New research in science March 4, 2012 No Comments
Good news for fans around the world, wine has been found to retard the growth of cancer cells, especially that in the prostate glands. Before you buy wine online in Australia, about the new do very well, it's easy to take pleasure in the enjoyment of the latest vintages from Down Under. The discovery of exactly how wine can easily hinder cancer cells is considered a major development in the therapy of prostate cancer. Researchers have recognized the polyphenols in red wine and green tea extract as an ingredient necessary to prevent cancer growth. The article published in the FASEB Journal shows how the frequency of red wine and green tea extract antioxidant generate a combined effect of the modification of a cell signaling pathway necessary for the integral growth of prostate cancer. Based on the article, the effect of antioxidants in red wine and green tea extract in your body is exceptionally important if eaten in moderation. This fact affects both the pharmaceutical and wine worldwide. The discovery could lead to the promotion of new and better drugs that can stop or prevent the progression of cancer. This can also help to current treatments. For winemakers, including Margaret River vineyards, this study could lead to an increased interest in wine in particular all the new wineries are at the forefront of research related to wine. In related news, researchers have determined the cause of headache, nasal congestion, rashes and other allergic symptoms similar to those of over 500 million consumers around the world endure once ate wine. The discovery could also help growers to develop the first low allergenic vintages of red and white wines with less potential to trigger allergy symptoms, they say. The new study appears in the monthly journal of the ACS of proteome research. Giuseppe Palmisano and colleagues note issue regarding the potential expansion of the individual ingredients in red and white wines to cause allergy-like symptoms ranging from nasal congestion, headaches to respiratory problems. The reactions of so-called wine allergic to eight percent believe that wine drinkers across borders. Of this amount, about one percent is caused by sulfites and other substances that contain sulfur, which has made many growers to prevent deterioration. The cause of allergic reactions, but the rest is clear. Study and recommend that symptoms may be caused by glycoproteins, which are some of the sugar-coated proteins that are created by natural means, as the ferment of the grape. However, the researchers, however, knew very little about the structure and function of these substances in wine based on the "Glycoproteomic profile in wine: A" soft "molecular renaissance" printed in the Journal of Proteome Research. The report analyzes Italian Chardonnay and 28 located outside of glycoproteins, some of which are determined first. Many of these glycoproteins have grape like structures of known allergens, including those that cause allergic reactions to ragweed and latex. The study is needed for older wine producers in the world also in the New World like Margaret River Vineyards Winery and other Australians. This development allows more light to see in the winemaking process and help reduce the development of glycoproteins and buyers much more pleased to poor harvests allergens. Think about education, after buying wines based electronics. Australia has many cultures that contain allergens and much less, and more antioxidants. There is much good in them, never questioning it.
29/09/2011 NASA's Science Mission WISE press conference. Www full version. The media space. Nl. Eu Org