Myths about PC backup that need debunking

There are quite a few myths surrounding PC backup that need dispelling. These are all myths that are actually quite harmful as they prevent people from doing their backing up properly. We are not saying that everyone believes these myths or that they believe them on a conscious level. Still, these myths need to be debunked and we will give our best to do it in this article.

The first of these myths is “I do not need backing up because I don’t have anything important on my PC”. This is perhaps the most common of all myths surrounding PC backup thing. Namely, a large number of people believe that backing up is just for people who have work stuff on their computer. However, the thing is that we all have at least something that needs to be preserved and that would prove to be a problem in case it is lost. We will give the most “non-serious” of examples- your save games. Let’s imagine that you have been playing a certain game for months and you have reached a certain level just to have it lost due to the fact that you haven’t backed those saves up. Also, most people have at least some photos on their computer that exist only there and that should be backed up.

Another myth that is closely related to the first one is that many people believe that their computer is not going to crash and that there is no need for them to back up for this reason. This is simply a dumb thing to believe. Everyone’s computer might crash and everyone is in danger of losing stuff from their computer. No amount of antivirus protection can save you from the latest viruses and there is no way to predict certain events such as floods and stuff like that.

The final myth that we would like to debunk is that backing up takes up too much time and effort. It is one of the easiest things to do on your computer and you do not really need any skills or any specialized software. Your OS comes with a backing up software that is very user-friendly and that is not going to give you any problems.

Best PC backup options for your buck

We live in an economy in which you need to save on anything you can. People keep losing jobs and it seems like we are not out of the woods yet. This is why when we are talking about anything, including different PC backup options, we need to take [...] Continue Reading…

Important things to look out for in online PC backup services

You have probably heard of online PC backup services that are more and more becoming the option of choice for people who are serious about their backup and who want to make sure that their files are as safe as they can be. However, it is important to remember [...] Continue Reading…

Online PC backup – the best option?

First of all, we need to get one thing straight, backing up your PC is one of the most important things you can do when maintenance of your computer is in question. PC backup is something that no one should neglect when they are taking care of their computer [...] Continue Reading…

Importance of PC backup for small businesses

If you are running a small business, it is far more likely than not that you are conducting a great deal of your work on your computer, of course unless you are doing something that involves manual work. Still, even in those cases, your computer is probably filled with [...] Continue Reading…

Why PC backup is important

It is quite difficult to explain to people why something extremely important is actually that important, especially when this something is so obvious that it almost hurts. However, backing up your PC is something that people tend to forget for some reason and it is quite important to remind [...] Continue Reading…

What to look for in PC backup software

To say that backing up your PC is an important thing to do every now and then would be to make an understatement. It is an extremely important thing to do, especially today when we are more and more relying on our computers both for leisure but also for [...] Continue Reading…

Different PC backup options

When we are talking about practices that everyone should adopt that have to do with the use of PC, then we simply have to mention PC backup. Namely, the data that is stored on everyone’s computers has never been less safe, due to constant internet connections and increasingly –unsafe [...] Continue Reading…

Some tips for doing PC backup

If you are checking out this website, then it is very probable that you are one of those people who fail to backup their PC regularly. Do not worry, as there are plenty of people who do the same. It is good that you have decided to research a [...] Continue Reading…

PC backup – the basics

It is sometimes very strange how people are aware of a very useful practice and they never seem to practice it. For instance, washing your hands as soon as you get back home is the first thing that springs to mind. We all know that this is a very [...] Continue Reading…