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fluid retention?

if u have fluid retention at ur stomach can it cause some fluid to go to other parts example lower back or knee cap
cause both my lower back and knee cap are swollen from the past 2days and are really sore also
what u think?

Chosen Answer:

It wouldnt normally do that, but i wonder if you have a condition that is causing lower limb fluid retention?
Its best to be checked out by your GP you may need to go onto diuretics (water tablets) to offload the fluid. You may have a bursa of the knee which needs to be adressed.
by: Nadia
on: 26th May 08

fluid retention?

ahhhh I just fell off my diet last night and have gained ten pouunds, could this be fluid retention??, or have I really gained ten pounds ??? I just found out I have a urinaary track infection doe sthat add too fluid retention? ?????

Chosen Answer:

certainly that fluctuation in change is neither due to the fact you “fell off” your diet, nor fluid retention.
Most likely that change was due to inaccurate reading or measure of the balance, or maybe you weighed yourself in 2 different balances that are calibrated differently.

This is why I am sure it is neither one or the other.
In order for you to gain 10 pounds of fat you would need to consume 35 000 calories, which is about 70 hamburgers.
Obviously that is imposible to eat in 1 night.
as for water, you would need to drink 5 liters of water and not urinate, since we know fluid wont just “appear” in your body if you dont drink it.

As for the urinary tract infection, I would say that is unrelated.
by: super pablo
on: 1st September 07

Why would my patients be on drugs like Diovan, HCT, and Lasix, but not have a dx of CHF or Renal Failure? A fe?

Many of them have had CABGs. I’m a home health care nurse. Ignore that last question, typo.

Chosen Answer:

They probably just have high blood pressure and a little peripheral edema (swelling in ankles). It’s possible that they don’t have CHF, but could have left ventricular dysfunction. CHF is typically diagnosed if the left ventricular ejection fraction is < 40. Maybe their’s is higher than 40, but low enough to cause swelling in the ankles?

Does this help? There could be a number of reasons.

I created an iPhone App that helps with drug information. It’s much easier to understand than other apps.
on: 15th May 11

My ultrasound shows fluid retention in kidneys. Anyone have experience with this?

At my 20 week ultrasound they noticed that my baby was not completely emptying his kidneys. I had another ultrasound at 30 weeks and the problem is still the same. I have one more ultrasound at 36 weeks to make sure it hasn’t gotten worse.They said it can fix itself after birth. Anyone have any experience with this?

Chosen Answer:

I had my 24 week ultrasound last tuesday and they found the same thing… so they scheduled me a level ii ultrasound for that thursday with a pernial specialist… they said my baby boy had some fluid in his kidneys and that it should clear up by birth but they want to monitor it so i have to go back in 4 weeks… they said the normal amount of fluid is 3 mililiters and my son has 4… she said if it was more than 8 then it would be of concern… They said it if wasnt cleared up by birth they would send him to a specialist for an ultrasound to see what is wrong… Hope that helps some
by: platinum_latina
on: 17th February 07

i had too much salt today will i get fluid retention tomorrow?

im female, 16, 155cm, 40.7kg

today i ate

9:30am: 2 coffees, homemade oats with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/4 of a medium banana

2pm: black coffee
6:pm: black coffee

heres were the salt starts ….

7:30pm: KFC: 6 nuggets with small potato and gravy

9pm: it seemed like a big portion for a small size charcoal chicken store: small chips ( they made it salty )

Chosen Answer:

on: 1st January 70

Diabetics and Lasix- Does it help?

My fiance is a diabetic and is considering Lasix to correct his vision. Any diabetics out there have this done? What were your results?

Chosen Answer:

My boyfriend is Diabetic and he was told that he can’t get lasix because it’s common for diabetics vision to change throughout their life. When my boyfriend was first diagnosed, to now, he’s had about 3 different prescriptions for his eyes. So I would hold off on lasix until he knows his eyes arent going to be changing… Also it depends on if he has stable blood sugar levels.
on: 8th November 09

Lasix for dog same as human lasix?

My dog has congestive heart failure and is on Lasix(salix actually, the generic form of lasix)and I am curious if this is the exact same pill that doctors prescribe humans with congestive heart failure(or any other illness that humans have that would require lasix)..or is my dog taking the ‘canine version’?

i’m NOT going to hand them out to my friends..i’m just a nerd and am curious and would find that interesting :)
thanks in advance!

Chosen Answer:

Yes! It’s the same thing. Used for both humans and animals with Congestive Heart Failure or CHF.
Good thing you’re not giving them to your friends….it would make them pee alot!
by: azta
on: 29th February 08

ways to get rid of fluid retention?

I am retaining a lot of fluid does nayone know any at home cures ( I know there is a medication but I dont like putting nonnatural things in my body if i can aviod it) Thanks alot to anyone hwo know or has any ideas!

Chosen Answer:

pineapple juice is a natural diuretic. No salt and stay away from celery. I was told by my doc. that a warm to hot bath in salt helps also.
by: luna
on: 18th January 08

Fluid retention?

I am 29 weeks pregnant and everything was going well until I gained 4 pounds in one week!!!! I had been gaining 4 pounds a month, which I consider normal, but 4 pounds in a week!!!!
My feet are very swollen and they hurt and my hands are also swollen. Is that normal during pregnancy? Is it fluid retention? What should I do to get rid of the problem?

Thank you for your help

Chosen Answer:

i had the same thing. just lay off the salty food. they actually put me on a NO sodium diet. that’s how i learned that EVERYTHING had salt in it lol. just cut down on the salt, drink a healthy amount of water, and get some exercise in
by: Xander and Marie’s Mommy
on: 27th December 07

Has anyone had the lasix eye surgery done if so how did it go..and is it true it could cause blindness??

Chosen Answer:

I guess any procedure you have done could go wrong but my mother had this done and I went with a friend when she had it done and they both thought it was great…..seeing without glasses….yay!
by: lilygateau
on: 5th November 07

Can Zestril and Lasix be given together?Do they potentiate each other?

Chosen Answer:

Lasix does have a very mild effect of lowering the BP. Zestril is an antihypertensive of the ACE-I class. So, they do, but not much.
by: ckm1956
on: 13th December 09

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