the day and will probably wait a few months before I go back for dinner, or go back to try their a la carte eves, but they’re on some trajectory that will make them the next big thing in Fitzroy.  The space is great, they staff are settling and they know their classic cocktails from their hangover cures.  I predict if their staff are happy and the sun keeps shining, they will set themselves into some groove that will only mean success- at the very least, I have a place to wander to that isn’t in the same direction of Gertrude St.

The Brix

Rear 412 Brunswick St,
, 3065

9417 6114

The Everleigh for some splishy-splashy

This joint is no longer new and the information has properly circulated; the spin-off of the US and UK Milk & Honey members-only churches of booze.  Luckily, they let anyone into the old art and performance space above the defunct Dante’s which has been of late, home to many local-designer clothing sales.

The Everleigh, I believe, is a much better use of such a space, even without TV.

Despite rocking out the Rock-Star shift at the double Chin, I still find myself on the booze-path home.  Unfortunately, the scenic and wetter route (ahem) divert me from my usual home at Black Pearl which now houses The Attic, another new booze-mentionable of similar vein which the BP boys have been working on for quite some time.

So, what is the scenic route?

Chin Chin- Cumulus Inc (if I feel like wine with my martini)


Chin Chin- Bar Americano- Collins Quarter


City Wine Shop/The European- Cutler & Co (if they’re open)- The Everleigh- Gertrude St Enoteca- Provenance-backyard drinkings

If after all of that, I am still standing, then I’ll probably detour to Black Pearl, The Gem, The Standard, The Napier, Huxtable or The Provincial.

Be very afraid.

The menu is short, outlining all cocktails at $18, if you manage to make your way to the space.  Some serious coin has been dropped on the place, which means that they’re doing it exactly how they want to, with no compromise.


Their cocktails are banging- all of them, and if you’re at a loss, do what I do and ask for a Bartender’s Choice. As expected, when you go to places of such high calibre, they ask you what you like, don’t like and what style you’re in the mood for and work it from there.  Every time the drinks have been banging, and with a sense of generosity (in information and hospitality), they may or may not treat you to a shot here and there of something they think you’d like.

The first drink I ordered there was a negroni as I find it a good measure of a place.  I would just like to make note of their house-made ice.  The optimistic side of me would like to think it is made of distilled water, which keeps the drink colder for longer without melting, but the lazy side of me didn’t ask to confirm.

The Everleigh makes outstanding classics, and I can attest to that since I have been downing Negronis, Martinis, Manhattans, Chicago Fizzes, sours and Old Fashioneds here like a well-dressed Maverick in a tailored suit with a monacle and a pocket square.

Complimentary bowls of pretzels and soy crisps are brought to the table by either well-dressed waitresses or bartenders (depending on how early you get there) so you don’t turn into rowdy, drunken louts in their 6-seater leather booths overlooking Gertrude St.

I’d like to tell you to go there, but you might take all my fun.

Either way, ask for a Bartender’s Choice, it’s good for your health.


The Everleigh
1, 150-156 Gertrude St

(03) 9416 2229

Fuck me, it’s been a while.

So, I could address you all as “faithful readers,” ” my dear company” or “wonderful people, ” but you and I all know that I would never be kind enough to call anyone that in writing.

Same goes for an apology of absence, assuming I believe there is anything to apologise for to begin with.  Nej, dear, wonderful reading company, I do not apologise.  I have been, for the last seven weeks, part of the mechanical monster which I affectionately refer to as The Double Chin.  For those of you who have not yet caught on, it is Chin Chin and it’s Thai (but the qualification of our cuisine at The Double Chin is possibly a post for another time).

For a clean slate, amnesty and perhaps a snapshot of what the hell has been going on in the last 2 months, I’ll give you a somewhat-chronological pictorial.  Many of these places are oldies and goodies and I have written about them before, so think of this as a “greatest hits” (though, I hate saying hits, as we all know what that is an anagram of):

At some stage, I was invited to the Lavazza dinner at The Point when Scott Pickett still worked there before directing all his energies into his new baby The Estelle.  This coffee-cured salmon was an appropriated idea inspired by Ryan Clift after one of the collaborative SED dinners.  This dinner was so long ago, all I remember after being caffeine-spiked in every course and cocktail that I returned home shaking like a motherfucker and drinking whiskey neat till I fell asleep.  It was also this point where I realised that I was a pansy.

Also, if you haven’t been to The Estelle, check it out before it becomes a bit of a flavour of the month.  But hey, I can’t really say much more on it due to circles and nepotism so just read Ed’s take on it in the link.

It became a little bit of a mission to eat and drink as much as possible before The Double Chin opened. This was a charcuterie from The Provincial.  Tasty as the food was, I couldn’t help but think that the parfait looked like a Japanese anime turd.  Since, I have been back to The Provincial a few times for ridiculous amounts of wine and to watch my hungry friends eat meat on a Monday night.

