February 29th, 2012
is it worth the money or not?
Chosen Answer:
Valium is a very inexpensive tranquilizer if bought legally I use to pay about 15 cents for 10 mg. It one at the least effective as far as long term effects, it wears off quickly , but is also acts quickly.It is use primarily to relieve temporary anxiety, like going in for short medical procedure. I has the shortest half life of all tranquilizers. xanax and Klonapin hit your body a little slower but lasts a lot longer.Those ar much better drugs for your system.
As far as worth the money, I can’t understand why that’s an issue ,unless they are being bought illegally.No its not worth 2 or 3 bucks a piece if they are being bought illegally. they are very easy to obtain m Mexico they are sold over the counter
on: 11th February 10
Posted in Valium Information | Tags: acts, anxiety, bought, cents, chosen, effective, effects, going, inexpensive, legally, medical, money, primarily, procedure, quickly, quicklyit, relieve, short, shortest, temporary, term, tranquilizer, valium, wears, worth | One Comment »
February 28th, 2012
Natural remedies only please. I have taken Fish oil and Flaxseed oil they worked great for my anxiety but I got horrible rashes from them. Any idea?
Chosen Answer:
Anxiety – low serotonin symptom – see serotonin pathway >>>
5-htp needs Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C to form Serotonin >>>
Eczema – vitamin D oil and chamomile oil >>>
by: ƦєdAиgєℓ
on: 11th June 11
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: andcure, anxiety, anxietyattacks, chosen, depressioncom, eczema, fish, flaxseed, form, horrible, http, idea, magnesium, natural, needs, panicattacks, pathway, rashes, remedies, serotonin, symptom, vitamin, worked, wwwunderstand, zinc | 4 Comments »
February 27th, 2012
Hi people, my doc gave me gave some Valium Said it would carm me down when i panic for no reason. But i’m really worryed about taking them i know they might carm me down but just really worryed about them. I also heard once u start taking them its hard to stop. Are they really any good? how long they take to work? What do they make u feel like?
Any help on this please
Chosen Answer:
they will take effect almost straight away. You will feel chilled out.
Only take when you feel a panic attack coming on and that way you shouldnt get addicted.
by: steph j
on: 11th September 06
Posted in Valium Information | Tags: addicted, attack, carm, chilled, chosen, coming, effect, gave, good, hard, like, only, panic, people, really, reason, shouldnt, start, steph, stop, straight, taking, valium, work, worryed | 28 Comments »
February 26th, 2012
I’m doing a project for design class and I need to draw something I don’t like. Recently I’ve been having a lot of anxiety and feelings of lost control. I was hoping to think of some sort of object or something that can be drawn that could somehow symbolize this feeling. It needs to be an object though.
Any ideas?
Chosen Answer:
i was just reading an article about anxiety that had a really good picture of a woman experiencing anxiety maybe the article or the picture will give you some ideas
by: novabook
on: 25th September 08
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: anxiety, chosen, class, control, design, doing, draw, drawn, feeling, having, hoping, ideas, losing, lost, need, object, project, recently, somehow, something, sort, symbolize, symbols, think, though | 2 Comments »
February 25th, 2012
We have a 4 month old puppy and she has severe separation anxiety. She follows us everywhere and if we shut her out of our room she cries and cries and sits by the door until we come out.
Is there a way to calm her down?
She also has an obsession with chewing. I think she has high anxiety.
Chosen Answer:
At four months old, your puppy is teething. you can get some Kong toy and ice for her to chew on. This will help sooth her gum.
Barking, whining, escaping, destructive behavior or, in severe cases, self-mutilation can be your dog’s way of expressing anxiety over your absence.
Practice leaving your dog alone for short periods of time. Pick up your keys and leave for 1 minute.
Gradually increase the amount of time you stay away. This will accustom your dog to your absence.
Avoid overly emotional good-byes and greetings. Instead, pat your dog on the head and offer a quick good-bye or hello.
