Let's Mix has gone offline
It is with great regret that we must declare that the Letsmix.com mix-streaming site has gone offline (per January 1st 2012). This decision follows the reassessing of our licensing restrictions, alongside a critical evaluation of the business case for our service. Our intention to expand on our operations had fundamentally outgrown the Let's Mix site.
The closing of Let's Mix is not the result of complaints from copyright holders. It is a decision based on the equation of cost for hosting and delivering copyrighted components, versus the ability of monetizing use of the site.
We found that as the business of music streaming evolved, so would we need to. Had we desired for Let's Mix to grow any bigger, we would also have been forced to impose strict limitations on mixes in ways neither we nor our users would have wanted to. Faced with the proposal of sacrificing user experience and scale, we were forced to reach the difficult decision of ceasing all activity at Let's Mix.
It has been a great pleasure to enjoy the hours upon hours of mixed music, and we are thankful for the many discoveries we have made listening to your mixes.