Then, there was THAT salad from Union Dining, which is the loosest sense of a salad- smoked ham hock, cornichons and fregola with a soft poached egg.

And I have been living off sandwiches.  This is the rare roast beef baguette from Waffle On near the subway entrance at Degraves St.  Basically, Marco remembers me from the day he opened about 9 years ago when I would walk from my bus stop on Lonsdale St, down to Degraves and have my morning espresso made by his then-barista Laura while in school uniform with my Nikon F2 around my neck.  He started peddaling waffles, which have grown to become THE waffles to have in Melbourne and I would befriend his doe-eyed waffle-boy talking about all things music.  Then, I graduated and never returned.

I heard about his baguettes a few years ago but seeing as I needed a quick lunch with my BEST FRIEND PHIL who has just come back from Austria, we hit up his stand.

All baguettes are the same price, he makes the bread himself and all the fillings as well.  The rare roast beef indeed has the rarest of beefs, literal spoonfuls of dijon mustard, whole cornichons thrown through the length of the baguette with salad leaves and tomato.  I don’t know if he is subbing his tomato due to the change of season, but I am happy to go back to see.  For a hole-in-the-wall space, there is a reason why there are lines pretty much all day outside of his shop.

I have also noticed that when you eat with men, you start to eat like a man.  The suckling pig with corn puree from Pandora’s Box almost gave me a pork-over.  But Pandora’s is also one of the few places that I cross the river for.  I just feel sorry for Lok as he looks confused every time I turn up as he knows my face, but not my hair.  The fact that I’m rocking the natural hair colour with symmetry these days is really throwing him off.

It’s the little things that make me laugh.

This brings me to cake.  I am reminded of Dylan Moran’s description of the French whenever I see this cake:

“When the world is going to end the French don’t go to war, protect their property or try and fight the inevitable, they accept the world is going to end that they eat some fucking niiiiiice cake.”

From Le Petite Gateaux, and made by the Frenchman Pierrick Boyer, this was brought to my friend’s cafe at the end of the day after we had thrown back a few shots, a few glasses of wine and decided to crack into the cake like this.  It was pretty fucking amazing and also defeated the 5 of us.

I’m pretty sure his kitchen staff had fun opening in the morning.

Of course, the trusty gin martini with olives at Gerald’s Bar.  I know this is technically not a food, but when you have been working doubles and haven’t eaten all day, you thank god for the olives in your martini as you realise they are the only sustenance you will get for the next 12 hours ahead of you as well.

That is unless you do have the night off and order the fried whitebait and school prawns because, well, who can’t go past a plate of fried miniature shit from the ocean?

There is of course, that race against time where you pray that you knock off earlier than the closing of The European because as much as you love the food at your own work, there is only so much Thai food you can eat over the course of two months.  The staff here know me and several other faces from The Double Chin.  As they order toasted sandwiches, pasta dishes, pork and cheese croquettes, sausage rolls and cheese I decide to get my unethical side on and eat some baby cow lathered in emulsified tuna.  Rock on.  Dare I say this rivals my staple vitello tonnato at The Gerturde Street Enoteca?

Speaking of which, I have been frequenting on my days off drinking bottles of this with Mat.  This was probably just before the big mother-fucker annoyance of Channel Ten rammed itself into all the orifices it shouldn’t be ramming itself into.  See, he has a girlfriend named Jess who is not I- she is Italian.  Being on twitter and also a food blogger, dumbass media fucktards assumed that I was his girlfriend and emailed me or phoned me at work asking about the “exit.”

My response was, “Sorry, you have the wrong flavour of Jess, please proceed to the other side of the foodcourt.”

Well, that was that.  The purpose of this photo was to caption it with, “Drink what a Masterchef drinks.”

Yes, it was funny at the time, but I believe we were also several beers and negronis down.

And now, onto the Huxtable love.  My usual trio of oysters washed down with something containing gin.  In this case, a Plymouth gin and tonic with a wedge of orange.


I’m sure this was a special of foie gras parfait, but the goth and I were way too many drinks down to remember.  I believe I tweeted this saying I was having a foie-pop.


Oh, shit…how did this get in there?

No points for guessing the location.

For some reason, I thought it would be a fantastic idea to rock a martini with a twist.

This is at Cumulus, my honorary knock-off bar which is booze-monkey’s crawling distance from work.  Yes, to all the Cumulus crew, I apologise for my continued presence.

And along came the this chicken sandwich from Pope Joan which is called The Cornish.  No wonder Matt Wilkinson won the title of bestest sandwich man around.  I know that EARL like to say their sandwiches are a little like last night’s awesome leftovers in a sandwich, but this definitely fits that description- roast chicken, stuffing and jalepenos.  Boom-fucking-chow, it definitely rivals the others around.

