heading1Latitudes is committed to helping Language Service Providers and Freelance Linguists become more successful. Our team works with you to define and develop Sales, Marketing and Branding strategies to take you from good to GREAT.

Language Service Providers
We can help you:
Develop your sales organization
Develop deal winning sales behavior
Align your Corporate Strategy with Sales Activities
Implement a High Performance Sales Methodology
Integrate sales force automation to track performance
Create a unique value proposition.
We can help you:
Sustain Higher Prices
Create your unique value proposition
Create and develop your own basic marketing and branding plan
Develop your online reputation
Get more direct clients
Maximize your professional potential.

How can we help you?

To discuss how our team can help your business achieve true results, please Contact Us
Click here for our courses.
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October 26, 2011
Marcela Jenney Latitudes’ Vice President an…
October 23, 2011
Latitudes, Inc names Raymond Reyes as CEO…
October 20, 2011
Latitudes, Inc. Training, Coaching and Consul…
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