There are a lot of ways that we can easily say that stress is ruling our lives. When we feel that we are working too hard, we say we’re stressed. When we think too much, we say we’re stressed. When we are suddenly feeling moody and it’s not the time of the month, we blame it again on stress. It’s like stress has created a whole new religion!
But there is something more serious than stress, and that is adrenal fatigue. In fact, adrenal fatigue is a child of stress and if you want to avoid it, you may rid yourself of your exposure to stress and/or take adrenal fatigue supplements.
To start off, let us introduce you to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue happens when your adrenals experience too much work. Like they’re your very own workaholic babies! Your adrenals are the two organs which are situated above your kidneys and they are the ones which produce the hormones that you use to handle, tackle and battle stress. Quite simplistically, when you’re out there and carrying stress too often, like it’s a handbag, then you will tire your adrenals out.
Dizziness, fainting, nausea, forgetfulness, low blood pressure and physical exhaustion are all indicators of adrenal fatigue. When you’re just stressed, it may be normal that you lose your footing for a while but you don’t really forget “big deal” things or faint or have a blood pressure that causes you to be apathetic. Also, other people may call it depression but difficulty of sleeping is also closely linked to adrenal fatigue.
So if you find yourself swimming in these symptoms, try checking out adrenal fatigue supplements at your local drugstore. Adrenal fatigue is actually FATAL AND EASILY INHERITED.
Knowing If It’s Just Stress or Adrenal Fatigue
Stress today has become a word we generally use when we do something that is tiring. When we overwork, think a lot or wake up at the wrong side of the bed we basically attribute it to stress.
However, not everything that is tiring is considered as stress. There are more serious conditions aside from stress and doctors call it adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is actually an offshoot of Stress so if you really want to avoid the condition then you should find ways to loosen up or better yet drink supplements that basically rids stress.
But what exactly is Adrenal Fatigue and how is it more dangerous than the normal stress? We will discuss that shortly. First off, people experience Adrenal Fatigue whenever they work a lot. The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system and are situated near your kidneys. In principle, the glands also acquire fatigue whenever you tire yourself a lot. This is because these glands produce hormones to handle and combat the stress that your body encounters. So whenever you tire yourself so much then you tire your adrenal glands as well.
Usually symptoms of adrenal fatigue include fainting, forgetfulness, nausea, dizziness and physical exhaustion. These symptoms are usually mistaken as stress so people usually brush these symptoms away like it’s something that’s normal. Feeling that you’re going to faint may be attributed to stress but frequent dizziness and low blood pressure is a different thing. A lot of people may even link these symptoms to depression but you have to remember that these also happen to people with adrenal fatigue.
If you find similar symptoms stated above then it’s time to evaluate your condition. It would be best to take adrenal fatigue supplements because the condition is actually dangerous and could be inherited.
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