The warm-in-foil thing also gives me a little sense of playground-nostalgia, not that I ever ate a chicken sandwich while I was in primary school or played in the playground, but this is what I imagine all those kids who spent their time throwing rocks at me because I was Asian were doing.

How could I not put this amazing highlight of my bi-month (yeah, it’s a word now) here.  During the time of the volcanic ash-cloud, my friend’s boyfriend was trapped in Brisbane and she used that time to watch as much trash and eat as many nachos as she could.  She stumbled upon Gwyneth in Country Strong where she is this disgusting, melodramatic country singer who is pretty much a failed, hussy version of Faith Hill.

After she gave me a massage and we consumed nachos, she skipped to all the overemotional parts of the movie and we were on the floor crying with laughter.  I mean, who doesn’t love the screwed up face of Gwyneth blown up on screen next to the American flag?

Solid gold.

What would have made this perfect would have been if my friend cooked some bullshit out of Gwyneth’s edited version of a Mario Batali book where she claims it is for and about her family.  Yes, I said it.

In the case of insomnia, I find myself unslept and charged as a motherfucker at the Slow Food Market, annoying the hell out of EssJay.  After a trip to the Burch and Purchese studio where I bought a few cakes for some peeps, she dropped me off at home.  I am guessing she is very grateful that I didn’t discover that my dried pear from the Happy Fruit guys looked like this while I was in her car, otherwise it would have been at 10am squeal of, “OH MY GOD, MY FRUIT LOOKS LIKE VAGINE, AWESOME, CAN I TWEET IT?!??!!?!”

Yes, sometimes, even without coffee I can be that annoying.

To be fair, that day at the market, I saw a dog in a baby sack on some guy’s chest (and claimed he was doing that because he couldn’t make his own people) and a child on a leash within 20 seconds of each other and started chanting, “The world is upside down,” for about 3 minutes.

Delerium, I think so.

For more civilised action, please refer to the above image.  This is one of the courses as part of the Truffle Dinner as part of the Fringe Food Festival.  The first dinner and was hosted by the aforementioned EssJay and the food was done by Matt Wilkinson of Pope Joan.  The second was on Bastille Day and hosted by Ed Charles and Scott Pickett was the food man (quite fitting as he uses truffle like he does butter when he has it available).

When I say civilised, I don’t actually mean it.  I sat next to Rory Kent and EssJay and @Missjacksoncafe suggested negronis.  St Ali didn’t have the booze, so Rory made two trips to the Vintage Cellars and had me mixing jugs of negroni.  Thank god they had ice.

The next morning’s twitter stream read as:


@thatjessho: OUCH negroni OUCH

@missjacksoncafe: ouch, off to have breakfast at the cafe.

And so on.

I should let you know as well, the dish above was a comparison of all the truffles from the pop-up truffle store from next door to St Ali, Madame Truffles . From left to right, we have WA, NSW and TAS truffles.  After the comparitive tasting, it may have been the negronis, but smells can be deceptive.  Despite being in love with the aroma of the NSW, @missjacksoncafe, Rory and I unanimously decided we liked Tassie truffles the most in the line up.

And for some food porn, this was the cheese course served at the dinner in preparation.  This is a Brie de meaux with WA truffle shaved into the cross section.  The top was put back on and left to infuse for a week before they let assholes like me eat it.

Unable to consume solids, I opted for a bowl of borscht at Provenance which was more of beetroot consomme which left me thinking I was dying for about three seconds the next day.  It was the bill-book which made my day:

How is this not Super Mario Brothers if it were a fishing game?

You’re welcome.

And back at Cumulus a few days later, I’m eating my first meal of the day just before 11pm with some late-night reading on beef from the Epicure.

Some fucking tasty sweetbreads, which was their special for the day.

Oh, and they crafted me an Asian orange, too.

At some stage, I hit up Mister Close when I had the day-time off and had some chicken dish. This was their Spanish rendition and my friend had the African.

Without sounding like an smart-assed dick, I tried to ask, “What makes your chicken African or Spanish?” to their waitstaff and it seemed to have stumped them.  I acknowledge that this is a new venture, but from someone who loves salt so much to claim that they would salt a salt lick, this was salty.  It also said it came with mash, which my friend wanted to steal, but I didn’t care (as you can see, it’s cous cous).

I’d totally hit up their sandwiches and salads, but this dish has scared me off their hot food for a while.

