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Korean guy wishes all Japanese will be dead[日本人の皆さん地震で死んで下さい]


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さんが 2012/03/11 にアップロード

TrueSouthKorea さんからの転載です。

Korean said 「All Japanese be killed in an earthquake.」

Hey Japanese people.
So you guys are already contaminated with the radiation?
Isn't it just scary?
Well I'm guessing that devastating earthquake is going to
hit Tokyo and kill a lot of people,
which I really can't wait for it.
I'm always thinking Japanese people dying, but I can't kill them
directly, so it was really exciting to hear that Japanese people are
dying from the natural disaster.
Well, im going to stop here and watch Japanese suffer more from
the earthquake.
Hope you guys die soon.

★This is no big surprize if you know the anti-Japan education in South Korea. Watch this video, too.
Drawings of Japanese kids and Korean kids

  • 高評価 人、低評価 13



投稿者のコメント (nutcoco100)

  • 당신 때문에 국제적 망신입니다.. i hope he is just a crazy guy

  • @pivotchord57

    Please, don't worry.I am not meant to attack him. I just want to tell the world that there is anti-Japanese education in Korea which is destroying their own people and the country.

    Kids grow to be good adults if they are given enough love, good education and good food!(you have good food in Korea, right? I like Korean food)

    Thanks for your comment!


    I'm so sad.

  • @GakuhoSKM

    That's ok to press "like" !

    More poeople could watch this video by pressing "like". (o^ー^o)

  • 韓国の反日教育を知っていれば驚くこともないですね。


    Hope South Korea gives good education for kids to grow thier love for the world, even for their own country.


  • Korean are crazy.

  • Stupid idiot guy in the video, I am soooo ashamed of you, and I am sure your parents are ashamed of the fact they gave birth to you.

    Wishing somebody to be dead is the most childish and stupidest.

    You need to grow up.

    Over 20,000 japanese people died including little kids. The world mourns and I cried too.

    I apologize on his behalf. He is such an ignorant and not educated properly.


すべてのコメント (49)

  • Please already allow him...

    Now he is praised as a hero in S Korea(He is the present-day An Chung-gun loyal retainer!)

     Its the same as the time of soccer. He is normal in S Korea...this is fact....unavoidable...S Korea is such countries... But all other countries are aiding japan.

    taiwan china usa...then its enough!

  • 私はこいつを絶対に許さない。

  • 韓国の反日教育ってだけじゃないね。


  • U stupid shittin ass

    Go fuk urself retarded

  • 기도는 속으로만 해라 병신아


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