Keep your dog confined in a safe area while you are away. Be sure to leave a bowl of water and plenty of chew toys.
Exercise your dog for an hour each day in places other than your yard or home. This helps your dog feel comfortable in other locations and lets her blow off steam
Praise your dog often to build self-confidence, rather than punishing her for exhibiting frightened behaviors. Punishment only increases anxiety and makes the situation worse.
by: Mochi
on: 13th November 08
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: anxiety, barking, calm, chew, chewing, chosen, cries, door, down, everywhere, follows, four, kong, month, obsession, puppy, room, separation, severe, shut, sits, sooth, teething, think, whining | 8 Comments »
February 24th, 2012
I am returning to work in 2 weeks and am feeling extreme anxiety and guilt about leaving my 6-month baby. I haven’t been apart from him for more than 6 hours since he’s been born. Financially our family needs two incomes, and I am obligated to return to work, but am emotionally not ready. Whenever I think of it, I start crying. How can I deal with this?
Chosen Answer:
Just remember that what is good for the mother is good for the child. All involved in the family process have their own needs. Even at an early age children start to understand that they fit in to a larger picture. So getting back to work or your regular routine is really good for a baby. It provides a rythm to their world. Plus after you have picked the proper type day care for you and your child you can feel confident that the socializing they are picking up inherently is very valuable as well.
But if these feeling persist or intensify see your doctor or a therapist as post partum depression is real and terrifying.
Good luck with work! Enjoy.
by: Mary Z
on: 31st October 08
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: anxiety, apart, baby, emotionally, extreme, family, feeling, financially, guilt, haven, hours, incomes, leaving, month, needs, obligated, ready, return, returning, sadness, start, think, weeks, whenever, work | 5 Comments »
February 23rd, 2012
I have a lot of anxiety including social anxiety.
It’s easy for me to rationalize that I shouldn’t be afraid, but the symptoms still come. Taking deep breaths does not help at all.
How can I get rid of it all?
Chosen Answer:
on: 1st January 70
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: anxiety, breaths, chosen, drugs, easy, january, rationalize, shouldn, social, symptoms, taking | 5 Comments »
February 22nd, 2012
What is the best way to deal with anxiety and panic attacks,especially during pregnancy?
Chosen Answer:
Quit whining and take your Midol Scott!
by: Joe Davola
on: 10th November 08
Posted in Anxiety Q & A | Tags: anxiety, attacks, attacksespecially, chosen, davola, midol, november, panic, pregnancy, quit, scott, what, whining | 12 Comments »
February 20th, 2012
they are both benzodiazepines. i get tested for benzodiazepines. i took valium. but i also take ativan. ativan i have a prescription for. valium i don’t. hopefully someone who is an expert on or knows what those drugs metabolizes into.
Chosen Answer:
Yes they can But they would have to get a confirmation on the test.From the lab that they use.But most probation take anstat-check.Good Luck And don’t use any kind of drugs.
by: miss missy
on: 10th December 08
Posted in Valium Information | Tags: anstat, ativan, benzodiazepines, checkgood, chosen, confirmation, difference, drug, expert, hopefully, kind, knows, luck, metabolizes, miss, missy, prescription, probation, someone, test, tested, testfrom, they, usebut, valium | 2 Comments »
February 19th, 2012
I already know what bezo’s are so dont put Benzo’s are…..
I just wanna know the different feelings they give you……………
And dont say….Benzo’s are bad dont take them cause I have for 5 years taken xanax know im being switched to valium…..
Chosen Answer:
Xanax is very short acting. Valium takes many hours to clear your system. Otherwise they have very similar properties: calms you, makes you sleepy, reduces anxiety, and relaxes muscles.
by: Leo R
on: 13th May 10
Posted in Valium Information | Tags: acting, benzo, bezo, calms, chosen, clear, difference, different, dont, feelings, give, hours, main, otherwise, properties, saybenzo, short, similar, switched, system, takes, valium, wanna, xanax, years | 3 Comments »