But I always like to end on a high note, so here is the most kickass delivery ever.  Not only does Dave of Provenance let me use his cafe as a personal delivery space for foodstuffs (THANKS DAVE), but they kept my box of Bruny Island Cheese in the fridge while I was at work.  This is part of their Cheese Club offer where they send a box out eight times a year where the cheeses are ripe, are in season and is ridiculously good value.  This box contains the Big Old Tom, 1792 (which is stinky as fuck and I can’t wait to eat), Odo, Mark and an apple, pear and almond paste.

There are two months worth of eats, I fit in Golden Fields somewhere but the images are gone due to my computer dying in the ass and loosing all of my data.

My life’s pretty boring when I edit it to a PG13 audience, isn’t it?


It seems that MONA is a massive tourist attraction now, being essentially, the tax-write off of professional gambler and (as it appears) art-lover David Walsh.

The museum is pretty banging and if I were still at uni, I probably would have deferred for a year, packed my bags and begged someone at MONA for a job, just so I could be surrounded by the art.  There were a few reactions from twitter when I went, ranging from “There are too many vaginas,” (one work is 150 casts of cunts, titled, appropriately as “Cunt”) to “It’s fucking amazing, go both days if you can.”  As you can gather, a lot of the art is not PG13, but if you’re art-inclined, I doubt you would be censoring your child.  The library opened the day I arrived, which was…nostalgic.  It made me feel like I was in “my” section of the library at Melbourne Uni all over again…except they don’t leave post-it notes in their books with annotations.

Twitter also told me a number of places to go, and seeing as there was more walking than eating, Garagistes is the one that I properly documented…even if it is only with my camera phone.

After returning from MONA, I walked the streets trying to find Garagistes.  It was a damn ghost-town…well, until I got into Garagistes. That is where everyone was, lining up as there are no bookings (unless you’re doing Sunday lunch).

I’ll admit, I liked it immediately, maybe because the room was very Melbourne, whatever the hell that means.  You know, communal tables, distressed, industrial walls, open kitchen adjoined to a bar that you can also perch at…the Melbourne-dining-formula.

Here, check out their dining philosophy…I was almost at home.

Oh, and half the room was from Melbourne.  Go figure.

Oh, and Luke Burgess forages.  I was definitely not out of my comfort zone of eating.

That being said, I also did what I always do in Melbourne at a restaurant of this nature and said to the staff, “Just bring out food until we give in and wave a white flag.”

Fuck menus, menus cramp my style.

Here’s your token image of kickass bread with an awesome crust with a slap of butter.  When it arrived at the table, the butter was actually almost white, I had to alter the image so it didn’t look like we were lathering mayo onto our bread.  I’ll tell you this, I love butter. This butter was incredibly fresh and light and didn’t leave a thick coating of fat in my mouth after I ate it.

Saltfish fritters with meyer lemon mayonnaise is pretty much a no-brainer of awesome.  These were lighter than I thought they would be, and the sweetness from the meyer lemons in the mayo was surprisingly noticeable.  With six portions between two, we were in for a massive dinner.

Here’s your gratuitous gut-shot.  And yes, I don’t play the piano anymore, but I still cut my nails as if I should be.

Oh, look, another rendition of a steamed pork bun.  It seems in Melbourne, there are quite a few of these floating around: the Rainbow Hotel, Cutler & Co, The Deanery, and of course all the other ones who seem to like the idea of Chang.  I wonder how many of these are in TAS?

Garagistes simply calls this the steamed bun, pickles + plum sauce. The pork is saltier and smokier than any other interpretation I have had, despite the strip of fat running through the ham (yep, it ain’t slow-cooked pork belly) and has a lot more piquancy from the pickled radishes, which also had a hit of ginger in the pickling which gave the bun some heat and sweetness as well (rather than a slather of hoisin sauce or chilli vinegar).  The bun itself was warm, but the fillings were cold, a welcome change.

This is the stage where my dining companion insisted that I take a photo of the cider we were drinking.  The gist of what he said was, why the fuck don’t you ever blog what you drink?  People are interested in that, too!

Yeah, fine…whatever.  Enjoy that.

Forget my reluctance for a moment and I’ll admit that it was a pretty damn fine cider.  Cut to a sentence or two on how the wine/drinks list is very cleverly constructed which reflects their young, vibrant and educated attitudes towards dining (while being far removed from stuffiness).

Blow-torched frigate mackerel crostini + preserved lemon emulsion. Fuck yes.  I have a slight-massive love for oily fish such as mackerel, and the fish is served at room temperature after it has been blow-torched, next to the crunch of the radish and the lift from the preserved lemon emulsion.  I could have easily eaten the whole plate of these on my own and been happy to call it a day.

Just because I like you, here is a close-up of the dish…and their awesome, awesome crockery.  Can someone say Cedar?

I like to just think of this as the Radish Collective with an embarrassing amount of almond butter which I managed to scrape off the whole plate.  Simply put, without any connotations from my fatty inclinations, it is heirloom radishes + turnips, marcona almond butter + caraway salt.

