NOBUKAZU KURIKI|The brder and your limit in your illusion
ソロアルピニスト栗城史多 A japanese mountain climber, age 28

After 2 years of climbing experience in college, he succeeded to climb Mt. McKinley in solo style, the highest mountain in North America, as his first foreign voyage.

After his solo climbing in Mt. Aconcagua in 2005, the highest mountain in South America, he started to think that he wanted to feel the earth through climbing. Then he succeeded climbing the highest mountain of 6 continents out of 7 in solo style.

Since 2007, he climbs the mountains in the Himalayas, which altitude is over 8,000m. In May of 2007, he succeeded to climb Mt. Cho Oyu (8,201m - the 6th world’s highest mt) alone without oxygen tanks. It was his first time to deliver footage of his climbing scene on the Internet, and he started to aim to deliver his adventure footage as “shared experience” with people who are behind a computer monitor.

In October of 2008, he succeeded to climb Mt. Manaslu (8,163m - the 8th world’s highest mt) alone without oxygen tanks and also to ski from the peak, which is the very first accomplishment as a Japanese.

In May 2009, he also climbed Mt. Dhaulagiri (8,167m - the 7th world’s highest mt) alone with no oxygen tanks and succeeded to broadcast live on the Internet.

In September 2009, he challenged to the world’s highest mountain Everest (8,848m) from the Great couloir alone and without oxygen tanks and also to broadcast live on the Internet, but didn’t succeed. The highest point he touched was 7,950m.

In September 2010, he again challenged to climb Mt. Everest from Nepal side, but didn’t succeed. The point he reached this time was 7,750m.

He aims to broadcast live on the Internet when he reaches to the peak of the Everest so that he can “share his adventure” with many people all over the world hoping they can feel the courage to make their first step in their own adventure.

His motto: The border and your limit is your illusion.”

For his footage, please see his YouTube channel “kurikiyama”.

Kuriki’s Facebook Fan Page: