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HostMonster offers all inclusive hosting package to the customers. What is really mind blowing about the hosting provider is that it can fulfill the hosting requirements of both businesses as well as individuals. The hosting plan with this web host is really affordable as well. But low cost does not mean that you will not be able to enjoy high performance and functionality. The hosting plan is featured with lots of facilities and applications like unlimited disk space as well as bandwidth. HostMonster even offers amazing technical support and customer service. High quality hosting equipment is utilized by the company. The web host recognizes significance of trusted web hosting services and thus strives to offer the best services ever possible.
HostMonster also provides reliable services. The company uses redundant system to offer maximum level of performance and uptime. The hosting provider uses top quality tools and the data is kept all secure and safe through the reliable backup system. In case of power outage, the UPS backup as well as generators are there to keep all things running and up. Quad Opteron servers with the web host are utilized to provide high performance services as well. In fact, HostMonster guarantees an uptime of 99.9% to offer peace of mind to the clients.
Set up in the year 1996, the web host is 15 years old and serves web hosting services to around 1.7 million sites all across the world. HostMonster is in fact one of the popular web hosts and is well known for its high end hosting services and fantastic customer support. The web hosting company utilizes US based customer help system, 100 percent US based support and not the outsourced system.
So why to opt for HostMonster? Who choose their hosting plan and why is the company so popular? Without a doubt, this hosting company is featured with all unlimited domains and features and its services are one of the most amazing ones available. With reliable and nice web hosting services, good uptime rate, technical support, huge website resources as well as nice pricing make HostMonster a great hosting company.
Some of the amazing bonus facilities that the hosting company offers with all accounts include Drupal, PHP 5, Perl 5, WordPress and social networking programs support. Blend all these with some amazing multimedia and ecommerce features to have a fantastic and mind boggling web hosting account and that too at a very nominal price.
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