I love this type of shit.  Give me some raw vegetables which you have ripped out of the ground, mask their healthiness with a healthy slab of fat and add some flavour with spice and oil.  Bam.

Oh, and this dish made me remember how much heat is in a black radish.  Bring it.

Striped trumpeter sashimi, elderflower milk, celery salt, autumn leaves. This dish was almost masked by all the flavours from the radish dish, but once the flavours settled, the delicate notes of this dish came through.  The elderflower milk made this dish for me.  As far as I know, there are a buttload of elderflowers in TAS, so enjoy eating flora from the side of the street.  I know I did.

This is my kind of a dish, even if the carrots have been arranged like they are in most finer-dining establishments where they are trying to create a fortess of impenetrability.  Every time I see vegetables like this, I just think about beating up vegans.  In all seriousness, though, the braised carrots, chestnut cream, young garlic, toasted grains + seeds was one of my most loved dishes of the night.  It’s a kind of no-bullshit, no-brainer combination of flavours presented in a carefully considered way where they sneak amaranth into the diet of the most bogan of customers.  Badass is the word I’m looking for, because if any man tried to serve this to their mate, they’d probably get a kick in the johnny-johnnies, but there were quite a few “blokes” eating the shit out of this dish.

And finally, the dish we were unable to finish, because, really, we ate a fuckload.  Poached calamari, lamb sweetbreads, glazed turnips, lemon puree, wild olives, maybe my palate was fatigued at this stage, but this dish was a bit confusing for me.  Everything was perfectly cooked, but having such giant contrasts between the sweetness of the turnips and lemon puree against the olives with the proteins seemed a little disconnected from all the other dishes we had.  I’m going to give this dish the benefit of the doubt and say it would have made more sense a lot earlier in our meal, because the confusion didn’t stop me from eating it.

This is the kind of restaurant that delivers food that makes you think about it a long time after you leave.  Aside from the well-constructed space, perfect service, detail in both the food and drink menus and consideration of provenances of ingredients, the flavours, textures and combinations have me wanting to go back there.  It also doesn’t hurt when they tweet you after your meal.

I guess this is clever without all that pretentious wank…and kind of like MONA, I wish it were in Melbourne.


103 Murray St
Hobart, TAS

(03) 6231 0558

Gami Chicken- when you don’t order chicken

Gami chicken has become the holy grail of beer and chicken over the last year.  Serving Korean food alongside their half and full chickens, a friend of mine and I decided to take up the challenge before we both realised that we didn’t actually feel like KFC (Korean Fried Chicken).

The surprising thing here is that you will see tables of two eat a whole fried chicken with side dishes and walk out comfortably.  They will more often than not also be Asian.  Don’t gawk…it’s normal (in some circles).

The other menu items at Gami are classed as “Light Meals” and “Snacks.”  Let me tell you now, they are definitely meals in themselves.

This was a “Light Meal,” the chicken gizzards with vegetables and garlic. I love chicken gizzards and they were perfectly cooked with a mild level of spiciness and sweetness from the cooked garlic.  The heavy handed douse of sesame oil over the top made this dish a little greasy, but it is intended to be eaten with rice so I understand where that came from.  Unfortunately, as it comes to the table on a sizzling plate, if it isn’t wolfed down as soon as it hits the table, the gizzards become as chewy as rubber bands as they continue to cook.

We also got the seafood and spring onion pancake, which is considered a snack (in what fucking world?!?!?).  This also came in the sizzling plate, which was great to begin with as it continued to crisp up the edges of the “snack” and coax out the sweetness of the spring onions rather than leaving them with a raw heat in your mouth without overcooking the seafood (which was so sparse we almost didn’t notice it in there).

However, with the mass amounts of food and the jugs of Gami beer we ordered (I mean beer and fried chicken, how could one go wrong?) the food wasn’t inhaled in usual Asian-eating styles.  This means that everything becomes a little greasy as it starts to cool down and you find yourself picking the vegetables out of everything.

Oh, and for the love of god, don’t listen to the charming, teenage waiter when he cheekily insists on you ordering

corn and cheese. Unless there are more than three of you, the novelty will wear off after a while.  I love corn and I love cheese, and as a dirty, beer-driven snack-food to accompany KFC it is amazing, until you get really full after a couple of bites and

it COAGULATES into a rubbery mass of cold cheese (which I actually have a slight affection for because I am in the cold pizza camp) acting as plaster in the house of corn.  The water from the corn would have leeched out under the blanket of cheese, back into the hot plate that it arrived in with the cheese jizz, leaving some kind of sweet, milky nightmare which I can only compare to watered down condensed milk.

And if the above image has influenced you into not ordering corn and cheese, may your arteries thank me as I have just saved your life.

You’re welcome.

*DISCLAIMER: their chicken is actually awesome, but I am sure you have read about it everywhere else.

GAMI Chicken

100 Lt Lonsdale St

(03) 9671 3232

Releasing your inner bogan

Sometimes sitting by the beach while it’s raining, in a car with two of my favourite people eating absolute trash is amazing.  I love eating dirty food with absolutely no nutritional value as much as the next person despite what this blog documents.

On the long-motherfucking Easter weekend, we went to Rye and the local convenience store sold their “Famous chips and gravy.”  What that meant, I didn’t know, until they insisted on purchasing it to kill time between activities.

I discovered that it was code for chips coated in the most wonderful amount of chicken salt and the thickest concoction of gravox.  So many levels of salt for three people.

This definitely repeats on you after you have a few, but that’s the point, isn’t it?  This is some kind of surfer’s fuel or a white-trash lunch from what I observed.

I’m glad I experienced it, but I wouldn’t do it again.

9 reasons why you take Chinese parents to a Chinese restaurant

I dread eating with my family.  No, I dread eating with my parents.  For some reason, they view dining out like my educational pursuits: not good enough.  There are a simple set of behaviours which are guaranteed to come out every time we eat out together, no matter the situation or who we’re with.  I find that my sister and her husband sit in their car, hiding until the last possible minute before they emerge for the “experience,” or, until they receive an SOS message from me.

That actually happened and they came running from the car park.  I feel loved when people run for me.  Thanks Cin, you’re a doll.

So, I bring to you what every first generation Chinese kid has to deal with just in case you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to eat with Chinese parents.  Please, don’t let this deter you from dating, befriending or joining a band with a Chinese kid, sometimes it is just hard enough having Chinese parents when you don’t have friends to make fun of your misfortunes.  Unless you are particularly blessed and have Chinese parents who are…well…how do I put this…not cheap racists, here are the reasons why you only take Chinese parents to Chinese restaurants.  Conversation and survival tactics during dinner are far too unique to each individual and their coping mechanisms for me to even begin writing a guide on.  Let me just say, earplugs, a few shots before dinner and the removal of the shame gland all work a treat for me.

1- Pasta is not a noodle
This is something you have to keep repeating to your parents if you ever take them to an Italian restaurant.  They will almost always order pasta as it is the least threatening item on the menu as it has some familiar semblances to noodles.  However, I can almost guarantee that conversation will go a little like this:

Chinese Parent (CP): Why are my noodles chewy?  They’re hard or something.
First Generation Chinese Kid (1GCK): It’s supposed to be like that
CP: What?  Uncooked?  Why don’t they cook their noodles?
1GCK: Oh, it’s al dente, it means “to the tooth”
CP: I don’t care, if they’re noodles, they’re meant to be cooked for at least five minutes longer
1GCK: But they’re not noodles, not the noodles you’re used to
CP: How do you know what al dente means anyway? You don’t speak Italian.  Next time we should go eat good Chinese food.
1GCH: *facepalm*

2- Free shit doesn’t have to be eaten, beware bread on the table
I don’t want to sound like a racist bitch, but Chinese parents (at least mine) are creatures of the cheap.  There is this “peng you leng” mentality that they have where they try to squeeze value out of everything.
Seriously, everything.
If there is something on the table that is edible, you better damn well eat it.  Hence, if you do decide to brave a restaurant that brings bread to the table, make sure that you and everyone on the table is fucking starving.  Tell them that you can’t do bread if you would like to avoid this conversation at the table:

CP: My bread is hard
1GCK: It’s crust.  I know you’re used to Chinese bakeries where all bread is sweet and there is no crust, but it’s just different
CP: It’s hard and sour.  What are these, seeds?  I’m not a bird.  What is this, bird food?
1GCK: Seeded sourdough.  Try it?
CP: They’re just trying to rip us off and give us less food by filling us up with bread at the beginning.  I mean, what am I meant to do, make a sandwich?  Why am I paying to make my own sandwich?
1GCK: You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to
CP: I bet they have charged us for bread.  Look, I’m going to eat it just because I’m meant to, I don’t want to look like an idiot.
CP will now progress to eat all the bread that is available and complain if you don’t eat your bread, meanwhile, complaining about the bread while they are eating it.
1GCK will become very familiar with the act of facepalming.

3- A steak on the plate is a stake in the heart
Don’t order steak in front of a Chinese parent, seriously, don’t.  Don’t even take them to a place where they can order steak because if you have any care for meat at all, the provenance of ingredients or tastebuds, this will make you cry.  Firstly, they will insist on you ordering the steak to their preference of done-ness which will always be a level over well-done: shoe, because they will inevitably either want some of your food, or tell you about all the health implications of not having completely cooked meat.  The only way to get them to shut the fuck up is complying.
Furthermore, if you’re at a restaurant that specialises in steak, please, for the love of fuck, don’t let them see the prices.  This will result in a lot of moaning, talk of discount meat, a round and round argument about ethically raised animals, questions as to why you have to pay for sides and a lot of justification.  If they can speak English fluently (or even, not fluently) they will complain in English…loudly.  The thing about being Asian is, our volume controls are all broken…probably because we were all beaten as kids or something.

4- A Chinese parent will even complain about Asian food
Only take Chinese parents to a Chinese restaurant because judging from my parent’s complains (which are of course, universal) this is what happens:

Thai- They put all these different flavours in food cos their meat if off and they’re trying to hide it
Vietnamese- Why do I need so many herbs in my food?  It’s weird.  I hate it.  Broken rice?  It’s just rice that broke and they’re being cheap.
Korean- Why is it sweet and hot?  They’re giving us white people food.
Japanese- Their food is all cold.  I want a hot meal and this is overpriced.
Malaysian- Too much gravy (seriously, I don’t even understand this one)
Singaporean- Asian for beginners

You get the idea.

5- Fine dining, are you kidding?
Where do I start with this? If your Chinese parents aren’t made of money and own more businesses than they do investment properties, you are looking to start an argument, have a thankless dinner or want to kill yourself by the end of the evening.  This section of our lesson touches on several aforementioned issues: portion sizes, unfamiliar textures and treatments, the question of value, ethical treatment of animals, delivery of food in a manner that isn’t seen as clever (see also: unappreciated)…etc.

You know what I’m saying.  In this case, even if you are reaching for the bill, you’re still going to have your balls cut off or receive a kick in the cunt.  As much as I’d love to give you situational conversation, even I think it is too harsh for this blog.  Reimagining will only seem to squash my already low self esteem and lead me to starve myself for a few years or have me ripping off my own skin with the aid of a spoon to mask the pain of parental conversation.

6- You drink?  Not tonight
I am in a unique case where my parent’s aren’t just Chinese, they’re Christian Baptists that can’t hold their liquor.  Even though it has taken them 23 years to come to terms with the fact that I drink, if I finish one beer in front of them, they think I have a problem.  Unless the Chinese parent you are dining with is a drinker, don’t go there.  Don’t do anything they wouldn’t do.  If you drink in front of them and are not Asian yourself, they will automatically assume that you’re an alcoholic, drug dealing pimp who watches too much porn.

This is a scene from my sister’s birthday a few years back at Movida:
CP: Jess, it’s ok if you want a beer, you can order one
1GCK: Really? [All the while, this a trick?]
CP: Yeah
[Little did I know that my brother-in-law was paying]
1GCK: Sure, I’ll get a beer

[Throughout the night, I drink 6 beers.]
One week later, my parent’s church friends see me in the street and tell me how my parents tell them that I have a drinking problem.  Sorry, folks, we live in Australia where our only culture is in the booze we consume.  In some circles, I am considered light.

7- Tapas is not food, apparently
Again, portion sizes, legumes which are not in a herbal soup and other complaints.  This, I do not understand, especially because there is a lack of translation from where Chinese parents are happy to do yum cha and have a few pieces here and there which they share, but tapas is a no-no.  Here is when I get into skeptical racist/double-standard territory because no sense can be made from here.  There is definitely a sense of trepidation if I ever am high enough to think my parents would enjoy small dishes of foreign food for dinner, but you think at lunch, it would be acceptable.


Yeah, I don’t get it either.  The beauty of this is that if the Chinese parents in question like you enough, they won’t insult you to your face, they will instead call you an idiot to everyone else behind your back, especially the people you know.

8- Don’t ever order salad or a vegetarian dish
Do I really have to elaborate on this one?  This is more a question of respect and a measurement of dicks.  Look, I don’t even have a dick and people look at me like a castrato if I suggest getting a vegetarian dish or a salad to go with the meal.  Apparently, fibre, freshness, crunch, a variation of temperature and texture to the rest of the meal is for pussies.  Requiring relief or a point of difference is for chumps.  Even if it is laced in some kind of animal fat, unless their flesh is swimming around in whatever you have ordered, expect to be putting shame upon dynasties, or receive dynasties worth of shame.

Who do you think you are?

9- So you’ve made it to the Chinese restaurant, this is only the beginning
Oh, honey, this is only the beginning of the battle.  Let me tell you now, relinquishing all power is the first step to a successful dinner, or at least one where you leave with your temper in tact.  Understand that when dining with a Chinese parent, you must be completely zen.  Everyone has a temper, it is just about understanding when to use it.
So, what does this mean, exactly?
Don’t reach for the menu.
You are not allowed to have a preference or opinion.  You must realise that upon picking the restaurant, the Chinese parent has probably already called the restaurant and quizzed them on their menu, asked all their friends if they have eaten there before or looked them up online.  They already know what they’re going to order a week before you eat together.  Leave your preconceptions at the door about all foods, because you’re going to eat it banquet style, and you’re going to like it.  Don’t get squeamish if they put food in your bowl with their chopsticks after they have just eaten with them, they have probably done much worse behind your back.  Trust me, even at this they won’t be pleased.  They will complain about the food and how much better they can make it when you leave or reiterate how terrible the service was.  Never mind that they ordered food that was out of season or were told they were out of specific ingredients so the dish would have to be altered.  Did you ever wonder why Chinese kids are so thin, calories are being burnt off by repressing arguments.

The latest example of this was for my sister’s birthday.  My parent’s picked the restaurant which my sister doesn’t rate and the meal was ordered before we got there.  Getting out of the restaurant and home was the most difficult part of the evening.

Hell, my brother-in-law said he liked a tofu dish when he was still in primary school, and everyone we know orders it “just for him” even to this day even though he really doesn’t think too highly of tofu.  May I mention that he is also 30?

And finally,

You’re picking up the bill

Good luck, bitches.  And remember, you have to eat a lot and not get fat, otherwise you’re in for a world of hell.

The Private Dinner by Casey Wall

I received an email a week ago from my friend Pham and I’m going to copy and paste it here for you because who can resist lifting copy?  I’m not a journalist, so I’ll let myself be lazy.

“Some people like delicious food, exorbitant prices and the company of obnoxious strangers.
Other would much prefer the experience at a fraction of the price amongst good friends…
And so here’s the deal…

Instead of working a 15-hour day, gutting fifty fish and doing dinner service for 110 covers in one night under the menu of an executive chef; a day off work affords some rest, creative freedom and for you to enjoy the fruits (vegetables and fine cuts of meat) of their imagination.

Before returning to the states for a few months, next Monday April 18th, chef Casey Wall (Cutler&Co, Spotted Pig and Le Cirque, NY, Chez Panisse in Berkeley) will flex his creative muscles in the kitchen and bring you a 5-course private dinner at a yet-to-be-confirmed venue. BYO wine, cost is $60/head, and service begins around 7.30, concluding at 10.30.

Photos from the last event to wet your appetite.

Please let me know if you’re interested and I will organise payment prior to the evening.

Muchos gracias,

The 18th was also my birthday, and with most of my friends away for the Easter break or having their Passover dinner, I thought, “Why the fuck not?” It was pretty fucking awesome, with kids from Cutler & Co, Attica and Ladro helping with it all, everything ran smoothly and we all managed to get a little bit plastered at the end.

Naturally, I started drinking pretty early so the night is a blur for me.  I’ll spare you the commentary for the majority of the photos and you can assume what you will from it all.

Shots by Pham, I was too drunk to have a steady hand.

Casey Wall shucking oysters

They got no spines

An introduction from our host Manu

Our amuse bouche of kimchi oyster.

Do you really need a caption for this?

Definitely not a day off

He's not with us. He just wanted our cash monies.

A very clean salad of celery, radish and white anchovies.

Farro, bitches

A fucking delicious, umami-filled farro, mushroom, butter soup with a poached egg

How delicious?

This delicious

Some tongue for you, kids.



A no-brainer combination of chargrilled tongue, herb salad (or as my mate’s mother would call it, green shit), mustard sauce and dill pickles. I fucking loved it.  My mate and I may have snagged another piece of tongue by sitting opposite a vegetarian.  Happy fucking birthday to me.

About to be nommed

Braised lamb neck, sheeps milk labne, fennel pollen, preserved lemon and cumin carrots. I may or may not have said, “This is fucking lovely,” and been crowned the chief swearer of the evening.  With all that drinking, I was pretty full by this stage and regretfully passed on half of my dish to my mate.  He no make the complaining.  He may have also have eaten the vegetarian’s lamb as well.

The Rumbaba, or rather, the epic Rumbaba.  Casey came out and sheepishly said, “We are no pastry chefs,” and gave out a small laugh.  Tasty as it was, the rum sauce is what fuelled the alcoholics on the table to want to eat it all.

I didn’t get very far, but Pham stuck a candle in mine and got everyone to sing.  It was all very sweet and drunken.

Get yourself an invite to one of these dinners if you can, they’re a fucking laugh and a half seeing as you’re dining intimately with a bunch of strangers who somehow fit through someone else you know on the table.  Experiments, passion, warmth and a humbling attitude passed on by industry professionals is what you will experience when you come to one of these…oh, and some pretty solid food.

Goodnight, lovers.